Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 135 - 79= Reminiscing with Miss Bun Hair

Chapter 135: Chapter 79= Reminiscing with Miss Bun Hair

Translator: 549690339

Sinless City is big, and Leonard Churchill did not expect such a coincidence of running into someone so familiar at Windmill Inn.

Once greeted, he could not pretend not to recognize her, and said, “Miss Tracy Garcia?”

Tracy Garcia, seeing that she had recognized the right person was elated, replied, “Ah… it really is Mr. Leonard Churchill. I was unsure just now.” Nothing is more memorable than having gone through a life-and-death situation together.

The Spirit Communicator remembered her savior profoundly.

Curious, Leonard Churchill asked, “Miss Garcia, why are you here?”

With a glance at her two companions, he saw that his old acquaintance Camilla was not there.

Although he guessed that the three of them had come to Windmill Inn probably to go to the Alternate Dimension, the Greedy Mining Well, he was somewhat curious about why they wanted to go there.

Without hesitation, Tracy Garcia responded, “Ah, we saw the recruitment notice at the Hunter’s Association and plan to go…”

However, before she could finish, the Black Knight man accompanying her sharply interrupted, “Little Garcia!”

This was obviously a reminder.

He probably meant to tell her not to say too much to strangers.

Leonard Churchill caught the caution in that speech, raising an eyebrow.

He knew Tracy Garcia and they had a basis of trust.

But her two companions were on high alert.

Leonard Churchill didn’t mind.

He knew that both Camilla and Tracy Garcia came from a sensitive background.

So these two companions of hers were probably from the same place.

The female ranger cleverly turned the questioning into a probe, asking, “Little Garcia, who is this?”

Excited, Tracy Garcia tried to introduce him, “Alison, this is Mr. Leonard

Churchill, he is…”

But as the words came to her lips, as if realizing something, she didn’t know

how to continue.

Their meeting had taken place in the Grand Cemetery Labyrinth, but talking about that alternate dimension, the death of Governor Stan Miller and Camilla being assassinated was not appropriate.

But not explaining also felt wrong.

Seeing her hesitating, her two companions felt something unusual.

Both of them knew that Tracy Garcia was naive and could easily be deceived.

Seeing Tracy Garcia’s troubled expression, Leonard Churchill knew she wouldn’t know how to explain the relationship and came forward, “Miss Garcia and I have met once before.”

Relieved, Tracy Garcia said, “Yes. Mr. Leonard Churchill is my friend.”

With that, she stopped dwelling on Leonard Churchill’s identity and introduced, “These are my companions, Alison and Liam Martinez.”

Tracy Garcia introduced them.

But it was clear that her companions didn’t appreciate their names given to a stranger.

Leonard Churchill didn’t take their attitude to heart.

It seems as if people from the mysterious place behind Camilla are always cautious of strangers.

This had been her attitude when he first met Tracy Garcia at the Grand Cemetery Labyrinth.

Leonard Churchill nodded out of politeness and said directly, “Miss Garcia, 111 return to my room now.”

He didn’t want to pry into others’ privacy or understand their situations.

With that, he turned and left directly.

“Thud”, “Thud”, “Thud”…

The sounds of his boots hitting the wooden stairs echoed in the quiet inn lobby.

To onlookers, this action could come across as arrogant.

Tracy Garcia’s companions frowned.

The Spirit Communicator also felt the atmosphere was a bit strange, and explained, “Alison, Liam, don’t take it personally. Mr. Leonard Churchill is a really great person.”

Are there good people in Sinless City?

Both of them looked back with solemn eyes.

Alison asked cautiously, “Little Garcia, what is the background of that man?”

Given their sensitive identities, they needed to be cautious at all times.


Tracy Garcia went blank after being asked. “I… he…

However, after pondering for a while, she realized that she didn’t even know what Leonard Churchill did.

Also, she couldn’t mention how they met.

She could not answer these two questions at all.

Tracy Garcia dodged their gazes, and laughed awkwardly, “Ah… err… Mr.

Leonard Churchill, he’s an independent hunter.”

Some people’s lies are easy to tell.

Especially for Tracy Garcia, who had grown up with her companions from a young age.

Their answer made her companions feel uneasy.

Liam’s face darkened a bit, “Little Garcia, you should be more wary of the people in Sinless City.”

Alison also advised, “Yes, you shouldn’t trust a stranger so easily, in case they have ulterior motives.”

Realizing her companions’ strange looks, Tracy Garcia understood where the misunderstanding was. She couldn’t explain, and could only change the subject, “Hey, you guys stop asking. Anyway, Mr. Leonard Churchill is really a good person. He saved my life.”

The matter involving Camilla was truly sensitive. For now, she didn’t know how to explain it. So she went for the crux of the matter, “And he is very powerful. This time, he is probably going to the Greedy Mining Well too. With him there, even if we’re challenged with higher difficulty, we will have a higher possibility of completing it.”

Hearing that he had “saved her life,” the expressions of Alison and Liam softened a bit, appearing thoughtful.

They weren’t completely ignorant about the situation with Camilla and had vaguely guessed something.

But it’s a topic that should not be spoken of, so they stopped asking more questions.

After hearing from Tracy Garcia that this person was very powerful, Alison asked, “Is he a card master? What is his Professional Sequence?”

If he was a strong player, he could indeed be somewhat helpful in the Alternate Dimension, the Greedy Mining Well..

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