Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8103: struggle desperately

Chapter 8103: struggle desperately

Jiang Tian used so many methods, but he only gained a moment of self-control for his body.

He handed over the Taichu Demonic Vine to his left and right, and held it together with the Taiyi Lingmu.

Stretching his right hand back obliquely, Sanqiao Mountain is already in his grasp, and he shoots it out like a bow and arrow.


Sanqiao Mountain is extremely heavy and its power is astonishing.

But after the magic weapon escaped, there was no reply, and it didn't even stir up a star.


Jiang Tian took a breath of cold air.

The treasure of Sanqiao Mountain is different from other magic weapons.

Once the distance is reached, it cannot be recalled instantly with the help of spiritual thoughts. Either it needs to be teleported to intercept it, or it can be grabbed by means of space.

But these methods are obviously unable to be used under the pressure of the eternal realm.

Not to mention, Sanqiao Mountain is already a meat bag beating a dog, and there is no return.

This was actually not beyond Jiang Tian's expectation.

In terms of attack effectiveness, Xingxuan Heavy Water may not be weaker than Sanqiao Mountain.

The former has been fruitless, so it is no surprise that the latter has been taken away.

But this was Jiang Tian's decisive move without reservation, his only choice, and his helpless struggle to the death.

Faced with the oppression of life and death from the mighty power of the eternal realm - he has no choice!


The voice of the eternal realm almighty suddenly had a hint of surprise, and the terrifying pressure also eased.

It seemed that he finally noticed the power of Jiang Tian's bloodline.

"The dragon bloodline is still at such a high level. Could it be that he is a monster from that force?"

The Eternal Realm Mighty murmured to himself, as if he was caught in some kind of weighing and judgment.

This gave Jiang Tian an illusion for a moment, but he erased it immediately.

He has walked all the way from the lower world and has gone through countless life and death tests. He is no longer an innocent child.

Since the other party has taken action against him, how can it change because of his bloodline level?

No matter how high his blood level is and how powerful his background is, so what?

Killing means killing. The Eternal Realm can kill a junior who is not as powerful as himself. Who do I need to explain to?

Even if the forces behind it are traced, what can they do to the other party?

What's more, he actually doesn't have a strong background at all. Strictly speaking, he can be regarded as a casual cultivator!

His experiences in the academy and sect in the lower world have no meaning for his practice in the upper world.

The lightning of his thoughts flashed across the divine sea, and Jiang Tian regained his composure.

Almost all the means that he thought were powerful were at his disposal, but he did not even threaten the opponent at all.

No, there are still some methods!

"Thunder Formation!"


Thousands of feet of thunder array suspended in the starry sky, blasting down a terrifying thunder pillar nearly a thousand feet thick.

Such power cannot be said to be terrifying.

It is also the most extreme thunder power he has been able to unleash since he awakened his thunder body.

But the thunder pillar disintegrated in the middle of the crash, exploding into thunderbolts that scattered into the starry sky.

Sure enough...it still doesn't work!

"Bloodline vision, open!"


With the blessing of bloodline potential, Jiang Tian opened the bloodline vision.

A fragment of dragon's beard composed of countless purple scales stretched across the void, erupting with astonishing bloodline power.

"This is..." The powerful voice of the Eternal Realm revealed a hint of confusion.

Jiang Tian is undoubtedly of Dragon Clan bloodline, and is of a very high level.

But this unusual bloodline phenomenon surprised him.

In his impression, there seemed to be no noble dragon bloodline that could show such a strange phenomenon.

After roughly thinking about it, he excluded all the known dragon bloodlines and suddenly shook his head and smiled.

"It seems that your bloodline is more complicated than I thought."

This Eternal Realm great master has obviously realized that Jiang Tian's bloodline is somewhat unusual.

But this would only surprise him and not increase his fear at all.

But suddenly he understood the reason why the man summoned him and told him to "capture him alive".

If not, how could Jiang Tian use so many self-righteous methods and survive until now?

The Eternal Realm Almighty smiled.

"Stop struggling," he said.

But Jiang Tian's struggle never stopped.

He has never given up the fight against fate, and at this moment, even though he knew it was a desperate situation, he never gave up the challenge to the power of the eternal realm.

Even though he himself didn't feel that his struggle would eventually lead to a comeback, he still had to make some efforts instead of destroying his heart and soul in the face of a strong person, closing his eyes and waiting for death.



The purple dragon's beard let out a violent roar, and Jiang Tian's hands once again grasped the Taiyi Spirit Wood and the Taichu Demonic Vine.

The hot blood power was poured into it crazily, and the two trees fired together, and the green and ink colors illuminated the starry sky!


Ho **** ho!

Taiyi Lingmu and Taichu Demonic Vine were tightly held in his hands, and he did not dare to let go.

This should be what he regards as his final trump card. Success leads to survival, failure leads to death.

But he didn't dare to throw it away and let it fight the enemy on its own.

Because he was facing an eternal realm power, an opponent whose strength was unfathomable.

No matter whether he judged whether the other party suppressed the mad power of the two great trees in one fell swoop, once the two great trees were captured by the other party, his end would be coming.

Dark green divine light filled the air crazily, countless dark green branches spread rapidly, and the eight-character magic formula emerged - Taiyi filled the sky, and all laws returned to their original state!

On the other side, countless black magic vines roared out like evil dragons, and the black magic energy was already overwhelming, erupting into a heart-stopping howl.

The two giant trees unleashed their power at the same time, charging straight at the powerful opponent!

"Taiyi Lingmu, Taichu Demonic Vine?!"

This time, there was finally a hint of seriousness in the voice of the Eternal Realm Almighty.

He seemed to be moved by the methods Jiang Tian used at this moment.

"I didn't expect that two of the three innate sacred trees would be in your hands. What kind of luck and opportunity is this?"

The three innate sacred trees are said to have become extinct in the world.

Even his level of eternal power is regarded as a rare treasure and cannot be found.

Unexpectedly, a mere junior in the Origin Realm could hold two of them at the same time.

Its unbelievable!

"My luck is really good!"

The Eternal Realm Great Master waved his hand, and the shadow of his arm shrouded in blue robes fell down like a river of stars.

The five fingers are spread out and drawn towards the Taiyi Lingmu.

The other hand also reached out and grabbed the Taichu Demonic Vine.

The two giant hands were shrouded in green light at the same time, looking gleaming.

Jiang Tian, who had traveled across the galaxy and suppressed more than a dozen star storms, was extremely shocked when he looked at the two big green-shirted hands that had caught him in the air.

This kind of power made him feel desperate before it really fell.

It was a power that even two strange trees could not compete with.

The Eternal Realm should be just the difference between two adjacent realms compared to the Origin Realm.

Why are there such huge differences in combat power?

In the past, with his cultivation in the middle stage of the Great Realm, it was no problem to cross a Great Realm and confront the enemy. But in front of the eternal realm power, it seems that there is a huge chasm between them!

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