Everyone Wants to Pamper the Peasant Girl

Chapter 118: Raised an ancestor

  Chapter 118 Raised an ancestor

  Fubao’s affairs always come first.

   Not long after, Jiang Xinghua finished the mosquito net, pink pink, satisfying the girl's pink girlish heart.

   Notoriously good and fast embroidery.

   "Mother, when I find time tonight to sew a few dolls and hang them on it, my little girl can have fun."

  Daxing’s daughter-in-law was busy like a spinning top early in the morning, and the other one asked her to come back from washing and said that she had a flash in the waist and went back to the room to rest.

   Said that the backache was so painful that he couldn't even dry his clothes.

  Tell her to do some work and be lazy all day long.

  Jiang Xinghua was getting up to dry the clothes, but Mrs. Fu asked her to do embroidery work, and she did it by herself.

   "Mom, let me do it."

   "You are busy enough, I will hang this clothes in the future." Mrs. Fu said in an unquestionable tone.

  Fubao is asleep, and she can help with the housework.

   Daxing's daughter-in-law can't be exhausted to death.

  Looking at the bucket of clothes, Jiang Xinghua was a little worried.

   "Tsk tsk tsk, these clothes haven't been wrung out yet." Mrs. Fu picked up a wet one and didn't wring it out at all.

   She twisted it with her hand, but almost didn't get half of the bucket of water out.

  Can't help but complain: "I eat the most on weekdays, but I can't use my key strength."

   Fortunately, the sun is big enough, otherwise I don’t know how to be able to shine until the year of the monkey.

   Mrs. Fu picked up Fu Daxing's clothes, wrung them dry and shook them with her hands. A piece of mud fell off with a "crack".

  She thought she had read it wrong.

   Look at Fu Daxing's clothes are covered with mud, and they haven't been washed at all.

   There is also Fu's second child, which is still covered with grass thorns.

   "Erxing's daughter-in-law is a lazy woman, and she can still wash her clothes like this. I think she just washed it through the water once."

  It’s just this way of washing, and it takes a long time to come back after washing on weekdays. She said that the clothes at home are so dirty, but she thought she washed them so clean.

   I don’t know if I don’t post it today, I was shocked when I saw it.

  Mrs. Fu was so angry.

   Simply take them apart and look at them one by one.

   It is no different from not washing at all.

   I even discovered a feature, other people's dirty, only the three of them washed clean.

   Immediately thought it over: "This lazy girl, you can still play with your mind while doing laundry."

   Played this idea at home.

   If you don’t teach me a lesson today, I don’t know what tricks I will do in the future.

  Sitting in the yard embroidering and looking at Fu Bao, Jiang Xinghua didn't know what to say.

   This kind of thing is no longer once or twice.

  Recently, the clothes are washed by the younger brother and sister, and they have been washing late, but the clothes are not clean.

   She has to rewash every time before drying.

  Thinking that the temperament of the second sibling is not the kind that would like to be talked about, Xinghua didn't mention much about family and everything.

   Thinking that she should wash the clothes in the future, otherwise she would have to do it again every time.

  Mrs. Fu was so angry that she carried her clothes and rushed into the house, kicking the door open without knocking.

  Liu Guimei was lying in the room with her legs crossed, knocking on melon seeds.

   There was a "bang", and she almost fell off the bed in fright.

   Seeing that it was Mrs. Fu who hurriedly hid her things under the quilt, she kept yelling about her back pain, "Mom, my waist is flashing so badly that I won't be able to do heavy work for a while."

Pack! Still pretend!

   I really thought she was too old to see her eating and enjoying herself.

   Mrs. Fu took the clothes and threw her face at her, Liu Guimei sprayed water all over her face, "Mother, what are you doing!"

   There is no reason for being so angry.

   Liu Guimei wiped her face.

   "Is this how you wash clothes?" Mrs. Fu asked, lifting up each piece of clothing for her to see clearly.

  Liu Guimei was full of guilt.

  In the past, Jiang Xinghua was used to dry, and the sister-in-law would wash it again when she saw that it was not clean, so every time she went to the stream, she didn't bother to wash it, and just passed the water again.

   Could it be that she secretly reported to the old woman?

   It's too damned!

   It turned out to be from behind.

   "It takes so long to wash clothes every day, I thought you were so clean, I dare you to be lazy like this.

  When I wash clothes, I still have so many careful thoughts, so I can wash my own cleanly, and just pass through the water casually for others.

  Liu Guimei, isn’t it that life is so good now that I’m full and want to find something to do? "

  Mrs. Fu was furious.

  Using to complain every day when she was poor, but now that life is getting better, she secretly starts to make small moves.

  Thinking that she is the grandson's mother, she doesn't say anything on weekdays, and wants to give the child a good environment.

   On the contrary, it made her push herself even further.

   "The way you wash your clothes can make your waist shine, you are amazing!"

  Mrs. Fu's face was dark and angry.

   "If Er Xing hadn't been busy with work recently, I would have told him that her daughter-in-law is doing housework like this."

  In order to let the two sons work outside with peace of mind, she usually doesn't talk about trivial and bad things that happen at home.

   She can be so lazy after doing laundry all day long.

   Their Fu family raised an ancestor!

  Liu Guimei was so frightened that she quickly got up from the bed, not daring to put on a show anymore, and hastily admitted her mistake: "Mother, I was wrong, I was wrong! Don't tell Erxing about this, I won't dare in the future."

  If Er Xing finds out, it will definitely annoy her again.

   Now there is another Li Cuicui eyeing her.

   "Liu Guimei! From now on, your sister-in-law will be responsible for three meals a day and embroidery work, and you will do all the other housework at home.

  I think you are too busy on weekdays, so you dare to use these small thoughts on your family members. "

  Mrs. Fu assigned tasks on the spot, so that she had no chance to refute.

   How lazy are you?

  Liu Guimei was upset, but she didn't dare to say anything else, "Mother, I'll listen to you, and I won't be lazy in my work from now on."

   "I don't mind telling Erxing if something like this happens again." Mrs. Fu warned.

  Originally, she and the old man didn't interfere in the affairs of the husband and wife.

   If she does something else secretly, don't blame her for being rude.

   Mrs. Fu walked out angrily, Liu Guimei looked unhappy, and suddenly Mrs. Fu turned around, making her almost cross-eyed in fright.

   "Why are you still standing there, why don't you wash your clothes?"

   Liu Guimei took the clothes to wash again, and stared at Jiang Xinghua when she went to the yard.

  This sister-in-law is actually playing dirty tricks behind her back.

   "What! I want to blame your sister-in-law for being lazy. Your sister-in-law has been too honest all these years to let you go so far." Mrs. Fu saw her little action.

   also said in front of the two of them, "Daughter-in-law Daxing, from now on you only need to take care of three meals a day at home and do your embroidery, and don't worry about anything else.

   If someone is lazy for various reasons, you can tell me. "

   Directly cut off Liu Guimei's various ways of pretending to be dead and alive in the future.

  Jiang Xinghua hummed, and Liu Guimei took her clothes to the stream to wash again.

   "Daughter-in-law Daxing, did you already know about it? You will have to mention this kind of thing in the future, otherwise she will push herself even further.

  Niang knows that you are hardworking, but honesty has its limits, so don't wrong yourself. "

  Mrs. Fu had a heart-to-heart talk with Jiang Xinghua, so that she wouldn't be so stupid in the future.

  (end of this chapter)

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