General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 1105: hold tight golden thighs

Chapter 1105: hold tight golden thighs

Chapter 1105 Hold on to the golden thigh

After Xia Houzheng was taken to the dungeon, Xia Houqing couldn't calm down for a long time.

Elder Li and Elder Liu were drunk by Wei Xu during the day, and they took a rest when they came back. At this time, besides Elder Hai who shot Xia Houzheng, only Elder Zhao was left beside him.

The two looked at the helpless look on his face, and walked in.

"The lord of the city."

Elder Zhao said, "Take care of yourself."

Elder Hai said quickly: "I really didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. It was a waste of the City Lord's careful cultivation of him for so many years, and in the end he raised a white-eyed wolf!"

"Don't say a few words." Elder Zhao whispered.

Elder Hai said indifferently: "I can't mention it anymore?"

Xia Houqing closed her eyes, and said wearily: "You two elders, go back first, and don't say anything about the treasure map."

"Yes, Santo."

The two left with a sigh.

Xia Houqing sat alone in the silent lobby, the candle lights were dim, half of his figure was shrouded in the dark night, and the other side of his figure was reflected in the dancing flames of the candle.

The whole figure seems to be cut in half, and the breeze shakes, flickering and flickering.

Steward Chang brought a bowl of ginseng soup into the room, put it on the table next to Xia Houqing, and softly comforted him: "The city lord has been busy with his work so far, and he hasn't eaten dinner yet. Let's drink some ginseng soup to warm up."

Xia Houqing has no appetite.

Steward Chang went over to brighten up the wick.

Xia Houqing said with a complex expression: "He is the first child I brought back to the City Lord's Mansion, and he has been with me for the longest time. Why is he the one who betrayed?"

Chang Guanshi said earnestly: "People's hearts are in their stomachs, some people are greedy, and their nature is like this, the city owner should just look away, don't be sad anymore."

Among the four adoptive sons, the fourth son Xia Houyan was the one who was most devoted to Xia Houqing. Unfortunately, he died, and the murderer is still unknown.

Xia Houyu and Xia Houzheng are brothers, so they must not be too loyal to him.

Now only the second child is left among the four.

Xia Houqing let out a long sigh: "I hope Jin'er will not let me down."

"Aren't there still young palace masters and young masters?"

The meaning of Chang Guanshi is obvious, even if all the adopted sons are rebellious, at least there are still biological ones who will inherit the family business of the City Lord's Mansion.

Xie Jinnian had just arrived in the yard when he heard the last two sentences of the conversation between the two.

The accompanying servant also heard it.

He glanced at his young master worriedly.

"Go back."

Xie Jinnian turned and left.

The boy opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, and silently followed.

Young master came to see the city lord, but he didn't know to hear such chilling words.

"Young master."

The servant said weakly, "Are you sad?"

Actually, Xia Houzheng's feeling is not the feeling of other people?

The city lord treats his own flesh and blood, especially Palace Master Yun Shao, much better than a few adopted sons.

It is a kind of love from the heart, you can be willful, you can fight, it doesn't even matter if you disobey the city lord.

Even if the city lord jumped in anger, he would not be willing to do anything to his own son.

If the eldest son is replaced by Palace Master Yun Shao tonight, will the city lord still have the heart to sever the father-son relationship with him and put him in prison?

A biological son is a son, and an adopted a pawn.

The little servant suddenly felt a sense of sadness for the death of a rabbit and a fox.

Xie Jinnian said calmly, "I'm not sad."


A quiet courtyard in the City Lord's Mansion.

Xia Houyi was sitting in a wheelchair, looking towards the direction of the sky.

A guard stepped over, saluted and said, "My lord, the eldest son has been arrested, and the treasure map has fallen into the hands of the city lord."

Xia Houyi's expression didn't change much, but in those dark pupils, there seemed to be a purgatory hidden from the sky.


Su Xiao took a good night's sleep, but no accident, she was awakened by three little furry heads.

The difference is that Xiaohu, who was always unable to catch his brothers, took advantage of the favorable terrain and lay down in Su Xiaoxiao's arms by himself.

The reason is that he ate too much last night and his stomach hurt most of the night.

The two elder brothers reluctantly let him go.

Su Xiaoxiao's heart melted before she opened her eyes.

She touched the steamy little stewed egg in her arms, and couldn't help being in a good mood: "Does your stomach still hurt?"

Xiaohu shook his head in her arms, and said milkily, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Su Xiaoxiao patted his little back lightly, then patted the other two Xiaotuanzi equally.

Little Douding who is more than four years old is also very cute!

Dahu said: "I want to sleep with my mother from now on."

Su Xiaoxiao asked with a smile: "Why?"

"Mother Xiangxiang." Erhu said.

"The small ax is also fragrant." Xiaohu said, "The big ax is qiuqiu! The second ax is also qiuqiu!"

Su Xiaoxiao: You really cant change your accent...

Erhu said seriously: "Dahu and I don't stink! Your nose is broken!"

Dahu raised his small iron fist and used his elder brother's coercion: "Do you deserve to be beaten again?"

Xiao Hu immediately complained: "Hit me with a big axe!"

Su Xiaoxiao said amusedly: "Haven't hit him yet, after a while he really hits, you hit back, huh?"

Xiaohu thought for a while, then shook his head confidently: "Grandpa said you can't fight!"

Oh, who is the one who flirts first every time?

The little guy is getting more and more refined, Su Xiaoxiao can't laugh or cry.

After breakfast, Lingyin rushed over excitedly: "Second Young Madam! Second Young Madam! Something serious happened!"

"What's the matter?" Su Xiaoxiao just changed the sweaty clothes for Wei Xiaobao who was sleeping soundly.

Lingyin said vividly: "The eldest son of the city lord's mansion is in prison! I heard that... the city lord severed the relationship between father and son! Let him offend the young palace lord, it's all right now, do you know who is his own?"

Xia Houzheng went to jail?

This news is really shocking.

However, Su Xiaoxiao didn't think it was because he provoked Ling Yun repeatedly.

After all, what people can see is that he only owes his mouth, and he doesn't owe him every time.

The city lord would not have punished him so severely for such a small dispute, and even severed the relationship between father and son.

"Wait, really cut off?"

Why can't she believe it?

Lingyin said: "The city lord himself said, 'Don't call me foster father, I don't have a son like you!' It has spread all over Fengdu!"

This may also be an angry statement, but if you add the fact of being in prison, it is very likely that Xia Houzheng will find it difficult to stand up.

Su Xiaoxiao rubbed her chin and murmured to herself, "The head **** didn't do it, did he? It's only been one day... What did Xia Houzheng do to die? No, I should be more concerned about how the head **** did it? If he really did it Yes, he still has the means?

"How did I have the guts to drag him into the water yesterday? If he becomes angry and turns around to deal with me..."

Can't think, can't think!

Also in southern Xinjiang, he used the five tigers to provoke his relationship with the saint.

I am really young.

People are poking a hornet's nest, and I am the level of breaking into the palace of the king of hell, and sitting on the head of the king of **** to change the book of life and death.

Lingyin was taken aback by Su Xiaoxiao's appearance: "Huh? Second Young Madam, what's the matter with you?"

Su Xiaoxiao wanted to cry but said without tears: "Prepare a coffin."

Lingyin was about to ask who it was prepared for, when Xing'er came over: "Miss, Eunuch Jin has come to Baihua Palace!"

Su Xiaoxiao covered her chest and stretched out her hand: "Brother Jinnian! Here I come!"

Xiaoxiao hugs brother Jinnian's thigh, and I want to hug everyone's thighs too. The last day doubles, asking for a monthly ticket.

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