Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 440 Standing Up For Her



Victoria and Serena exchanged nervous glances, their expressions shifting from surprise to a defensive posture.

"What are you talking about, Lian Rui? We have no idea what you're insinuating," Victoria retorted, attempting to maintain a composed facade.

Lian Rui raised an eyebrow, her amusement evident. "Oh, come now. Spare me the act. I may not have concrete evidence, but I know your handiwork when I see it. Andromeda's mishap didn't happen by accident. It was deliberate sabotage."

Serena's face flushed with anger, but she maintained her composure. "You can't prove anything. Andromeda's designs were ruined because she did a lousy job, fair and square."

Lian Rui's smile widened, a glint of mischief sparkling in her eyes. "Perhaps I can't prove it now, but trust me, the truth has a way of revealing itself. And when it does, you two will face the consequences of your actions."

Deep down Lian Rui was angry she had not taken her phone with her when she went in search of her earnings and thus she could not record the lying bitches and their confession.

The atmosphere crackled with tension as Victoria desperately tried to salvage the situation. She mustered a defiant tone, though her voice betrayed hints of desperation. 

"You think you can intimidate us? We've come too far to let anyone ruin our chances. We won't let you or anyone else stand in our way."

But Lian Rui was unyielding. She took three steps closer, her gaze unwavering, as if peering into the depths of their souls, her tone sharp and piercing. "Oh, I'm not here to intimidate you. Consider this a warning. If I find any concrete evidence linking you to Andromeda's designs being tampered with, I won't hesitate to expose you."

Serena shuddered where she stood at the open threat.

"And believe me, the fashion industry won't be kind to those who resort to deceit."

With those words hanging in the air, Lian Rui turned on her heels, ready to walk away and leave Victoria and Serena in a state of unease and uncertainty but she stopped when Victoria spoke.

"You out of all people should know what true threat Andromeda pose. Had her design not been ruined, you would not have even smelt part of the finalist. Your designs were nothing compared to her lost work," Victoria snickered, unable to resist the final jab.

"I think right now, you should be more concerned as to if your works would really make it in the fashion industry and if you would win in the finals."

Her words were like venom, cutting through at the strings of Lian Rui's heartstrings.

"If you are wise, you would take our help and make a good plan to get Andromeda disqualified. That way you stand a fair chance in the contest," Victoria added.

Similarly, Serena caught on quick and took a step closer to Lian Rui. "This way you can ensure you have one less and even greater threat standing in your way. It be would be as it had always been before."

To Victoria and Serena's surprise, Lian Rui did not turn to face them. Rather than seeing that as a bad sign, they saw it as something better. 

She was contemplating their offer of help and now was the right time. Casting a glance at each other, they nodded and walked over to her.

"Just think about all the exposure you will get when you win the Queen of the Fashion World award this year?"

"The popularity, the name, the money, your work being top in the country...."

"I am pretty sure you know you deserve this and not Andromeda whose name has not been heard of before in the whole fashion world," Serena added. 

"I believe if not for Liu Xueyi, she would remain an unknown designer. That trench."

"So think of it. A chance to become the Fashion Queen." 

At once, Lian Rui turned around and glared at the two of them. "If you do not think I can win the contest without playing rubbish games then it shows how low you two are."

"No," Serena quickly corrected. "That's not how this is. "We believe in you but we also believe Andromeda would have bribed the judges. If not, how else would she be granted such an hour at the first day of the event."

She reached for Lian Rui's hand and the latter smacked it away as she took several steps from them. 

"You two are the lowest. I believe in Andromeda. And if you are truly designers you would know she is top notch. You say she is a no name designer, then is it that you were oblivious to the news of her court trials and how it was known that she was the brain behind Divine Pearl's success?"

They fell silent knowing full well all that Lian Rui said was true. 

"I thought as much. You will not want to sabotage Andromeda if you did not think she was good enough. And whether anyone likes it or not, she was deserving of that honour and Starlight Apparel is lucky to have her. Thanks to her, it took the first position from Divine Pearl."

"So? I think even you know your designs are nothing compared to her."

"We wouldn't know for sure. I would give it my best in this final round and fight fair and square. Compared to her or myself, our fashion company sure stands out whereas yours stand out as a sore thump. Grow up Victoria. You are no longer in High school."

Without wasting another breath on them, she turned on her heels and walked away but stopped just before exiting through the curtain. 

"Oh and, you better not try another stunt or the world would know about your plan, I promise you."

Watching her leave, they soon came to the realization that their actions could have severe consequences settled heavily upon them, casting a shadow of doubt over their future endeavours.

"Victoria, what do we do?" Serena asked.

"Just relax. We can fix things. She wouldn't be able to catch us. There is no evidence of our sabotage. Besides, the lady has more plans to keep Andromeda down. Sadly, we wouldn't be helping Lian Rui get the first prize."

"Then who would be helping?"

"Who knows," she said with a shrug. 

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