Chapter 119 An Overwhelming Assault?

Somewhere deep within the Immortal Realm, in an unknown separate dimension. A male figure steadily walked within a pitch-black room; the male figure had a muscular build with broad shoulders as his arms swung beside him. The room was completely dark, making it hard to discern anything; the only reason one could see the back of the male figure was because the surface glowed every time he stepped forward. Suddenly halting within the lightless room, the man knelt on one knee with a bowed head as he spoke, his words filled with utter respect and reverence as if talking to a god.

"Saint Ancestor, as you had predicted, the eighth great-great-grandson has met with the people who killed the grand-elder. He had also shattered his life crystal, as you had also predicted. With the Saint Ancestor's permission, we wish to proceed."

The male figure's words caused the surrounding space to tremble as he maintained his position, awaiting an order from whoever he spoke to. But instead of a reply, the unknown entity made a loud exhale; this unknown entity's exhaling force was so powerful that it instantly shattered the void, causing countless chaotic Qi to invade the room. Even when the room got exposed to the chaotic purple void space, one couldn't see anyone other than the kneeling male figure.

But as if it never happened, the shattered void space, which was at least a thousand feet, instantly vanished. Then, a heavy male voice sounded within the room. This person's voice was filled with seriousness and an authoritative presence.

"Those undying codgers won't overlook their Jian family suffering such losses, but they wouldn't dare come asking for reparations either. Take as many Saints and Saint Kings as you want and capture those who dared humiliate our Ancient Gong family; such blatant blasphemy must not be tolerated."

"As the Saint Ancestor commands."

In the Jian family's sacred realm, deep underneath the Sword Saint city in the spacious room of statues. A male voice sounded in the dark chamber, with a hint of suspicion in his words.

"The Gong kid shattered his life crystal, which means members of the Gong family are coming. Should we interfere?"

"..., We must only interfere when necessary. Although we are allies with the Gong family, our trust isn't that firm. And despite it being our territory, preventing their people from entering our realm would appear as us siding with the enemy, and they will ultimately use that as an excuse to attack us."

"I agree; we can't afford to offend the Gong family. Although it will cost us dearly, it's not something we can't recuperate from. And also, these people are our enemies; we might as well let the Gong family do the work for us."

The old ancestors of the Jian family, who hid in the shadows, away from the outside world, discussed their actions. Although it would affect their reputation and cost them millions for the on-coming destruction, the pros outweighed the cons. They get to avenge their dead sub-subordinates while also strengthening their alliance with the Ancient Gong family. But while the Jian ancestors thought their decision was the right one, little did they know what Patrick had in store for them.

At the auction coliseum, the host lady called the final bid for the Soul Devouring Blade, as the announced amount left the entire crowd speechless. Some cultivators couldn't help but stare at chamber 4. They couldn't believe that people were so disgustingly wealthy to spend hundreds of millions of Immortal Realm currencies like it was nothing. Among the crowd, the previously mentioned elderly lady expressed with widened, shocked eyes as she stared at chamber 4.

"Most of these low-realm cultivators might not be able to comprehend the gravity of such wealth, as they are not in the capability of even knowing of such amount. But I understand. The Immortal realm has eight currencies, but only seven of them are being used; one hundred million of each currency is equal to one higher currency, meaning for every hundred million Law spirit stones, it would be equal to one Time spirit stone. This means those people have wealth comparable to the Overlords?"

The elderly lady couldn't think properly as her mind calculated the immensity of such wealth. A wealth that aligns in the same category as the Overlords, who are overseers of continents and have been accumulating their wealth for countless Immortal Cycles. And even they would be hesitant to spend such astronomical amounts casually. Even more important was accumulating such devastating amounts of Immortal currencies. One must first know where to find the stone currencies and use God-graded artifacts to mine them. Such factors made it nearly impossible to obtain vast amounts of stone currencies.

The Star Commerce Alliance middle-aged man also wasn't an exception. He expressed with widened eyes as he never thought that a group other than the Overlords and the Immortal Gate was wealthy enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with them in wealth, and that's after liquidating their entire assets and accounts.

'Was there another wealthy family in the Immortal Realm? I don't remember them even being on our private class list. Could it be that I have offended the wrong people this time?'

The middle-aged man thought as sweats rolled down his forehead, his shocked expression changing to fear the next instant.

On the bidding platform, the host lady finished announcing the final bid as there weren't any higher bidders for the Soul Devouring Blade. Using the same method as she did for the Spatial Gourd, the host used her Qi and directed the blade to chamber 4. And as expected, the blade, boxed in a golden square, steadily rose from its sitting as it vanished after. From the crowd's and host's perspective, the blade had vanished and was sent to chamber 4. But they didn't notice the slight glow from the blade, causing it to vanish before the host could send it to its proper destination.

In chamber 4, Patrick sat, expecting the blade to appear in his hands like the spatial gourd. But then, Patrick and everyone in the chamber watched as the blade glowed and vanished into the crowd. Seeing this, Patrick shifted his eyes into the crowd and stopped at one particular group; more precisely, Patrick's gaze landed on Lian Zu, who was acting as if nothing had happened while having a bright smile plastered on his face.

"It seems he is the Unparalleled Immortal Demon they mentioned earlier, the primary owner of the blade."

Athena spoke femininely as she sat cross-legged, her eyes fixed on Lian Zu, who didn't even know he was being watched at the moment. The next moment, Anastasia's mini self, resting on her breasts, snapped its cute little fingers as Anastasia's system interface emerged. On the interface was the complete biography of Lian Zu and everyone in his group. Athena and Thalia's system interfaces also popped up, displaying the life history of Lian Zu and his group. Raleigh didn't have to use his system as his title was the 'Known,' which meant he knew everything that had happened.

Patrick watched Lian Zu in the crowd as Grace summarized Lian Zu's life history. But with a five-second glance, Patrick retracted his gaze from Lian Zu. Suddenly, Raleigh's voice sounded from behind Patrick.

"This humble Eternity pleads His Absoluteness permits him to punish that lowly wisp of consciousness for daring to steal an item from its rightful owner, His Absoluteness."

Raleigh knelt in his signature servitude posture, kneeling on one knee, left palm lying flat on the ground, and right hand covering his face as he pleaded with his master to permit him to punish Lian Zu for his atrocious act against his master, his creator.

Patrick sat relaxed as he listened to Raleigh's plea. But raising his left index finger, he spoke.

"He didn't steal the blade, Osborn; I let him have it; I want to see how high of a realm he will reach with it. And besides, I can have it whenever I want."

While Patrick spoke the last sentence, the Soul Devouring Blade, which Lian Zu had previously taken, steadily rotated in his left palm, showing Raleigh and proving his words. Finished speaking, the blade dissipated as it returned to Lian Zu's possession.

Understanding his master's words, Raleigh nodded his head as he stood, hands behind his back. He didn't dare question the actions of his master.

The next moment, Patrick and his group looked at the sealing of the sealed coliseum. Patrick spoke after,

"The crybaby's dogs are here."

As Patrick finished speaking, the entire coliseum trembled intensely as every cultivator felt their souls almost leaving their physical bodies. The scene became extremely threatening as thousands of cultivators collapsed due to the countless overbearing presences released outside the coliseum.

Then, a sharp metal sound resonated in the surroundings as the top of the auction coliseum was completely sliced off. With the coliseum cover gone, there were over three thousand cultivators, male and female, steadily floating in the skies. The scene was overwhelmingly tense as the presence of these arrived cultivators alone made the space vibrate uncontrollably. Three thousand five hundred cultivators were hovering above the coliseum with serious, disgruntled faces as they stared within the coliseum.

Suddenly, a muscular man floating before the thousands of cultivators with folded arms steadily drifted forward as his voice reverberated within the entire Sacred Realm.

"Which of you is the unworthy peas-


But before the burly man could even finish saying his introductory phrase, a slapping sound interrupted him as a loud splatter echoed within the sacred realm. The scene became extremely confusing as no one reacted, or more to say, couldn't timely react. The cultivators from the Gong family all hovered in the air like frozen statues as their brains were still in the process of listening to the burly man speak. But ten seconds later, a female cultivator regained consciousness as she noticed over five hundred of her comrades completely missing, leaving a wide space before her.

But that wasn't the only noticeable thing; she also felt thick lumps of heat on her face and body, even wondering why she was suddenly feeling warm. But slowly grabbing a thick lump of heated meat from her face, the female cultivator stared at the lump of meat as she slowly realized what she was holding wasn't a lump of heated meat but rather a human brain. Holding the thick human brain in her hand, the woman then slowly stared at her clothes only to discover she was soaked in the blood of her members.

With such a shocking realization, the female cultivator surveyed her surroundings as she also saw the other living cultivators completely covered in blood, pasted body parts, or squashed internal organs. Without even looking for the person who caused such a brutal annihilation, sweats began dripping from the faces of the remaining three thousand cultivators as they instinctually developed fear and despair toward whoever caused such a scene. But then, the cultivators noticed a being hovering in the distance as they dreadfully gazed at him. This person was an extremely handsome man with silver hair and a fit build. But despite the man being handsome, the cultivators saw otherwise.

In the distance, Patrick hovered in the air as he stared at the dreadful expressions of the cultivators; some managed to remain calm as they scrutinizingly stared at Patrick, trying to analyze the situation. Patrick stared at the hundreds of first-stage Saint Kings and thousands of peak late-stage Saints as he spoke, his words not acknowledging these powerful entities capable of ending billions of lives in seconds as his enemies.

"When your eighth crybaby of a prince called for help, I expected millions of you to show up and be my slapping practices; how discourteous of an ancient family. Still, I will give you all a minute to prepare your best and most powerful attacks. But while doing that, also say your last prayers."

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