Gate of Immortality

Chapter 166: Stone Tablet

Chapter 166: Stone Tablet

Yang Shi smiled as he finally cultivated the embryonic form of Gold Devil Seal. A golden ray enveloped his body as he looked like basking the liquid gold. Yang Shi felt his skin toughened like gold. He smiled as he condensed a short sword from the metal qi. The thin thread-like metal qi merged as became a short sword. Yang Shi slashed it with his might.

*CHI CHI CHI* With sharp noise, the golden sword tore through the air as it made shallow cuts in the floor. Yang Shi became surprised at the sharpness of his metal qi. This floor was made from the lava rocks of fire veins. Even ordinary Spirit grade weapons can't make a scratch on it. But Yang Shi's metal qi was sharp enough to cut the surface of the rocks. But just like that, Yang Shi felt his condensed sword is draining his spiritual qi at a faster rate. But Yang Shi felt such a rate of consumption is normal. " The more powerful the technique, the faster it devours spiritual qi." Yang Shi muttered.

" I wonder what is Jin Yu doing inside? It's almost time." Yang Shi prepared to enter the fifth floor. He used the embryonic Gold Devil Body as his whole body covered with golden light in the shape of armor. " Haha, It much looks like Thousand Buddha Golden Body, but its defensive power is much more than that." Yang Shi laughed. He passed through the fifth floor. Due to his Gold Devil Body, he felt the temperature decreased greatly. He saw Jin Yu sat in the middle of the hall with a red halo surrounding her. With Yang Shi's Celestial view, he could see a faint apparition of a giant golden roc behind her, devouring the energy of the fire vein.

" Wow, It seems she cultivates an Immortal grade technique." Yang Shi shrugged as he walked around the fifth floor. It was more spacious as it had a giant door in the end. " Eh? Wasn't it suppose to be only five floors in the Blazing Flame Hall? What's behind that door?" Yang Shi became curious. There are many mysterious runes on the door, looked like worms wriggling on it. Yang Shi placed his hands over it. But the moment he placed his hands, he felt his mind blanked out.

He felt a suction force as his vision blacked. He felt he was standing in another space. " A pocket dimension?" Yang Shi frowned. " No, It's like an illusion formation." Yang Shi thought. He felt he was still on the fifth floor. Suddenly, he got surprised as he saw a giant stone tablet in front of him. It looked very ancient and excluded a divine aura. Yang Shi felt he was being oppressed by the stone tablet. " What is this?" Yang Shi used his Celestial view as he looked at the stone tablet.

He felt his surrounding changed as he looked around. Now he was amidst a sea of flames. He saw flames of every color around him, burning the entire world. He felt the heat increased rapidly. This time, Yang Shi really got frightened. He felt even the Gold Devil Body is useless here. " Crap! Isn't it suppose to be an illusion formation? Why it feels so real?" Yang Shi panicked. It looked like purgatory flames that burn someone's flesh and soul. No matter how much he tried, he felt his legs glued to the ground. " Fuck! I  swear I will never touch any suspicious things again." Yang Shi cursed loudly. ut to his helplessness, he finally got consumed by flames.

Yang Shi's eyes snapped open as he looked around. The scenery around him changed again. He saw he was in a vast field, stretched to the horizon. Suddenly, he looked ahead as he became flabbergasted. He saw a person standing, wearing white robes. The sun in the sky looked incomparably close to him, like with a stretch of hand, he can grab it. " Fire originated from Yang affinity. Sun represents true fire. Refining flames of Sun, refining true yang fire." The person's word's buzzed in Yang Shi's mind.

Suddenly, that man stretched his hands to the sky. Just like a meteor falling from space, a large lump of fire fell from the sun. The fire landed on the man's palm as it began to burn slowly. Yang Shi's eyes shrunk violently as he looked at the person with a white robe. " Origin Core realm? Hah, That man is far powerful than that." Yang Shi thought. The flame in his hand was pure white, illuminated by a golden shade. Yang Shi understood that flame was transcended the ninth rank and entered a mythical realm. Just a spark of that flame enough to incinerate the world.

Suddenly, that man looked at Yang Shi. Yang Shi's felt his soul leaving his body as his vision turned white. *HAAAA* Yang Shi gasped for air as he coughed violently. He looked around as he saw he was still in the fifth floor. Jin Yu already awakened from her meditation and looking at Yang Shi with curiosity. Yang Shi sat back in a meditative position as he closed his eyes. He felt there was a string of information in his mind. " Great Yang Solar Flame Art. It has three layers. Uncle Bao taught me the first layer and told me to get the remaining one from the Golden Fire Tower. Haha, what I thought was true. It's the core technique of Golden Fire Tower. Maybe that white-robed person was the progenitor." Yang Shi chuckled.

He felt even Unle Bao had only understood the second layer of Great Yang Solar Flame Art. Maybe he didn't have the third layer or he couldn't able to comprehend it. If Uncle Bao's Great Yang Solar Flame Art is a small pond, then what Yang Shi received is an ocean worth of knowledge. This is the authentic Great yang Solar Flame Art. " Melding Yang with Fire, eh?" Yang Shi rubbed his chin. This floor was great to cultivate his Flame Demon Seal, another seal of Primordial Fiend Tyrant Body Technique." But, I will at least a month here, to get embryonic Flame Demon Body. I don't have that time." Yang Shi chuckled. 

" What happened to you?" Jin Yu asked Yang Shi, looking at her dazed expression. " Nothing. Just had a fateful encounter." Yang Shi smiled. " Now come back. We are leaving."

He knew his time limit is near, so he got up and went to exit. The mysterious door remained the same, filled with complicated runes. Yang Shi came and put on another robe as he walked out from the Blazing Flame Hall. He saw Elder Lins standing outside the hall. " It seems I have troubled Elder Lin." Yang Shi smiled. " Well, I never thought you will able to reach the fifth floor." Elder Lin sighed. " There are monitoring formations." Yang Shi chuckled. Elder Lin only smiled as he said, " What did you see on the fifth floor?" He asked.

" Are you talking about the stone tablet?" Yang  Shi said. " You indeed saw that ancient stone tablet." Elder Lin became emotional. " I hope Elder Lin can elaborate." Yang Shi chuckled. " We can talk about it later. There is another interesting thing happening right now." Elder Lin smiled. " What is it?" Yang Shi became curious.

" Your students are fighting."

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