Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 468 Addressing the Silent Topic

Chapter 468 Addressing the Silent Topic



Mo Yuning's steps echoed through the vast, marble-floored corridors of the company, each step heavier than the last.

Her usually elegant demeanor was now replaced by evident distress, her teary eyes darting around as if searching for an escape.

The cold grip of her phone felt almost burning against her clammy palm while her other hand held the wall for support.

Every heartbeat felt like a drum, a loud reminder of her internal turmoil but still she could not escape it.

"Why now? Why here?" she whispered to herself, the weight of her recent discovery threatening to crush her spirit.

Her breathing became laboured, the cool air of the company's air-conditioning doing little to soothe her overheating body.

But before she could process her thoughts further, a crippling pain surged through her, centered around her stomach. It felt like a vise, constricting tighter and tighter.

"Just... Just a little further and..." She had barely gotten the words out when the world around her blurred and her legs gave out.

At once she felt herself spiraling downwards as she tried to get hold of her footing but instead, nothing her limbs felt like jelly and her body collapsed.

But instead of the hard, cold tiles greeting her fall, she was met with a familiar warmth.

A pair of muscular arms wrapped around her, halting her descent just inches from the ground.


Even though she was losing consciousness, the second she smelt his peculiar perfume, she felt a certain calm in her heart.

"Yuning. Talk to me, what happened? Yuning?" Gu Jun questioned her as his eyes raked over her face and body, hoping to figure out what was wrong.

His deep voice, laced with concern, resonated in her ears. But before she could respond, her world faded into darkness.

Gu Jun's heart raced as he effortlessly lifted Mo Yuning into his arms. Her face was ashen, her breathing shallow.

Without wasting a second, he hurried out of the company and to his car, laying her delicately in the back seat.

Quickly he got in the driver's seat and drove straight to the nearest hospital. All the while, his mind was a whirlwind of emotions—concern, regret.


By the time Mo Yuning's eyelids fluttered open, the room was washed in a soft, evening glow. She tried to sit up, her mind foggy, but was gently pushed back down by a familiar hand.

"Easy there," Gu Jun whispered, his eyes deeply etched with concern.

Her eyes darted around, taking in the sterile surroundings of the hospital room and the drip connected to her hand.

"Jun... why are you...?"

He raised a hand to silence her, his expression soft yet serious. "I am angry you treated your health poorly, Yuning."

"She pursed her lips, unable to counter back.

"The doctor said you had ulcer relapse. Apparently, you vomited while in pains which was before I found you where you collapsed. Why didn't you call me?"

Rather than speaking, she averted her gaze from him, unable to speak the truth.

"Yuning, I care about you. Why?" Gu Jun shook his head. "No need. First, let me say something."

She watched him, her eyes wide with confusion, anticipation, and a hint of fear.

"I'm not mad at you, Yuning," he began, choosing each word with care. "You choosing Tang Yan... it hurt, yes. But if he brings happiness to your life, then I'm glad for you. I genuinely want you to be happy."

The more she stared at him, the more she felt hurt listening to him. And when she blinked, a tear fell off her eyelids, shocking her as she struggled to process his words.

The guilt, the evasion—it all seemed to weigh even more heavily now.

He sighed, continuing, "You've been avoiding me, I noticed. I gave you space, thinking it's what you wanted. I just want you to know, I'll always be here for you if you need me."

For the next few moments, neither of them spoke. It felt as though their silence did the talking.

"I understand that you may need to be alone or you want to call Tang Yan. I will take my leave now. I need to get some things done at the office. Your boyfriend should be here soon. I called him to inform him."

He gave a weak smile. Just watching him, she could see the sadness in his eyes.

Whether or not it was from losing her or seeing her sick, she could not tell. All she knew was she had hurt him.

"Alright then, rest well and eat when your meal arrives. I need to leave now."

Gu Jun rose to his feet and turned half way when he felt a warm soft hand latch on to him causing him to halt mid-way.

"Wait," her soft voice called out. "Please."

As much as he wished to leave to avoid meeting Tang Yan, he couldn't help but turn his head to look at her.

Her eyes welled up, and she reached out, holding his hand tightly. "Jun, I'm so sorry for what I did to you. Honestly, the guilt... it ate at me every day. I never wanted to hurt you."

"But keeping silent and letting my feeling play out was bad as well and in the end you did hurt me, you see."

Her nose scrunched up and she gulped. "I'm really sorry."

He looked down, nodding slightly. "I understand. I am not mad. I just hope you learnt from this. Now, be good and rest well."

"Wait, can we... can we try to be friends again?"

"Silly, when were we not friends? No need to ask, we are still friends."

"Thank you."

Just then a soft knock interrupted their emotional moment. The door creaked open, revealing Tang Yan's familiar figure. His eyes darted between the two, his face a mask of neutrality.

"Tang Yan," Mo Yuning whispered, her voice shaky..

The room, already thick with tension, became even more so as Tang Yan stepped into the dimly lit hospital room.

The subtle beep of the machines tracking Mo Yuning's vital signs was the only sound that dared breach the silence.

Tang Yan, despite his initial surprise, was the first to break the silence, his voice slightly lower than usual, "Gu Jun."

Gu Jun nodded in acknowledgment, pulling his hand from Mo Yuning. "Tang Yan."

Mo Yuning, caught between the two most important men in her life, felt a knot tightening in her stomach. She watched anxiously, hoping the situation wouldn't escalate.

Tang Yan took a deep breath, clearly composing himself. "Thank you for being there for Yuning. I... I can't express how grateful I am that she wasn't alone."

Gu Jun offered a half-smile, his gaze moving to Mo Yuning and then back to Tang Yan. "It was by chance that I was there, but I'm glad I could help."

Mo Yuning saw the tension in Tang Yan's shoulders relax ever so slightly. "You've always been a good friend to her," Tang Yan acknowledged, "I might not like the history you both share, but I can't deny the bond you've had."

Gu Jun looked pensive, his eyes deep in thought. "Our past is just that, Tang Yan – the past. I've made peace with it, and I hope you can too."

Tang Yan took another steadying breath. "I had my suspicions about you both. And Yuning was honest with me. I won't pretend it's easy, I understand you."

"I am okay, as I said before. I am happy for you two. Please take good care of her," Gu Jun addressed.

"Yeah, and seeing her today, so vulnerable, and knowing you were there to help... It puts things in perspective. Accept my thanks, Gu Jun."

From how Tang Yan behaved, she knew a part of him was jealous. Still, she did not want any problems between both men.

Quickly she tried to remedy the situation. With a trembling voice she? finally spoke up, "Please, both of you, I don't want any animosity. Jun has always been a friend, and Tang Yan, you're my love. Can't we just... find a way to coexist?"

The two men exchanged a glance. While no words were spoken, a silent agreement was reached. Gu Jun took a step towards the door, "I should leave you both alone. Just wanted to make sure she's alright."

As Gu Jun's figure retreated, Tang Yan moved closer to Mo Yuning's bed, taking her hand gently. "I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere," he whispered.

Mo Yuning felt a single tear escape as she whispered back, "Thank you."

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