Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 463 I Dare

Chapter 463 I Dare



They arrived at the restaurant Liu Xiao Xin had picked and headed inside. Liu Xueyi felt thankful his sister had arrived early and he did not need to bother with ladies delaying while putting on their makeup.

"Brother!" she exclaimed when she caught sight of them, waving her hands to gesture them over to her.

"Phew! There she is," Liu Xueyi pointed out to Andromeda and led her over there.

The moment they got closer, at once Liu Xiao Xin rose from her seat close to the end of the restaurant by the window and enveloped Andromeda in a bear hug.

Shocked by the sudden hug, Andromeda staggered a little till she found her footing before reciprocating the hug.

"I've missed you, Medah. How are you?" Liu Xiao Xin asked while still holding Andromeda.

"And aren't I getting any?" Liu Xueyi voiced his concerns when he saw his sister pull from the hug and the two ladies were about to take their seats.

"Nah, you had at least 20 years of my life getting that from me. It's Andromeda's turn now," Liu Xiao Xin stated. "How are you, Medah?"

"Medah?" He scrunched his nose and took his seat close to Andromeda, his irritation obviously growing.

Still Liu Xiao Xin wasn't ready to play to his childish jealousy.

"Get used to it, bro. Now stop being a baby and let's focus on the main issue. What do we know so far? Anything new since last time? Any leads? How much longer will this take? Can we wrap things up soon? That sort of thing."

She rattled off questions like bullets before turning back to Andromeda who was staring blankly at her brother.

"I'm sorry," Liu Xiao Xin's voice was soft but apologetic all the same. "It has been quite some time and I am sure you all were going to meet her so I..." Before she could say anything, Andromeda placed a hand over hers and gently squeezed in a reassuring manner.

"It's okay. Breathe."

Doing as she was told, Liu Xiao Xin took a deep breath and when she exhaled again, she looked more relaxed than ever.

She turned towards them with an expectant look on her face which made both of them tense even further.

"So... I think I did it all wrong. I am the one with important news for you. I do not know if you have found something new brother, but I bet my information is going to come as a shock to you. "

Shaking his head, Liu Xueyi cast a side glance at Andromeda and smiled. "At this point, I do not think there is anything that can shock me anymore."

"Is that true?" Her lips curled upwards in a knowing smile. Her eyes darted between the two of them while they waited for the information she was supposed to give.

"Xiao Xin, I do not have all day. Spill."

"Fine," she huffed and crossed both hands in front of herself on the table. "It is relating to the reason why she left you. It wasn't about our parents, I gather. However, it was the fact that she got pregnant for someone else while dating you."

Liu Xiao Xin took a pause, making sure her words sunk in as well as any response to her words and when her brother responded, she exhaled nodding her head.

"I expected as much. If she didn't carry your child, then she must have cheated and ran away because of it."

"Yes. Is that all?" Liu Xueyi inquired.

His fingers tapped lightly on the table while his gaze remained fixed on Liu Xiao Xin. From Andromeda's position, she could tell he was growing impatient by the moment.

"Yes. The person behind it all," Liu Xueyi and Andromeda were about speaking only to be cut off by Liu Xiao Xin's hand.

Liu Xiao Xin's lips pulled up in a side smile as a dark glint flashed in her eyes.

"And by that I do not mean the incident of this time but what had transpired six years ago."


Marching into the hospital with a face that showed complete anger, Liu Xueyi ignored the stares and comments from those around him as he made his way towards the one place he could lash out at.

Besides him, Andromeda hastened her steps to match his stride, her eyes focused on his face while pondering on what his thoughts might be as well as the information Liu Xiao Xin had delivered to them.

They reached their destination without anyone stopping them or asking questions. The door pushed open revealing Zheng Ling sitting at an empty bed staring blankly ahead.

Without a second to spare, Liu Xueyi snapped his head in the other direction, his keen eyes in search of the one person that deserved the wrath... Zheng Ying.


At once Zheng Ying rose to her feet dropping the newspaper that had been in her hand a couple of seconds ago as her eyes landed on the duo.

Before she could speak, a figure walked in. Quickly, Andromeda took her stand beside Liu Xueyi.

Sensing the change in her reaction, he held out his hand by his side and took Andromeda's hand in his before releasing a deep breath.

"Zheng Ying."

Her eyes turned grim at their closeness, particularly their joined hands as her chest rose and fell with every deep breath she took.

And after seconds of falling silent, she voiced out her complaint bitterly, her gaze hardened filled with rage. "Xueyi... How could you?"

Immediately, Andromeda lifted a brow. She found it ridiculous and funny for Zheng Ying to ask that kind of a question, knowing how impure and distrustful she was.

"How could I?" Liu Xueyi snickered.

"Yes. And it is not funny. How could you leave us with no words? You forgot your son for days and now you come here with this woman."

"This woman?" Liu Xueyi sneered. Immediately his icy stare returned and he shot her a deadly glare. "Watch your tongue Zheng Ying before I lose my temper and cut it out for you."

His words had stung and shocked her but Zheng Ying did not have time to process it all when Liu Xueyi lifted his hand holding Andromeda's and placing a soft peck on the back of her palm.

"I dare because I love her and she is mine not like a lair I know."

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