Cold Husband, Don't Seduce Me

Chapter 105

Today, when Aunt Shu was discharged, Gu Qingyou came to the hospital early in the morning.

An Yaru arrived earlier than her and had already helped Aunt Shu pack her things. Gu Qingyou then directly went to help Aunt Shu settle the discharge procedures.

On the way back from the hospital, An Yaru rode on An Yaru's car. On the way back, An Yaru showed her an expression that indicated that he wanted to talk to her later.

Gu Qingyou had already guessed what An Yaru wanted to talk about with her, so when she returned home and told Aunt Shu to rest on the bed, she allowed An Yaru to drag her into her room.

In the room, An Yaru frowned and asked worriedly, "Qingyou, I saw the news, yesterday ?? Who was the person that Jiang Jun was carrying to the hospital? "

Gu Qingyou knew that she could not hide anything from her good friend, so she told An Yaru the truth that she was the true person in the bottom of her heart.

After hearing what she had to say, An Yaru fell into a daze for a long time.

"Gu Qingyou, you stupid woman, you clearly know that Jiang Jun still has Su Mo in her heart, yet you actually took the initiative to look for him, and let him meet Jiang Jun. Are you crazy?"

Gu Qingyou had already expected that her good friend would have such a reaction after hearing about this matter, but she still maintained her calm expression. I'm not stupid, I'm not crazy, I know exactly what I'm doing... Moreover, didn't you tell me that there's someone else in his heart?

"But you've already accepted it!" An Yaru was so angry that she almost died. Both of her hands on her waist, she continuously took a few deep breaths, then controlled herself and said in a serious tone, "Since you've accepted it, then you will be ru

ing away from him until the end of your life. Now that his love rival has appeared, you should bite on to Jiang Jun tightly, and force that love rival to retreat after knowing the difficulties."

Gu Qingyou replied calmly, "So what if I try my best to keep him by my side? If his heart is with someone else, do you think that he and I can really continue on happily and lovingly? "

Gu Qingyou's question made the angry An Yaru turn silent for a moment.

Gu Qingyou looked at An Yaru, and continued in a calm tone, "Ya Ru, before, I accepted him because I thought that the person he loved did not love him, so it is still possible for me to replace Su Mo and enter his heart. However, the person he loves right now has not let him go, and in the future, even if he does not want to be ashamed of me, and has the heart to force herself to forget Su Mo, he will only think of Su Mo more and more.

An Yaru's body trembled slightly.

Gu Qingyou sighed softly. "I'm still young, and in the future, I still have a high possibility of meeting a man that can move my heart. Why would I want to destroy the beautiful love of others and leave all three of the people in this world in pain?"

An Yaru seemed to have finally understood what was going on. Her expression softened as she looked at her sorrowfully. In the future, it's very likely that we'll meet another man that can move your heart. Do you think that's possible? "

Gu Qingyou's chest was held up because of An Yaru's words.

An Yaru shook his head sadly, "Impossible ?? I've been friends with you for more than ten years. I know your personality very well. The things that you've decided on, you've never changed ?? If you choose to leave, you have placed yourself in a position where you have suffered for the rest of your life to achieve their goals. "

Gu Qingyou's eyes that flickered with a faint watery light revealed a trace of a smile. I won't be in pain, and if I see him doing well, I'll do well too. "

"Quiet ??" An Yaru gently held onto Gu Qingyou's trembling shoulder, her voice filled with pain. You're really too stupid. "

Gu Qingyou maintained her smile, "If you were to meet someone that you deeply love, I think you would do the same."

An Yaru hugged Gu Qingyou tightly.

Gu Qingyou closed her eyes and leaned on her friend's shoulder without worry.

"I think maybe it really is a good person and a good reward. Heaven did not arrange a happy ending for Jiang Jun and Jiang Jun, it is still blessing you." An Yaru said with difficulty. It's a bit of an immoral thing to say, but it's true. "

Gu Qingyou did not open her eyes, but maintained a bright and tranquil smile on her face. But Ya Ru, from the moment I found out about Su Mo's existence, I had a premonition that my days with Jiang Jun was almost over ?? "

"Unless Su Mo has a miracle." An Yaru replied.

Gu Qingyou swallowed the bitterness in her throat. Jiang Jun will not let anything happen to Su Mo, he will cure her ?? "I know."

"I won't allow you to think like that, I won't allow ??" An Yaru hugged Gu Qingyou even more tightly. You and Jiang Jun will not be separated. "

Seeing that her condition today was not bad, the Aunt Shu suggested for Gu Qingyou to call Jiang Jun today and invite him over to their home for di


Gu Qingyou indeed wanted to personally cook a meal for Jiang Jun, but she didn't want the Aunt Shu to be disappointed as well, so she gave him a call in the afternoon.

But, she could not get through to Jiang Jun's phone.

Aunt Shu had been waiting for her reply. She could only tell Aunt Shu that he had been very busy these past two days.

Aunt Shu didn't think too much about it, but in the afternoon, she rushed her back.

"Don't come see me for the next two days ??" Jiang Jun is so busy, accompany him more if you have time. "

How could she be at ease with him? She tightly held onto the Aunt Shu on the sofa in the hall. He's been having social events for the past few days, so even if I go back early, he won't be home. "

"Don't lie to Aunt Shu ?? Last time I heard from Jiang Jun, he doesn't normally like social networking. " The Aunt Shu said righteously.

Gu Qingyou, "..."

The Aunt Shu held Gu Qingyou's hand. Alright, Aunt Shu knows that you are filial, but you know that if you and Jiang Jun can get married earlier, this would be the best filial gesture you can make towards Aunt Shu. "

Gu Qingyou didn't know how to reply for a moment.

An Yaru actually joined in as well, and said seriously, "That's right, Qingyou, Aunt Shu is under my care. You can be at ease, go back and accompany your boyfriend quickly ??"

Gu Qingyou secretly glared at An Yaru.

An Yaru did not make a sound, she only spoke to Gu Qingyou with her mouth, "Quickly go and find Jiang Jun at the hospital, you ca

ot let him stay with Su Mo tonight."

Gu Qingyou was helpless, she could only follow Aunt Shu's wishes and leave the rented apartment.

Gu Qingyou had nowhere to go. After all, she could not return to the Jiang's Mansion before Jiang Jun, and that would cause the Director Jiang couple to worry. After thinking about it, she decided to go to the hospital.

She also wanted to go and see Su Mo herself, and apologize for reprimanding him yesterday.

Gu Qingyou called Jiang Jun first, but she was unable to get through to him. Bang!

Gu Qingyou thought about it and decided to go to the hospital first.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qingyou arrived at the ICU that Su Mo had already entered. However, she saw that Su Mo was no longer in the ward, because she knew that it was impossible for Su Mo to enter the ordinary ward at this time. Gu Qingyou guessed that Jiang Jun had already left the hospital.

After leaving the hospital, since Gu Qingyou was still unable to contact Jiang Jun, she started to wander the streets of C City by herself.

C City is a bustling metropolis, the night is bright and noisy.

Gu Qingyou looked around at the people coming and going, but she felt like she was alone. This feeling of loneliness made her finally enter a coffee shop, letting the warmth of the coffee shop dispel her loneliness and coldness. She quietly sat alone at a seat near the window, looking out at the traffic.

Gu Qingyou did not know how long she stayed in the coffee shop when her phone rang.

It was within her expectations, the call was from Jiang Jun.

"She took a light breath and let out a relieved smile." "Hey ??"

"Where are you?"

"I'm here ??" Gu Qingyou took the dining plate and looked at the name of the coffee shop. I'm at XX Coffee Shop. "

"I'll pick you up now."


After ending her call with Jiang Jun, Gu Qingyou slowly put down her phone from the side of her ear, and suddenly felt uncontrollably sad.

She suddenly realized that she had not heard his voice for only a day. She had just heard his familiar and pleasant voice on the phone, but she was already so nostalgic.

Not long after, the familiar S65 appeared in front of the coffee shop.

Such a low-key model, even if Ye Shuo personally got off the driver's seat to open the car door for her, it would not attract the attention of the surrounding people, allowing Gu Qingyou to easily get on the car.

Jiang Jun sat in the back seat, exhausted for some unknown reason, and closed her eyes to rest.

Gu Qingyou didn't ask any questions, nor did she say anything. She leaned back in her chair and quietly watched the scenery outside the window.

The car smoothly drove into the Jiang's Mansion, Jiang Jun got off first, went around to open the car door for her, wrapped his arm around her waist, and then walked towards the brightly lit Jiang's Mansion.

It was already rather late. Normally, Director Jiang and his wife would have already gone to sleep, but today, they were watching Korean dramas in the living room. It was obvious that they were waiting for them.

Seeing them return with each other, the two elders didn't wait for them to greet the two elders before returning to their room with satisfied smiles on their faces.

In the Jiang's Mansion Hall, Jiang Jun released her. Her astute and acute black eyes looked at her normally calm face. You called me twice today? "

"Yes." Suddenly, Gu Qingyou didn't want to tell Jiang Jun about eating so she replied lightly like that.

Jiang Jun raised her hand and gently covered Gu Qingyou's face.

The temperature of her cheeks was as cold as he had expected.

"I've been in the emergency room all day, so I can't reach you on the phone." Jiang Jun explained to Gu Qingyou softly.

Gu Qingyou frowned, "Rescue?"

Jiang Jun nodded her head, "Su Mo woke up last night, but not long after she woke up, she suddenly became dizzy and was shocked. The doctor immediately pushed Su Mo into the emergency room. "

Gu Qingyou looked astonished. "Wasn't yesterday's operation very successful for Su Mo? "Why did it suddenly ??"

"Her body is too weak, her heart is not working well, and her blood is itchy enough to cause dizziness and shock."

"Is she okay now?" Gu Qingyou asked nervously.

"After seven hours of saving, she has temporarily stabilized, but Su Mo's heart function is too poor. The domestic medical equipment is unable to guarantee that she can control the disease before finding a suitable heart, so I have already arranged for a professor of mental medicine to accompany Su Mo to the United States for treatment." Jiang Jun calmly stated.

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