Futuristic Chef Transmigrated As Mother

Chapter 137 - Father in his Imagination

Chapter 137: Father in his Imagination

In the Imperial Study.

“Aiyo, my eyes are about to go blind. Is this the general?”

Eunuch Su clapped his hands and praised Jiang Danhe as he approached.

“Eunuch Su.”

Jiang Danhe was actually blushing, but luckily it wasn’t obvious on his tanned complexion.

“Is the emperor here? Could I trouble you to inform him?”

“Why, General, the Emperor is not here at the moment. Would you like to come in and wait for a moment?”

Eunuch Su clapped his hands and said regretfully.

How could Jiang Danhe enter when the Emperor was not around?

“No, thanks. I’ll wait outside.”

When Jiang Danhe arrived, he had regained his composure. Therefore, as soon as he entered the palace gate, he checked with the guards and found out where his family was staying. He only went to the Imperial Study to report after he knew where his family was.

After knowing that the emperor was not around, Jiang Danhe was a little worried. After all, Yangxin Hall was in the inner palace. It was not appropriate for a man like him to enter the place alone. Although the emperor was the only master here, it still wasn’t right for him to go in alone.

Jiang Danhe had no choice but to hang around elsewhere.

As soon as he came out of the outer door of the Imperial Study, he saw two small figures disappearing in a distant corner. Coincidentally, Jiang Danhe had nothing to do, so he followed them.

Jiang Danhe had big strides and caught up with them in just a few steps. A little boy dressed in black was running with a chubby boy dressed in green. The two of them were laughing wherever they went.

Jiang Danhe knitted his brows and continued to follow them at a distance. He knew the little boy dressed in black. It was the crown prince who had been brought back not long ago. He looked around and saw that there was no one escorting the crown prince. This was too dangerous!

Jiang Danhe had nothing to do anyway, so he stayed by their side as a guard to protect them.

Jiang Danhe narrowed his eyes at the little green boy. Who was that little chubby boy?

No matter how hard he racked his brains, he could not think of who this boy was. Jiang Danhe decided not to think about it anymore. In any case, he was just bored and was just following behind them.

He continued to follow at a distance. The two little kids did not notice his presence and continued playing. Eventually they decided to play hide-and-seek.

Xiao Yi hid while Zhuang Zhuang searched.

Zhuang Zhuang was left behind to count with his eyes closed. Wen Xiaoyi quietly ran away and hid himself.

“Ten, nine… six, five… two, one, here I come!”

After counting down, Zhuang Zhuang shouted and started his search.

He still remembered the area where they had agreed to hide, so he didn’t run far. He just obediently looked for Xiaoyi in the designated vicinity.

“Found you!”

Zhuang Zhuang finally found the squatting Xiaoyi in a cave among the rockery. He laughed out loud.

Xiaoyi was also very happy and smiled. Next, it was Xiaoyi’s turn to count and Zhuang Zhuang’s turn to hide.

As they were still in the designated circle, Zhuang Zhuang tried his best to think of a place to hide. Seeing that Xiaoyi’s countdown was getting closer and closer, Zhuang Zhuang still could not find a place to hide. He could not help but feel a little anxious.

“… three, two, one!”

At the end of the countdown, Zhuang Zhuang finally found a place. This place was very hidden.

Zhuang Zhuang looked at the figure of Wen Xiaoyi looking for him and smiled to himself. Although it was stated that they were not allowed to leave the circle, there was no rule stating that part of one’s body was not allowed to go beyond. Hence, Zhuang Zhuang took advantage of this loophole in the rules. He held on to the rockery on the outermost edge of the circle with his hands and feet, and arched his body beyond the perimeter.

Just as he was secretly delighted that Wen Xiaoyi couldn’t find him, he felt a strange sensation on his butt.

Zhuang Zhuang stopped laughing and moved his butt again. “Huh? This feels so strange.”

Zhuang Zhuang slowly turned around to see what it was.

Behind him was Jiang Danhe, who was trying to hold back his laughter. At this moment, his entire body was trembling from trying to suppress his laughter. This kid was too funny, his hips were shaking so rhythmically.

Jiang Danhe had been watching the two children play hide-and-seek in the pavilion behind the rockery. Unexpectedly, when it was time for the little fatty to hide, he suddenly chose to hide here. Just as Jiang Danhe was hesitating whether to leave, he realized that the little fatty had not seen him.

He sat down again and watched the two of them play. Just as he was watching the little fatty’s back with a smile, he was suddenly attracted by his little butt shaking. He couldn’t help but walk closer, and accidentally bumped into it.

He swore to god that he wasn’t a pervert, but he had an inexplicable affinity for this child. He attributed this to himself missing his daughter. It was just fatherly love.

Jiang Danhe had wanted to tease him, but who knew that this child was so insensitive and cute? He actually continued to explore with his butt.

Jiang Danhe brought his fist to his mouth and coughed lightly. He suppressed his laughter and attempted to catch the attention of the child.

Zhuang Zhuang heard the voice and turned around abruptly. As the person was standing with his back facing the light, Zhuang Zhuang could not see his face clearly. He could only see a tall figure.

Jiang Danhe had a clear view. When he saw the child’s face, his heart skipped a beat.

“Why does this child look so much like Xiaoguo?”

The thought ran through Jiang Danhe’s mind immediately.

He looked at the kid carefully. The more he looked at him, the more he saw the resemblance. But then he remembered that he had a daughter and not a son.

The excitement in his heart eventually subsided. The information could not be wrong. Even if this child looked very similar, he wasn’t his child.

For some reason, Jiang Danhe thought that it was a pity. He shook his head to get rid of the unsettling feeling in his heart.

Jiang Danhe looked at Wen Xiaoyi, who was attracted by the commotion in the distance, and then at the child lying on the ground. He decided to leave quickly.

“Aha! Found you!”

Xiaoyi jumped to Zhuang Zhuang’s side and said loudly, his voice was filled with excitement.

Zhuang Zhuang was still staring blankly at the departing figure.

“Zhuang Zhuang? Zhuang Zhuang?”

Wen Xiaoyi tugged on Zhuang Zhuang’s arm and called out to him.

Zhuang Zhuang came back to his senses and replied perfunctorily. That man just now seemed to be the father in his imagination…

He also looked tall and mighty, but his clothes were different. This man was too elegant. He didn’t look as domineering as he had imagined.

At this moment, a palace maid came to look for the two of them. Zhuang Zhuang and Wen Xiaoyi followed her back reluctantly. They made an agreement to eat and sleep together tonight.

After leaving, Jiang Danhe returned to the door of the Imperial Study and waited for the emperor.

As soon as he arrived, he was informed that the emperor was already inside. He went in after announcing that he was entering.

“Your Majesty.”

As Shao Zhan had excused Jiang Danhe from kowtowing, he only had to lower his head to pay his respects.

“Come and sit down.”

Shao Zhan knew that Jiang Danhe had many questions, but he was not in a hurry. He will tease him a bit.

“Your Majesty…”

“Dan He, you said that the granary…”

Shao Zhan interrupted him and changed the topic.

Jiang Danhe calmed down and replied, “I think…”

Shao Zhan nodded. “That’s right. It’s a good move.”

“Your Majesty…”

“Hey, Danhe. Recently, the Minister of Rites…”

“Your Majesty, I think we can…”

“Not bad, not bad. That will work.”

Jiang Danhe spoke again. “Your Majesty…”

“Danhe, the Huns have been causing quite a ruckus recently…”

Shao Zhan changed the topic again.

Jiang Danhe held it in. He had to hold it in! He exhaled and said again, “Your Majesty, they are not a threat. We just have to…”

Shao Zhan nodded as he listened and praised Jiang Danhe repeatedly. This man was so talented—well-versed in literacy and skilled in martial arts. He would be a fool to let such a brilliant man go.

Jiang Danhe did not know what Shao Zhan was thinking. He was only concerned about dispelling the doubts of the emperor and offering the solutions to his questions.

“Your Majesty…”

Huh? Jiang Danhe was confused. Why wasn’t he changing the topic now? He was anticipating his interruption.

Shao Zhan gave a look like he was waiting for Jiang Danhe to speak. Jiang Danhe was on the verge of vomiting blood.

“Please go ahead.”

Jiang Danhe, “…”

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