Cursed Immortality

Chapter 106 Being Followed!

Two days later,

Jacob had a pleasant lunch in his room before he left toward the butcher shops he had visited on the first day and ordered Rare Heart and Blood.

When he was a few meters away from the first butcher shop, 'Cursed Immortality!'

He summoned Immortika and told sternly, "I knew you know what is going on, but still, I'm going to tell you one more time. Soon when he showed me heart and blood, I want to know their tiers and if they are good for distillation or not."

Jacob was so confident in appraising those hearts and blood, was naturally because of Immortika, and he knew nothing can escape this book's detection.

Furthermore, he only has half an hour to finalize all the deals before his time of summoning Immortika runs out for the day.

"Hehehe, why don't you just kill all the surrounding livestock? This place is probably a poultry farm for you!" Immortika recommended.

Jacob retorted coldly, "I'd love to, but I don't want to be ripped apart by the owner of this farm. So, keep your obscene suggestions to yourself. We have work to do."

"Then just draw some chickens out of this farm. It's so easy. Why are you being a coward?"

Jacob ostensibly replied, "We'll cross that bridge when the time comes. First, I need to absorb all the heart essence I'm about to get, and if I find myself short on meat. I'll do as you suggest."

It wasn't like he hadn't thought of this, it was just that he didn't require taking such actions right now.

Jacob entered the butcher shop, and he saw the masked man skinning some uncommon animals while the burly butcher he was familiar with sat in his chair.

When the masked butcher saw Jacob's appearance, his eyes flashed as he said, "So, you come."

Jacob didn't beat around the bush and said, "I'm in a hurry. Do you have it or not?"

"Wait here." The butcher didn't mind and put his book down as he stood up and entered the back door.

"That's a tier-6 Brown Troll. Don't you want his heart and blood?" Immortika wrote words of temptation.

Jacob merely scoffed and didn't indulge it anymore.

Soon the Brown Troll came back with a jar filled with blood and the heart was also floating within.

"Now tell me that thing tier and if it's good for distillation?" Jacob questioned.

"Tier-4 Gray Horn Hog. Although it was slaughtered 4 hours ago, it's still good for distillation. But it's nothing in front of that big log."

Jacob pretended as if he didn't even see the last words.

"Your heart and blood." The Brown Troll put the jar in front of Jacob while observing his eyes.

Although he didn't know why Jacob wanted this heart and blood, he didn't have the right to ask. But he was curious about how Jacob would tell if this was indeed the blood and heart of a rare species.

To his surprise; Jacob didn't even open the jar and put ten thousand gold bills on the counter and said, "It's indeed what I asked for."

The Brown Troll was baffled because he thought Jacob would take out some kind of device or taste the blood or at least open the jar to smell it, but he didn't do any of this.

Jacob put the jar in the large bag he had prepared beforehand.

He looked at the Brown Troll and asked, "Can you arrange another heart and blood except for Gray Horn Hog next time?"

"YOU?! How do you know?" The Brown Troll's eyes went wide in shock.

Jacob deliberately revealed it so he could intimidate the other party. and he also wanted to be sure the next delivery would be different from the Gray Horn Hog.

Now that the butcher knew he can tell where this blood and heart come from just by a glance, he won't dare to underestimate him.

"Can you arrange it or not?" Jacob completely ignored his question and impassively questioned again.

The Brown Troll took a deep breath before he shook his head. "My supplier only raised Gray Horn Hogs."

'That's what I think so.' Jacob didn't have his hopes up from the start. "Then you don't need to arrange the heart and blood any more. Thanks."

Done saying he left the bewildered Brown Troll and his shop.

Jacob quickly approached the second butcher shop, which was five hundred meters away from the Brown Troll's shop.

The butcher also prepared a jar for Jacob.

"Hahaha… this is also a heart and blood of tier-4 Gray Horn Hog. It seemed your dream of collecting heart and blood without getting your hands dirty might not last for even a day."

Jacob's expression fell when he saw that and thought grimly, 'Do they all have the same supplier?'

"I don't want this heart and blood!" He plainly declared.

The butcher, who was a gnome, turned hostile hearing this and rebuked. "Who do you mean you don't want it? Are you messing with me? Do you know how difficult it was to arrange your bullshit blood and heart?"

Jacob knew if it was anyone else, they would also fly in rage, but he had no use for this heart and blood any more.

He said, "I know I'm the one at fault here. So, I buy 15 thousand gold coins worth of rare meat from you. How's that sound?"

"Then what about this heart and blood?" Although the gnome was still furious, he didn't try to jump on Jacob anymore, since fifteen thousand gold coins weren't a small amount.

"You can think of a way yourself. Now, do we have a deal or not?" Jacob coldly questioned.

Since it was his fault, he was willing to buy meat from here, but if this guy think he can push him around, then he was dead wrong. If he still threw his little tantrum, he would leave and see if this guy dared to attack him.

Furthermore, he can tell these guys didn't have to spend 10,000 gold coins on a measly heart and a liter of blood.

In the end, the gnome had no choice but to agree because he could sense Jacob would leave if he tried to play the victim anymore.

Jacob left the shop with fifteen pounds of rare meat.

He then headed toward the third shop, which turned out to be a letdown as well with the same type of blood and heart again. He again settled this matter with fifteen pounds of rare meat.

Without much expectation, he entered the fourth shop, which turned out to be the same as the previous two.

Now, he had 45 pounds of meat, and he headed toward the last shop. His hopes were completely extinguished now and he would buy 15 pounds of rare meat more before leaving the city.

60 pounds of meat was enough to sustain his hunger until he found rare prey, and he was even thinking about going to the rare region without coming back to the dark city anymore.

Although this place was great and all, his needs lay in the rare region where he can hunt as many rare species as he wanted.

As for killing the people in Dark City, it was a very time-consuming process. Because most of them were criminals. They were just refugees in Uncommon Dark City, and there wasn't anywhere worth going in the uncommon region as well.

So, these people seldom leave the dark city and mostly worked there since there was almost everything available there.

Just as Jacob predicted, the last shop also turned out to have the same meat supplier. Now, Jacob wondered who this supplier was and where his farm was.

If it was something in the uncommon region, he didn't mind plundering it.

However, even the shop owners didn't know who it was since they only had business deals through his attendants. So, this was also another dead end.

Jacob didn't waste any more time on other butcher shops and visited some weapon shops on his way.

Now, he had spent all the money he earned from selling the titan iron except the ten thousand in his bank account.

So, he left toward the exit.

The gate guards didn't block his way, but they were somewhat astonished since someone leaving the Dark City was a rare sight in Uncommon Dark City.

The rude gate attendant only asked for Jacob's pass back without saying a word about refunds for his remaining days.

Jacob coldly glanced at her before he left through the gate.

However, just as Jacob left, another capped person left soon after, and Jacob didn't even notice this person!

His mysterious person stealthily followed Jacob's tracks since it was in the middle of the day; he quickly spotted Jacob going toward the border river.

'Is he leaving?' The capped person thought while continuing to follow Jacob, while Jacob had no idea about it.

He was going toward the area where he buried his two bags!

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