Detective From the Future

Chapter 172: Bao Zhi Yuan.

Chapter 172: Bao Zhi Yuan.

The time passed minute by minute and slowly approached 5 p.m., and there was still no perfect solution to use, and the policemen could only act according to the plan proposed by Han Bin and proceed step by step. At the same time, they also found the driver in advance, explained the situation to him, and made temporary arrangements for the bus.

Han Bin and Li Hui bought two tickets and boarded the bus first. Afterward, Li Wei Dong also got on the bus and put the black backpack on the luggage rack in front of the aisle in front of the two. Then he got off the bus again.


When people put down their luggage, they liked putting their luggage on the rack above their heads. In fact, it's not the safest way. It is impossible to see the actual situation of the luggage directly above, and it is easier to observe the luggage rack from the front.


In addition to Han Bin and Li Hui watching the black backpack from the bus, Zhang Ping, Zhao Ming, Tian Li, and Sun Xiao Peng drove two cars to follow the bus. As for Zheng Kaixuan, he rushed to Simen County and asked the local police station to help with the check.

The bus left on time at 5:20 p.m. Han Bin and Li Hui had observed the passengers, but no suspicious people were noticed. The bus was rolling all the time, Li Hui was sitting there playing with his cell phone, and Han Bin was half squinting and looking at the black backpack from time to time. Only when the bus was about to stop and someone wanted to get off, the two would become alert to watch if someone was going to get off the bus halfway with the black backpack.

The bus went all the way to Simen County, and nothing unusual was found. The people who got off the bus did not move the black backpack. However, Han Bin and Li Hui did not relax their vigilance. The end of the route for the bus was Simen County. It is possible to withdraw the money from here.

Shortly after, the bus stopped at the Simen County Bus Station. After it stopped, the passengers got off the bus with their luggage, and in order not to attract the attention of the kidnappers, Han Bin and Li Hui also followed the crowd and got off the bus, but instead of leaving the station directly, they stopped not far from it, chatting and smoking while still watching the bus travelers, as long as someone gets off it with the black backpack tied with a blue ribbon, it is very likely it will be the suspect.

At this time, Zhang Ping and the others also arrived at the station, and they all surrounded the bus from near and far. There was a big flow of people, and people were coming and going, so people wouldn't be suspicious of them.

When the bus passengers had almost all gotten off, a man in his thirties got off the bus with a hand-woven bag. At this time, Han Bin's cell phone rang; he took out his cell phone and saw that Zheng Kaixuan's cell phone number was displayed on the screen.

"Hey, Captain Zheng."

"The man with the woven bag is the one who took the ransom," Zheng Kaixuan recalled.

It turned out that when they were in Qingdao City; invisible cameras had already been installed on this bus, and in Simen County Han Bin and Li Hui directly got off the bus to create a safe atmosphere for the suspect to commit his crime.

After the man with the woven bag got off the bus, he rushed out of the bus station, took out his cell phone and made a call, stopped a taxi, and left.

"Where are you going?" asked the driver.

"Baoxi Village," the man answered and stopped talking. He held the woven bag tightly with both hands, with a look of uncontrollable joy on his face, and looked back every now and then; as if afraid someone was following him.

The taxi was going not very fast, and after moving forward for a while, he discovered that two cars had collided in front, and his speed had become even slower.

At this time, the two rear doors on the left and right of the taxi suddenly opened, and two men rushed into the car. The passenger in the back was startled, and just as he was about to resist, he suddenly felt a numbness in his waist and an electric current in his body.

"Oh oh oh......"

The man's whole body shook, and after a while, the power went away, and as soon as the body came to its senses, he discovered the two people were holding his hands and handcuffing them. The taxi was driven by a police officer from Simen County, and the men who handcuffed the man with the woven bag were Han Bin and Li Hui.

The reason they used the electric baton to subdue the other party was their last resort. The hostage was still in the hands of other kidnappers. If the kidnapper who took the ransom could not be arrested in time, he would likely send a signal to the other kidnappers, which would compromise the hostage's safety. Han Bin and Li Hui closed the car door, and the taxi continued to drive forward and went directly to the nearby police station.

The kidnapping case is related to the security of the hostage, and every second counts, so the suspect was unescorted back to the Qingdao branch but questioned on the spot in Simen County.

In the interrogation room, Han Bin was in charge of the trial, and Li Hui was in charge of the case.

Han Bin glanced at the man sitting on the interrogation chair and said more quickly: "Name, age, gender, address..."

"Bao Zhi Yuan, 29, male..."

"Bao Zhi Yuan, I'm not going to talk nonsense with you, let me tell you directly, do you want to have your sentence commuted, or do you want to go to jail," Han Bin went straight to the point.

"Mr. Police officer; don't scare me, and our country is on the law, and I didn't break the law, so why should I go to jail."

"The black backpack tied with a blue ribbon is yours?" Han Bin asked.


"Where is he from?"

"I picked it up from the bus. I thought it had been thrown by others, so I wanted to pick it up and use it at home."

"Lies, it is full of money, which would throw away such a large amount of money. Who does not want such an amount of money? You treat us like fools," Li Hui asked.

"I didn't know it was money. I thought it was dirty clothes. If I knew it was money, I wouldn't want it," Bao Zhi Yuan said.


Li Hui hit the table and scolded: "There are surveillance cameras on the bus, and you obviously opened the backpack to check, and you still dare to lie."

"Even if there is money in it, I picked it up and it's not a violation of the law," Bao Zhi Yuan quibbled.

"This money is the ransom of a kidnapping case, and the person who took the money is the suspect in the kidnapping case," Han Bin warned.

"I'm uninvolved in any kidnapping cases, so please don't hurt the right people." Bao Zhi Yuan realized the seriousness of the matter and was a little anxious.

"We won't hurt a good person, but we won't let a bad person go. I can tell you clearly that if the hostage dies, you are primarily responsible for his death," Han Bin said.

"Don't joke, I picked up a bag, how could I be a murderer? You can't hurt good people," Bao Zhi Yuan looked aggrieved.

"If we have wronged you, you know it in your own heart, I advise you not to take any chances. If you can't explain it clearly, don't even think about leaving this interrogation room," Han Bin said coldly.

"Don't scare me. I'm really wronged. I'm just a little greedy for small and cheap things. When I saw no one took this bag, I want to take it home, but I really did not participate in any kidnapping," Bao Zhi Yuan shouted.

"Who did you call coming out of the station?"

"I called my mom, told her, I'm going back to dinner tonight, asked her to make something delicious, and put two bottles of beer in the fridge."

"Where were you at eight o'clock last night?"

"I played cards at a construction site in Qingdao, and my colleagues could testify. I played cards with them. We were a lot of people together. There really are a lot of people who can prove it," Bao Zhi Yuan was a little nervous, and the foreword didn't match the second.

"What's the name of the site manager? What's his phone number?"

"I only know our foreman's phone number. I call him Brother Cui on my phone," Bao Zhi Yuan said.

"Bao Zhi Yuan, I warn you, don't be smart, if you delay the time to save the hostage, you are primarily responsible for his death, don't think you can clear your name," Han Bin warned again.

"I didn't play any tricks, and I was really wronged, really." Bao Zhi Yuan's eyes widened.

Han Bin exchanged a few words in a low voice with Li Hui, then he left the interrogation room and let Tian Li enter the interrogation room to replace him, and like that Li Hui became the interrogator and Tian Li the recorder, and Han Bin left the interrogation room to verify the authenticity of Bao Zhi Yuan's confession.

In order to save the hostage in a race against time, the interrogation will continue until Bao Zhi Yuan and the suspects are completely arrested.

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