Doomsday Lord

Chapter 108: Avian Monsters

Chapter 108: Avian Monsters

We should use our head start to clear every single one of the higher level Instance Dungeons first. Yu Kai said, his voice filled with longing. That way, everyone else in the world could only cry out in despair.

Since his hour was up, Cheng Yang walked out of the Tavern, ignoring his delusional friend.

Ah, wait up! Yu Kai snapped out of his daydream when his friend walked away.

My Lord, what should we do once the military finds The Forgotten Grave? Yu Kai asked after he caught up.

What else can we do but make sure they know its ours? There might be a fight, but we cant just give it away.

Yu Kai smiled. I knew youd say that. We found it first, so we absolutely cant let anyone take it from us. Its a great source of items, and if we give up this Instance Dungeon, we wont be able to defend the other ones we control in the future. I think we should send some people to defend The Forgotten Grave. Even if we dont kill the people from Cloud City, we need to give them a vicious send-off.

Cheng Yang smiled. Unconsciously, Yu Kai had gone from your average college student to a soldier that saw death as normal. Even if it was false bravado born from an easy time in the apocalypse, Cheng Yang was happy to see his friends mindset change. In this world, it was better to have fake bloodlust than genuine mercy.

How many people? Cheng Yang asked with a chuckle. Are you going to ask Liu Hau to defend it? Are you going to do it?

Cut me some slack. It was just an idea. I havent thought that deeply about it yet. Yu Kai threw up his hands in defeat. How about we bring all our elite soldiers for the first defense? If we had something like a hundred Standard-Grade soldiers, we would send the military packing!

Thats so unrealistic! We have nowhere near that many Standard-Grade soldiers, and by the time we did, the military would already have taken the Instance Dungeon from us. Cheng Yang countered. To stop Yuan Jianzhe and the military from occupying The Forgotten Grave, Ill have to deal with him personally. Well station a single soldier near the portal, one of our fastest ones. Once the military discovers the entrance, our soldier will report that to me. Before that, the lookout will claim that we already own the Instance Dungeon. The military will relay that back to Yuan Jianzhe, who, since its a precious thing, will rush over immediately to secure it. Then, me and him can have a good talk.

Yu Kai immediately understood what Cheng Yang meant by that last sentence. If they could talk it out, they would. If they couldnt, then they would use other means.

When faced with the prospect of fighting the Peoples Liberation Army, Yu Kai was surprisingly more excited than nervous. In his mind, the rise of Phoenix Village wasnt something that could be stopped by anyone. He had always known that Phoenix Village was developing quickly, but after spending some time on the World Module, he realized that everyone else was in the stone age compared to them!

If Yuan Jianzhe is too self-righteous, well destroy him, my Lord. If hes not willing to submit, lets replace him with one of our guys. Yu Kai said.

Self reflect for a moment before talking like that. Anyways, since you had the time to worry about refugees, does that mean you finished killing the monsters near Silkworm Mountain?

My Lord, you think too highly of me. The ones within two or three kilometers are dead, but if were talking about further than that, then Ive made zero progress. Weve only got a few elite soldiers in the village, and kiting tactics are time-consuming. But, that does remind me, I was only helping refugees cause I needed to visit you anyways.

You needed to visit me? What for?

When I was hunting last night, I found a flock of monsters that had established a lair. I saw some treasure, so I decided to let you know.

Treasure? Why didnt you get it yourself? Your strength should have been more than enough even if there was a High-Grade monster there.

I wanted too, but those monsters werent something I could beat on my own. Theyre some kind of bird, so every time I tried to hit one, it would fly out of my range. Thats why I need your help. I figured you might know how to beat them.

That could fly? Some kind of bird? Cheng Yangs body tensed up.

Yeah, Im not sure what kind, but they were definitely birds. Big enough to make raptors seem like chicks.

Once Yu Kai confirmed his fears, Cheng Yangs body convulsed as images of his death flashed past his eyes.

Yoko, are you okay? Yu Kai looked at his friend with concern.

It was nothing. Cheng Yang said, forcing himself to calm down. Aerial monsters are powerful but not undefeatable. Their advantages are obvious, but they have quite a few weaknesses as well.

Cheng Yang paused, giving himself a few moments to fully recovered from the vivid memories that forced their way into focus.

Aerial monsters dont spawn very often, so you were right, theyre probably guarding something. If they are, its bound to be high-level loot. Plus, since theyre so close to Silkworm Mountain, we need to exterminate them as soon as possible. If we dont do that soon, bad things will happen.

My Lord, did you mean to imply that theyll attack the village?

Its a possibility. Once a horde of monsters reached a certain power level, theyll start actively hunting for food. Aerial monsters are more dangerous since walls are meaningless to them.

I see.

For now, head back to Silkworm Mountain and take some building materials with you. Youre going to need it when your village levels up.

Thats not going to happen for a while, but I suppose taking what we need now wouldnt hurt. Yu Kai said, The biggest problem is Silkworm Mountain doesnt have a goldmine like Phoenix Village does. Paying for the upgrade will be pretty tough.

Cheng Yang looked at Yu Kai contemptuously. Its just twenty-thousand Experience Fragments. Since Silkworm Mountain is a subsidiary of mine, I can directly transfer funds from Phoenix Villages coffers.

Yu Kai smiled. I knew I could count on you.

Phoenix Village really was an abnormal money-making machine. The combination of the Imperial Guard and the Blood-Soaked Cathedral was just too powerful. It could easily support the growth of all three territories under Cheng Yangs control.

Cheng Yang clicked his tongue. So you were hoping for that, huh? Well, take what you need, but after that, Im going to let Phoenix Village accumulate Experience Fragments for a while. Ill make Liu Hau wait a day or two before leveling up Joyous River Village.

Yu Kais smile widened when Cheng Yang said that. Right now, Silkworm Mountain was lagging behind Joyous River Village. Liu Haus territory only needed to build two shops before reaching the level up conditions. But now, Silkworm Mountain would level up first since they had secured funding earlier!

Even if Yu Kai was only the Governor in name, how could he let Silkworm Mountain fall behind its competition?

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