Endless Ascension

Chapter 138 - 138, Castlevania

Chapter 138: Chapter 138, Castlevania

The Northern Sea of Darkness is an extremely cold and gloomy place.

The monsters and sea beasts here share a common characteristic of extremely strong defense.

After tens of thousands of years of evolution in icy environments, their bodies are completely different from ordinary monsters. Their fur is extremely thick and their bones are extremely hard, resembling steel, making it difficult for ordinary swords to cause substantial damage to them.

If measured by physical attacks and magical attacks.

The physical attacks of the Dark Sea Monster have almost reached an immune state, while the damage caused by magical attacks has doubled.

Qin Ze and Meng Fan traveled hundreds of thousands of miles, and after half a month, they finally arrived at the last city leading to the far north underworld, Devil City.

Castlevania, also known as the City of Sin, belongs to the Three No's Zone.

However, there are its own rules, laws, and punishments here. Those who do not comply will be expelled from the city for minor offenses and killed on the spot for severe offenses.

No matter what you have done before, whether you are a murderer demon king or a traitor to the Immortal Sect, entering this city will not be pursued. If any pursuers come knocking on your door and cause trouble, the Demon City Lord will personally intervene.

Demon City Lord, with extremely terrifying strength, it is rumored that his cultivation has reached the realm of the universe.

Looking at the entire Tianyuan continent, there are very few experts in the Qiankun realm.

Out of fear, some famous immortal sects also neglect the demon city and do not want to provoke the demon city lord, the evil star.

So, with the protection of the Lord of Castlevania, Castlevania has become a paradise for evil people, a paradise where you never have to worry about being chased.

Of course, if you leave the city, nothing is protected by the demon lord.

Except for some heinous criminals, this is also the only transportation route to the Far North Dark Sea. To enter the Far North Dark Sea, one must pass through Castlevania.

Castlevania is rich in a type of bead that can breathe in water, known as a water repellent bead.

To embark on an adventure to the far north of the Dark Sea, one must have this type of bead. Even if one goes deep into the sea for thousands of miles, they don't have to worry about breathing problems. At the same time, the water pressure is the same as on land, making it an essential item for adventurers.

In addition to avoiding water droplets, Castlevania also has a sizable auction house.

In the far north of the Dark Sea, there are countless treasures.

It is rumored that tens of thousands of years ago, the area within the Dark Sea was the territory of the demon race, containing countless treasures. During ancient wars, powerful saints brought in a massive flood from beyond, instantly annihilating the territory and burying countless treasures at the bottom of the sea.

For adventurers, especially those who practice magic, the Far North Dark Sea is the best place.

Qin Ze and Meng Fan walked to the city gate, and the two guards immediately drew a long spear and blocked their way, saying with great dignity, "Please pay the city fee

How much? "Qin Ze asked.

Each person has one crystal nucleus

A crystal nucleus? "Meng Fan stared blankly," Isn't the cost too high

The guard's face remained expressionless, with a resolute expression and a professional demeanor.

Qin Ze handed over three crystal nuclei, smiled, and said, "Big brother, two crystal nuclei are the entry fee, and the extra one is for the two tea drinkers

The guard's eyes lit up, he looked at Qin Ze and smiled slightly, saying, "Okay, okay, haha

I want to ask, where can I buy the best water repellent beads? "Qin Ze asked.

Avoiding water droplets? Are you going to explore the Dark Sea? "The guard was slightly surprised. Seeing that Qin Ze's cultivation level was only level six in refining energy, and his strength was not even as strong as him, he wanted to go to the Dark Sea to search for treasure. Isn't this a self destructive path? I think so in my heart, but I am also lazy to advise. These days, some people are crazy about wanting treasures, and there is no place to listen to advice. I sighed in my heart and said, "There is a store in the south of the city that specializes in selling water repellent beads, but if you want to buy good water repellent beads, you have to go to an auction house

Why go to an auction house to buy water repellent beads? "Meng Fanyi didn't understand and couldn't help but ask.

The guard smiled mysteriously, weighed the crystal nucleus in his hand, and said, "Only at the auction house can you buy the purest water repellent beads. Other places, hehe

After a few playful laughs, there was no further conversation.

Qin Ze clasped his fists and said, "Thank you

Then the two of them walked towards the city.

On the way, Meng Fanyi still couldn't understand why the auction house was only used as a venue for auctioning items. How could they sell water repellent beads? Do auctions have to be held every day?

Qin Ze smiled faintly and said, "This situation is not difficult to understand. You can think about it from the perspective of interests

The production of water repellent beads is firmly controlled by the Demon City Lord. In order to increase the influence of the auction house, some pure and well endowed water repellent beads will be sold in the form of auctions.

Most of the people who enter Castlevania are adventurers who need to avoid water droplets. Simply charging entry fees will not earn much.

The auction form of selling water repellent beads is different. If you want to go on a treasure hunt and adventure in the Dark Sea, you must use water repellent beads. Good water repellent beads are all controlled by the auction house, and you must spend a high price to bid, otherwise it is simply wishful thinking to venture deep into the Dark Sea.

Not only does it increase the reputation of the auction house, but it also earns more.

After a while, Meng Fan's eyes lit up and she finally figured it out. She stared at Qin Ze and smiled, "Brother Qin, not only do you have a fast cultivation speed, but your mind is also incredibly intelligent

The two of them came to the North Sea of the Underworld and died nine times in their lifetime.

Originally, Qin Ze was planning to find some tasks with lower risk factors to enhance the strength of Lin Yan and the others. Now, he is thinking about the ranking competition of the top 100 inner disciples in six months. If they don't break through into the virtual realm soon, their lives may be in danger.

As a last resort, let Meng Fanyi find a way to settle Lin Yan and the others.

What Lin Yan and his team lack is cultivation, not actual combat. Even if Qin Ze brings them here, there may not be a big breakthrough. On the contrary, Qin Ze himself cannot guarantee survival and has no time to care about them.

Finally, Meng Fanyi arranged for them to enter the best cultivation space in the outer gate through connections, with twice the cultivation speed, which also cost Qin Ze 50000 points of credit.

However, being able to help them improve their cultivation is not a big deal for Qin Ze, as it only takes tens of thousands of credit points.

The two of them arrived outside the only auction house in Castlevania, and by then there was already a commotion inside, just like a market.

Qin Ze smiled knowingly and walked in.

Are you two auction items or bidding items

Stepping through the door, I was stopped by an auction house staff member.


Oh, please pay the entrance fee for two crystal nuclei

What? "Meng Fanyi was taken aback and shouted loudly," You have to pay to enter the city, and you have to pay to enter the auction house. Why don't you call your demon city demon city? Just call it robbery city

If you don't want to pay the entrance fee, please leave

Qin Ze took out two crystal nuclei and handed them over, saying, "It's just two crystal nuclei, Brother Meng. There's nothing to be angry about

Upon receiving the crystal nucleus, the staff member immediately greeted the person with a smiling face and handed over two small wooden plaques engraved with a series of numbers. They respectfully said, "This is your identification number. Just hold the plaque during the auction. If you need the crystal nucleus, you can exchange it on the third floor. We, young and old, are fair and equal in exchange

Thank you very much

Qin Ze casually said a sentence and then pulled Meng Fan away for a day.

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