Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 136 - 79: Reminiscing with Miss Bun

Chapter 136: Chapter 79: Reminiscing with Miss Bun


Translator: 549690339

Tracy Garcia pondered for a moment, then said, “No. It seems like… he is a Card Master Apprentice.”

The two comrades were rendered speechless.

Since when are Card Master Apprentices considered impressive?

Alison too didn’t seem happy, asking again, “What’s his professional sequence?”

Garcia felt embarrassed being questioned, “I… I don’t know.”

She just realized that aside from knowing that he is excellent at solving puzzles, she really had no clue about his professional sequence.

It seemed like she had never seen him fight at all.

Listening, Alison shook her head and said, “Forget it. We should get some rest early too. We have to get up early tomorrow.”

The three of them said nothing and headed upstairs with their tactical backpacks.

Listening to the footsteps, Leonard Churchill knew that Garcia and the two others were in the rooms next to his.

He didn’t care, sitting cross-legged on the bed practicing the Breathing Method while simultaneously reading various card master scriptures.

He knew nothing of the conversation taking place downstairs, and he didn’t want to know either.

Right now, Leonard felt there wasn’t enough time, too many things to learn.

He was hoping that the Greedy Mining Pit would yield some skill cards, this would save a lot of time to practice martial skills.

Time flew and a few hours passed in a flash.

Leonard was completely immersed in his training and learning.

At some point, a knocking sound was heard.

A soft voice came from outside the door, “Mr. Leonard Churchill, have you gone to bed?”

When Leonard heard the knock, his mind finally returned to the present. Recognizing it was Tracy Garcia’s voice, he got off the bed and opened the door. Outside the door, the spirit communicator Miss was standing holding a pot of tea, slightly bowing, she apologized, “I’m sorry to bother you. I was just brewing some fruit tea and thought that since you hadn’t gone to bed, I would bring you some.”

Leonard smiled and invited her in, “Miss Garcia, you’re too polite, please come in.”

Tracy Garcia looked up and paused slightly.

She seemed a little surprised, “Hmm… This is the first time I’ve seen Mr. Leonard Churchill without his gas mask.”

While speaking, Miss Bun Hair blinked her big watery eyes and sneakily took another peek.

Leonard chuckled and didn’t realize he wasn’t wearing his mask.

It seemed like he’d worn his gas mask all the time while in the Grand Cemetery Labyrinth.

But it didn’t matter.

She wasn’t a stranger either.

After allowing Tracy to come into the room, he closed the door.

The spirit communicator Miss also wasn’t wearing her gas mask, remaining the adorable bun-haired girl, with shallow dimples that appeared when she smiled.

Quite pretty, and someone you could look at for a long time.

Having seen her true face before, Leonard was not too surprised.

Perhaps because they were not in their hunter’s gear, not covered by their cloaks, the unfamiliarity between them vanished.

Tracy was wearing the common female hunter attire, the Hunting Deer Clothes

– a brown, tight top and flexible battle trousers.

Most people would find this outfit loose, but Miss Spirit Communicator, with her perfect body, fitted the clothes wonderfully.

Her silhouette was graceful, exuding the unique youthful aura and the aesthetic sense of her stunning body.

Leonard’s gaze unintentionally swept over her but quickly returned to normal.

Tracy set the teacup on the table and poured the tea as she said, “I’m sorry Mr. Leonard Churchill, my companions did not mean any harm. It’s just that earlier…”

Smiling, Leonard shook his head, implying he didn’t care about that.

He directly asked, “Miss Garcia, what brings you here? Are you also heading to the Greedy Mining Well?”


Without anyone else present, Tracy responded immediately.

She seriously explained, “We are looking for a potion formula to cure a special plague. We saw it in an ancient book, but it has been lost since. So we have been looking for clues in the Hunter’s Association to see if there’s output from some ancient remnants. Recently, we heard that some ancient witch potion formulas have appeared in the alternate dimension of the Greedy Mining Well, so we wanted to give it a try.”


So, they were heading there for the potion formula.

Listening to her, Leonard didn’t ask any further questions.

It seemed like the organization she was with contracted some sort of plague. Given her serious expression, Leonard deduced that the plague must be severe. Despite being an extraordinary world, diseases and plagues remained deadly threats that could not be completely eliminated.

Tracy then asked, “What about you, Mr. Leonard Churchill?”

Leonard casually stated, “I’m searching for some materials, I heard that space also yields Skill Cards, so I thought I’d try my luck.”

“Wow… What a coincidence!”

Tracy also found it coincidental.

Sinless City was so large, with so many missions from the Hunter’s Association, yet they had run into each other in this small inn.

After she finished pouring the tea, she handed it over, “Please, have some tea, Mr. Leonard Churchill.”

Leonard took the tea cup, not accustomed to this formality, “You can just call me by my name. You don’t have to be so polite.”

Tracy Garcia nodded and blinked, “Then, you can call me by my name too, or ‘Little Garcia’. That’s what everyone calls me.”

Leonard nodded: “Okay.”

He found that little bunhead Miss was quite reserved to strangers at first, but once she trusts them, her nature revealed a cheerful side.

The two of them were not complete strangers, but also not particularly familiar.

After a few words, it seemed like they were out of topics and the room’s atmosphere became slightly awkward.

At this point, Tracy noticed the opened book on the bed and expressed surprise, “Mr. Leonard Churchill, you’re still reading, even at this late hour?” Everyone knew that in Sinless City, very few hunters choose to waste their time reading books.

Hunters risk their lives exploring, each survival feels like a gift from fate.

During their spare time, indulging themselves at the Moonlight Tavern was just about enough, who would have time to read?

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