Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8107: Demonic bones appear!

Chapter 8107: Demonic bones appear!


! .

Jiang Tian couldn't help shouting and let out a long sigh of relief.

This is the moment when the alien beasts from the stars appeared and truly began to threaten the eternal body of Qing Shi.

Perhaps the moment that determines victory or defeat is coming!

At this time, Jiang Tian was unambiguous.

With a wave of his big hand, he summoned the bones of the giant hand in the purple mysterious world, and at the same time summoned the bones of the giant hand demon.

Without urging, they flew out on their own in the face of the terrifying suction force.


The two giant demon hand bones returned to their original bodies, and the aura of the several-foot-tall giant demon bones was harmonious, erupting with a powerful and terrifying pressure.

The golden light all over the body surged, like a golden **** of war standing in the starry sky!

"kill him!"

! .

Jiang Tian waved his hand and pointed directly at the eternal green shirt in the star storm.


The giant golden monster skeleton turned and swept forward, turning into a golden light and pounced into the star storm.

"A star storm of this scale also wants to take advantage of me. Are you afraid that you are doing Bai Mu... huh?"

Qingshan Yongyong ignored the attacks of the two strange beasts, and did not forget to mock Jiang Tian.

However, before the word "dream" came out of his mouth, he felt a different change.

He turned his head sharply and looked at the huge golden light coming from behind, his pupils contracted!

Boom boom boom boom!

Dense explosions suddenly erupted, and the giant monster's bones stepped into the star storm, punching Qing Shiyong's back one after another.

Every blow erupted with astonishing power, like rounds of golden scorching sun.

"Is there such a method?!"

There was already a hint of anger in the voice of the old man in blue, but there was also a hint of inexplicable surprise.

Obviously, the appearance of this giant demon bone can also be regarded as an unexpected gain for him, allowing his income from this trip to continue to increase.

I didn't see how he took action, but I saw a translucent cyan barrier suddenly erected a hundred feet behind him.

It was like a majestic city wall that blocked all the fist shadows of the scorching sun. The fist shadows bombarded the barrier and exploded into golden waves.

But this cyan barrier only swayed slightly and still stood firm.

This scene was not completely unexpected by Jiang Tian.

Although the giant demon's hand bones are strong, they will continue to unlock their hidden power as his realm improves.

But he didn't think that he could unlock a power comparable to the level of eternity!

At least it can't be done now, otherwise, what's the point of the natural chasm in the eternal realm?

If he doesn't enter eternity, he can drive the giant monster's bones to crush the eternal realm. What does the eternal calamity mean to him?

And the meaning of what he did began to emerge in the blink of an eye!

The two star beasts had already crossed the intertwined barrier of Taiyi Lingmu and Taichu Demonic Vine. At this moment, they seized the opportunity and each launched a powerful offensive.



The toad star beast opened its huge mouth, and its golden star tongue burst out.

Hundreds of tentacles of the octopus star beast were intertwined into a terrifying large net, and it rushed towards Qing Shi Eternal at a speed that was not inferior to the former.

The Giant Demon Bone's offensive has not stopped either.

The moment the fist was blocked, a pair of bones and palms joined together like sharp blades and thrust forward.


The golden light explodes and the waves burst out!

The cyan barrier was forcibly penetrated by the two bone palm blades.


The Giant Demon Bone reversed its palms and pulled it outwards, tearing a gap and fitting it through.

He jumped up suddenly, waved a pair of golden bone fists from a high position and smashed them down.


There was a loud noise, golden light flashed, and the fist that smashed the giant monster's bone was gently supported by a palm transformed into green light.

It's like an eternal and unbreakable barrier is blocking it, no matter how powerful it is, it can't overcome Fenhao.

At the same time, Qingshan Yongheng suddenly let go of the two sacred trees and abandoned them.

He moved his left hand forward, grabbed a ball of the tentacles of the approaching octopus star beast, and pulled it hard to the left and back.

Bang bang bang... boom!


The octopus star beast was thrown away like a kite by the terrifying force.

At least dozens of the seemingly indestructible tentacles broke instantly, causing it to roar in pain.

At the same time, Qing Shi eternally waved his right hand, using his palm as a knife to cut across the body.

Tsk, bang!

The star tongue ejected by the toad star beast was streaked by a blue light and collapsed with a sound.

Star Tongue shot back with huge recoil force, like a golden meteor hitting the toad star beast's wide mouth. The terrifying force knocked it upside down in the starry sky.

Internal injuries are inevitable, but I don't know how this toad star beast can resolve such injuries.

A section of Star Tongue was cut off, and the remaining part was shot backwards to injure him, which is also tragic to say the least.

Qingshan's eternal response seems complicated, but in fact it only happens in a moment.

After he withstood the blow from the giant demon bone fist and knocked back the two star beasts, Shi Shiran swung his right palm and flew out the giant demon bone with his backhand.


The sound of broken bones resounded clearly through the starry sky. Jiang Tian was shocked and shouted that something was wrong.

But the next moment, a dazzling golden light was seen flowing around the collapsed chest of the Giant Demon Bones.

After turning around, the collapsed golden skeleton instantly returned to its original shape, as if it had never been injured!

"Oh?" Qingshan Yongheng was a little surprised and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and looked at the demon bone.

His attack seemed random, but it contained a powerful force of eternity. Even if a strong man of the same level suffered it, it would be difficult for him to recover in a short time.

But the bones of this giant demon can be easily restored, which shows that its foundation is extraordinary!

"Forbidden body? Haha, I accept this great gift!"

Qing Shiyong has a keen interest in the bones of the giant demon.

And with his vision and experience, he naturally saw the origin of this giant demon bone.

It is a taboo body that everyone in the martial arts world has heard of, and it is a complete taboo body!


Qing Shiyong turned around and was about to **** the bones of the giant demon that had been blown away by him, preparing to forcibly collect this rare treasure.

But his feet couldn't move anymore, and they were caught by some powerful force!

Looking down, he saw tentacles entwined on his right leg. It was the octopus star beast.

Not only that, the suction cups on the tentacles were still wildly devouring his eternal power, and together with his eternal blood, they were also rapidly draining away.

In just a moment, the other leg was also entangled.

Tentacles climbed up eagerly along his legs, wrapped around his waist, and forced their way into his chest and neck.

The suction cups erupted with bone-piercing resounding force, sucking up all his strength, essence, blood, and even flesh and bones!

"How dare you, evil beast?!"

Qing Shi Yong roared and waved his hand to cut off the tentacles that had spread to his chest.

At the same time, he reached out with both palms and violently grasped and exploded the two tentacles coiled around his waist!

While exerting force on both legs, he twisted his waist - bang bang bang bang!

The countless tentacles wrapped around him by the octopus star beast exploded, and the power restraining him finally disappeared.

Qingshan Yongheng had no time to fight with the octopus star beast, his target was the golden demon bone! He wanted to take down the forbidden body as soon as possible, turn around, and then slowly deal with these two strange beasts as well as Jiang Tian who was still waiting for an opportunity, overestimating his own abilities and dreaming of a comeback.

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