General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 1111: show your true colors

Chapter 1111: show your true colors

Chapter 1111 revealing his true colors

"Second Uncle, what are you talking about?"

Xia Houqing couldn't believe that the man in front of her was her kind and loving second uncle.

Tearing the face was in an instant, like a river embankment was blown open, and the mountain torrent accumulated for many years flowed down violently, without any room for buffering.

Wherever you pass, your faith collapses!

Xia Houyi said: "Do you think, if I didn't let my stupid brother, he can become the city lord? Even you, I was the one who helped you become the city lord."

"Stupid brother..."

Xia Houqing never expected that her father would be so miserable in the heart of her second uncle!

He restrained his anger and said: "In that case, why don't you become the city lord yourself? Why did you let it go? Why didn't you **** it earlier? But now, when the dust has settled, do you want to take everything from me?"

Xia Houyi paused: "Because I was wrong once."

Xia Houqing looked at him coldly.

Xia Houyi looked into the boundless night and said: "Half of the successive city lords of the Xiahou family died of this disease, and there are not many records about whether the rest of the Xiahou family also died of this disease. I still remember that my elder brother is about to die. The night before he became the city lord, he took my hand and said that he was very scared. As long as he became the city lord in Xiahous house, he would not be able to escape this curse. If he dies, let me take good care of you and dont let you become the next city lord .

It was the first time Xia Houqing heard such an inside story. For a while, he didn't know whether to be surprised or feel absurd.

"Before my father died, he didn't announce his heir because of this?"


"Then I'm afraid you have been tricked."

Xia Houqing doesn't know anyone, but she is very clear-headed about certain things.

Xia Houyi said: "Yes, I fell for the trick. He has seen that I am capable and ambitious. In order to prevent me from competing with him for the position of city lord, he used this to scare me. Naturally, I don't believe it all, but he It was indeed after he succeeded to the throne. After his death, I had a bold idea."

Xia Houqing suffered another painful blow to his heart: "Help me to the top, and try again to see if this curse is true. But I didn't expect that I, the city lord, didn't get sick, but you did."

Xia Houyi nodded: "Over the years, I have thought of many ways to lift the curse."

Xia Houqing said seriously: "Second uncle, this is not a curse, but a disease! A disease passed down from generation to generation!"

Xia Houyi said flatly: "No, this is a curse, and I have found a solution to the curse."

Xia Houqing didn't want to ask what the solution was at all. His second uncle was so dazed that he would say such nonsense as cursing.

He said angrily: "Second Uncle, don't think that pretending to be crazy will make me forgive you for everything! Even if you are my dear Second Uncle, I will not... be soft-hearted!"

Xia Houyi suddenly laughed.

A very faint sneer.

Xia Houqing was not as shocked as before, she could even speak and laugh, so nothing.

"Come... people."

As soon as he uttered the word "herringbone", he felt a blockage in his throat.

He covered his throat and tried to pronounce it again, but found that there was no sound at all.

He...can't speak!

He looked at Xia Houyi in a flash.

Xia Houyi's eyes were cold, without the slightest surprise.

He just watched Xia Houqing clutching his throat and falling down.

Xia Houqing's body began to convulse, and her hands and feet began to tremble.

"Ah... ah..."

Finally, his throat was unblocked, but he could only make a very low and hoarse sound.

He tried to yell louder so that the manager outside the door could hear him.

At this moment, a high-pitched voice sounded from the side: "Who are you? Why do you provoke my relationship with my second uncle?"

This voice, this tone of voice, is exactly the same as his!

The man walked over slowly: "You are the one who framed my second uncle!"

Immediately, under Xia Houqing's extremely frightened and angry gaze, the man picked up a human skin mask and put it on his face.

This is Xia Houqing's face.

At the same time, Xia Houqing felt a burning pain on his face, his face seemed to be burning, and his facial features were tearing, making him roll on the floor in pain.

He roared hard, but the weak voice was quickly covered by the man: "You'd better be obedient and get caught! Otherwise, I won't spare you! Stop!"

Xia Houqing's vision and consciousness became blurred at the same time.

Suddenly, he saw two figures coming out of the window.

Outside the house came the steward's shout: "City Master! Where are you going? The assassin asked the guards to catch him!"

"This person framed my second uncle, I must have caught him myself!"

"The city lord! The city lord!"

Manager Chang chased him out.

Xia Houqing was desperate.

I don't know if it was his hallucination, but he actually saw the second uncle stand up from the wheelchair.

Xia Houyi squatted down and rummaged through him for a while.

After searching for a while, he frowned: "Huh?"

Yun Lin's face suddenly flashed in Xia Houqing's mind.

He grabbed the last sliver of consciousness and bit the tip of his tongue.

The huge pain made him wake up instantly, he overthrew Xia Houyi, got up and rushed out the door.

"Come... come..."

He screamed hoarsely and hopelessly, his vocal cords were paralyzed and could not vibrate at all.

He bumped into a guard, and was about to order him to arrest Xia Houyi, when the guard pulled out his long sword: "Who are you?"

Xia Houqing said with difficulty: "I am the lord of the city."

The guard looked him up and down, and said murderously: "Where did the lunatic come from, he sneaked into the city lord's mansion to pretend to be the city lord! He even stole the city lord's clothes!"

The guard slashed at him with a sword!

Xia Houqing escaped by relying on his body skills, but his inner strength was disordered, which made it difficult for him to use his kung fu.

The guard said angrily: "Still hiding? Come on! The assassin is here!"

Xia Houqing looked at the guards attacking her in a mass of darkness, panicked in her heart, and tried her best to escape the city lord's mansion with light work!

"That assassin is quite familiar with the City Lord's Mansion, so he threw us away!"

"Separate to chase!"

"Yes, boss!"

"Wait a minute, he is wearing the clothes of the city lord, but it is not ruled out that he will take them off halfway, pay attention to the person wearing the white middle coat."


After Xia Houqing escaped, he immediately took off his robe and threw it by the side of the road.

Then continue running in the opposite direction.

His internal strength was quickly exhausted, and at the same time he had to endure pain from all over the body, and he fell down countless times.

He passed several sects, but none of them recognized him.

To make matters worse, there were guards hunting assassins everywhere in Fengdu City.

He suddenly found sadly that there was no place for him to hide on the huge Qianshan Island.

The Five Poison Sect dispatched hounds and began a search across the city.


Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and it began to rain heavily in Russia.

The rain masked his smell and broke down his body, making it impossible for him to move.

A peddler hiding from the rain carried a burden and knocked down Xia Houqing.

The peddler scolded: "You don't have eyes when you walk!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed over and kicked him hard!

Xia Houqing put her head in her hands, looking like a rat crossing the street.

The peddler had vented enough, and he lay under the freezing rain, the meandering stream of water washing over him.

He bit the tip of his tongue again, forcing himself to regain consciousness.

He climbed up with difficulty and stumbled forward in the heavy rain.

I don't know how long I walked, and I don't know how much rain I got, and finally came to a gate.

He slammed on the door.


The door opened from inside.

Two young disciples held umbrellas and looked at him.

"who are you?"

one of the disciples asked.

"What happened?"

Ling Yun's voice suddenly appeared inside the door.

The two disciples turned around and saluted: "Young Palace Master."

The disciple who spoke just now said: "Young Palace Master, there is someone here, I don't know who it is."

Yun Lin held an oil-paper umbrella and asked, "Where is it?"

Another disciple waved his hand and pointed out the door: "Hey? Where is he? He was lying here just now."

Xia Houqing fled.

That's right, in the entire Qianshan Island, the only place he could think of to take in an "assassin" like him was Baihua Palace.

But the moment his son really appeared, he stopped again.

He didn't dare to let his son see himself in such a mess.

What's more, even if he saw it, the son would not recognize himself.

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