Broken Tower Saga: The First Swordsman

Chapter 25: Rage of the Goblins (2)

Chapter 25: Rage of the Goblins (2)

"Ton would be better at judging their positions better," Wrik said before deactivating his ability.

"Someone called my name?"

Wrik turned around to notice Anton and the others arriving. The kid, Lan looked scared while most of the others had an annoyed expression on. Anton came forward before anyone asked him to and put his senses to work.

"They started to encircle us," Anton said, pondering. "This is not like them, they were strategizing. We might have to take some losses if we let them encircle us."

"Didn't Evan say someone is leading them?" Tanya said, hearing the report. "A goblin shaman or something."

"I thought so too," Wrik nodded. "We need to finish it first if the battle prolongs, we will be at a disadvantage."

"Leave that to me," Toni said as he brandished his blade.

"Alright, then let's go, don't let them encircle us," Wrik commented, seeing no one's disapproving. "Ton, go on with Tanya. Davin, I and Evan will break their numbers."

"And us?" Lillian asked. Behind her was Lan, looking at him with a meek appearance.

"Help anyway you could," Wrik pondered. The kid still looked scared out of his wits. "And you kid, don't cry like before."

Lan gave a hard nod before going on with Lillian.

As Wrik finished saying that they made a formation, he and Davin were at the front while Tanya at the left with Ton. Evan and the other two were responsible for the right side.

They charged towards the approaching goblins while staying in position. Everyone had a specific role in it. Ton and Tanya, who had the highest firepower, were responsible for dealing with the goblin leader, while Evan and his two companions were the auxiliary services. Davin and Wrik were responsible for dealing with mainly the elite goblins. There's no need to delay anymore as they picked up their pace.

The goblins growled in rage instantly, locating them. There was a female goblin leading to the others. It had a similar appearance to the other goblins, average in size, with a long wooden wand on its arm. Its eyes blaze out in fury as well, seeing them. That reminded Wrik it wasn't like the average goblins, it had a clear consciousness of its own, it's more intelligent than the others. The shaman raised her wand as the goblin rushed at them in a mad fury.

Wrik had already grasped the main conception of Mana discharge. He just needed a little push. And he had just the thing for that. He triggered his innate ability immediately; it would work as the push. With the help of the [Eye of insights], he could control his entire perception and senses, may even raise it if he likes. He hadn't used it in battle yesterday, but he didn't hesitate now.

Wrik advanced towards where the elite goblins were, as a silver ring appeared in his pupil. He connected the Maha mana inside his body to the sword, and the mana in the environment. Mana flowed through his swordmaking it sharper and colder. He would need just one good blow to finish a goblin. He split the head of the first goblin with ease, while Evan cleaned the mobs, each barely taking one or two hits. Davin seemed to learn from his past mistakes and stayed within the team. While Lan and Lillian were at the back, dealing with any they missed.

There were a lot of goblins assaulting them, they didn't have enough time to take care of others. In this battle, he only attacked elite goblins as he found it a waste to kill the general goblins with his abilities. It couldn't even take a single move when his sword was infused with a good amount of mana.

The elite ones had brute muscle strength, but they lacked magical power. Almost had no amount of proficiency in it. With his swordsmanship multiplied with the [Eye of Insights], Wrik could keep three or four of them at bay, even with the wound in his leg.

Soon he found out the goblins were fighting with just instinct, though it seemed to be organised than they usually fought. It still lacked the basics of warfare or strategy. Well, it's good that these savages were inept at it. If not, then they would have to make a run for it.

As the battle continued, the wound in his thigh strained more. Wrik gritted his teeth and continued in the battle. If an opportunity came, he had to grab it and finish it as quickly as possible. Ton and Tanya still couldn't take care of their task. Suddenly, his focus was broken by an anxious cryclamouring for help.

"Ahh! Help! Help!"

It was the kid, who was in the back. He was currently amongst a few goblins, swinging his blade wildly in anxiousness. Lillian was quite close to him, but she was blocked by goblins too. Wrik sighed, "Evan, help him, I can handle this."

The former Inquisitor acolyte nodded and went on to help without wasting a single moment. He leapt into the horde of the Goblins, opening a path for Lillian. Then with her, he proceeded to Lan in haste.

While Wrik sped up the circulation of mana discharge, there's no need to hold back anymore; he couldn't sustain the [Eye of Insights] for more. On top of that, it didn't seem, AntonorTanya could finish the goblin shaman within that time.

Now he couldn't wait for an opportunity to arrive. He had to create it with the sword in his arms. The sword slashed colder and quicker than before, and grey blood flowed in the air at every move. The strain in his thigh flared him up with pain, but he didn't stop the sword. He ground his teeth in the pain, but the goblins were not like him, growling in agony. Who cared about them? At least he didn't.

[Perception increased by 1.]

[Magic power increased by 1.]

[Magic power increased by 1.]

A few notifications appeared in blue light, as he massacred the goblins not caring about it. But he could feel his abilities were improving to a high degree, be it the amount of Magic power or the grasp over Mana discharge. It's all improving as he was swinging his swords against the goblinssome were able to block the first move with its weapon, but that's it; even then the easiest faint was enough for it. Wrik advanced further; he was making a path where he could move freely towards the shaman.

[You have learnt Mana Discharge (E-).]

[ - Mana Discharge: (E-)

You can now use mana more fluently, though it is still at the elementary level, it's quite an achievement to learn Mana discharge in one week. ]

[Mana application advanced to (E+)]

"Now, we're talkin'," Wrik said as he gasped for air; a small curve rose on his lips. He could now say that the pain was worth it. His magic power increased by 2 points, he could feel that the whole amount of mana in my body increased by about 20%. He raised the circulation speed to the limit as he charged up ahead.

On the other hand, the battle between the Goblin shaman and Tanya came to a stalemate. There were more than dozens of goblins protecting the female shaman while a few others were assaulting both Tanya and Anton, keeping them away from its leader.

Anton didn't have the freedom to display his skill as he had to protect Tanya, who was currently having a small mage war with the goblin shaman.

Wrik looked around to have a full view of the battlefield: Evan had saved the kid and was now in the back cleaning the goblins with his two companions. Davin was pushing the goblins as he moved towards him. Picking up a pike left behind by one of his prey, he shouted to Davin. "Davin, cover me for a second."

After yelling at Davin, he sucked in a slow and deep breath and aimed his entire focus on the short female goblin silhouette about dozens of metres away. 'This is it,' he mused inside. This was the opportunity.

Wrik sped up the mana inside his body as much as he could, then fused it on the pike. He exhaled slowly, taking two rapid strides forward. He threw the pike. . .


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