Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 151

Chapter 151 - That Was also Your Masterpiece

Yin Xu initially intended to assist Martial Union to earn their gratitude, but the current situation revealed that the ones at a disadvantage were the two dispirited individuals from the Evil Sect.

“What should we do?” he asked Teng Yu.

“Have you considered saving the ones on the left and right and letting them take us to the Evil Sect's main altar? Wouldn't that be more convenient?”

Yin Xu blinked. “People from the Evil Sect… can they even understand the concept of ‘gratitude'?” He never expected to become friends by saving their lives.

“Even if they don't have such thoughts, you can create them. People's minds can change.”

Yin Xu scratched his chin in thought. He felt there was still a chance to trick Zuo Shaotang. Although the other one was cold and ruthless, capable of betrayal at any time, such a person was also the least likely to be threatened.

In any case, it was better than aligning with Martial Union.

“Sigh, seeing that they are from the same sect, I will reluctantly save them.” Yin Xu took out the crossbow he had picked up in the courtyard and smeared another poison on the arrow. He aimed at the weakest disciple and shot.

The battle was intense, and no one noticed the secret attack. By the time the disciple heard the whistling sound and turned around, it was too late. The arrow pierced his neck, not even giving him time for a final scream.

“Who…?” This unexpected turn startled everyone present, including Zuo Shaotang and Xiao Feng.

They didn't have many people lying in ambush in the passage. Most of them were stationed on top of the passageway, so the situation was dire.

When a helper suddenly appeared, they mistakenly thought he was an ally using the crossbows from their Sky Piercing Sect.

“Ah… look… he's…” A cry of surprise drew everyone's attention. They looked towards the source of the sound and immediately gasped.

The unfortunate fellow hit by the arrow began to emit a faint green smoke. This scene was truly horrifying when it happened to those dead bodies.

Someone approached to investigate, but before his fingers could touch the body, he collapsed, not even twitching.

“What's going on? Is this smoke poisonous?” The crowd hastily retreated, with some even running towards the exit.

Zuo Shaotang and Xiao Feng exchanged glances, seeing the doubt in each other's eyes. When did such a potent poison appear in their teachings without their knowledge?

Both of them retreated simultaneously. Each movement caused their wounds to ache. They thought they were doomed this time, but it seemed there might be a chance.

The green smoke spread slowly. Anyone who inhaled it fell over instantly. It was far more effective than knockout drugs.

“Hold your breath! Quick, hold your breath!” Qing Xiaoyan bellowed, trying to disperse the smoke with his palm.

However, smoke being smoke, even though it dispersed, it lingered in the air. In fact, the strong palm wind caused it to spread even more, making more people collapse.

Zuo Shaotang held Xiao Feng's hand and wrote a few words on his palm, closely observing the changing situation, ready to escape at any moment.

“Chief! What should we do?” If it were any other trap, they could break through, but how could they deal with smoke? They couldn't catch it, and it was hard to avoid. Were they about to succeed only to give up now?

Qing Xiaoyan couldn't accept that. As the chief of the alliance, if he couldn't handle these two today, how could he maintain his prestige in the future?

“Let's attack together. Fish Sect Leader, lead your disciples to find the assailant. Everyone else, blow the smoke away from the demon!”

Once the order was given, everyone quickly cast aside their fear and began to move accordingly.

Seeing the white-bearded old man leading his men and rushing over, Yin Xu raised his crossbow and fired an arrow at incredible speed. He realized that the crossbow's speed was faster than he had ever seen, and the other party didn't even have time to react.

With previous incidents as a precedent, no one dared to touch the corpse this time, let alone approach it.

The Fish Sect Leader stared intently at the corpse, fearing more smoke. Taking advantage of their hesitation, Yin Xu and Teng Yu dashed out from their hiding spot.

Their target was Zuo Shaotang and Xiao Feng. To avoid the green smoke, they tried to move towards the exit, but unfortunately, too many people were blocking their way.

“Stop them!” The Fish Sect Leader reacted quickly, leading his people in pursuit.

However, their speed couldn't match Yin Xu and Teng Yu. Meanwhile, Qing Xiaoyan, seeing someone rushing in his direction, instinctively launched a palm strike.

Yin Xu sensed the palm's wind behind him, swiftly turning and pulling out the soul flag. It was his first time using it in front of others. He formed a hand seal and swiped, unleashing the evil spirits within the flag towards Qing Xiaoyan and the others, unseen by them.

The crowd was baffled, sensing sudden darkness and coldness around them. An inexplicable feeling assailed their hearts, making them restless and anxious.

As their frustration grew, they couldn't understand what was wrong, only feeling a surge of anger they wanted to release.

“Ah!” Finally, someone couldn't resist anymore, raising their sword and swinging it at a companion.

Luckily, the attacked person reacted quickly, deflecting the sword, resulting in just a slash on his arm.

“You're crazy!” The crowd descended into chaos, with more people inexplicably going mad. Qing Xiaoyan, initially chasing Yin Xu, stopped and asked angrily, “What did you do?”

Yin Xu finally acknowledged him, pointing at the chaotic crowd. “Are you sure you want to keep chasing us and not help the people who saved you? If this continues, they'll all die!”

Although his Ten Thousand Soul Banner wasn't extremely powerful, it was more than enough to handle these mortals.

Qing Xiaoyan was furious. “You really are in cahoots with the Evil Sect!”

“I just think it's more worthwhile to save them, but don't worry, I have no intention of opposing Martial Union. You might even help me against the Evil Sect someday.”

“Humph! Aren't you afraid the entire orthodox martial arts world will take revenge on you?”

“Hehe, you all… I think it would be better for you to behave!” Yin Xu wasn't intimidated by such a minor threat. With his identity as the Young Master of the Huo Family, who would dare to touch him?

The Huo Family Army was not to be trifled with.

Both sides paused their fighting. As Yin Xu spoke, he retrieved the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, and the wailing ghosts within finally quieted down.

The four of them stood at the exit, staring at each other. Eventually, Zuo Shaotang conceded, “I never thought it would be you two who saved us. We owe you a great favor!”

“Hey, who said we did it out of kindness?” Yin Xu interrupted him with a snort. “Do you think we have nothing better to do?”

Zuo Shaotang was taken aback by his straightforwardness. He hadn't expected them to save him for no reason, but did they have to be so blunt?

“Then how do you want us to repay this debt of saving us?”

“Humph!” Xiao Feng laughed coldly from the side. “You probably want to take my life, right?”

“If I wanted your life, why would I save you? How does your brain work?” Yin Xu rolled his eyes at him, his gaze filled with disdain.

Teng Yu intervened, stopping the three from talking further. “Let's leave this place first. Do we really need to wait for people to catch up?”

Yin Xu shrugged, indicating he didn't mind.

They were currently standing in a room that was undoubtedly part of the Evil Sect.

The place wasn't far from the courtyard they had been in before. From here, they could see flames soaring into the sky. The surrounding people started informing others about the fire, but few actually attempted to extinguish it.

The yard wasn't connected to other houses, and the neighborhood was ordinary. Probably no one was willing to risk their lives to put out the fire.

On the way back, Yin Xu gloated, “Looks like there's a grudge between your Evil Sect and fire. You've burned your Sky Piercing Pavilion, and now another manor.”

Xiao Feng retorted lightly, “That was also your handiwork.”

“With grudges settled, this young master was still kind enough to save your life despite them. Burning a Sky Piercing Pavilion is nothing. One day, I'll even burn the one in the capital.”

Zuo Shaotang pulled back Xiao Feng, who wanted to retort further, and said gratefully, “Indeed, with our relationship, Seventh Young Master Huo is magnanimous and won't argue with me!”

Depicting himself as a villain made Yin Xu's expression soften. He despised people who pretended to be gentlemen while being villains.

“I won't argue, but you still owe me for saving your life.” Yin Xu looked at them with malicious intent. He noticed they were severely injured yet standing tall, showing they had endured much hardship since childhood.

Their unwavering determination made Yin Xu respect the Evil Sect a bit more.

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