
Chapter 202: Dancing in the Moonlight

Chapter 202: Dancing in the Moonlight

Curtis paced in front of the void prison where Xenia remained trapped. None could see the void prison to confirm the veracity of their claims; however, Fincher’s smile and look of relief told Curtis everything he needed to know.

He waited patiently on his phone as it rang until it was answered, “General Ulysses Curtis. A call at this hour can surely only mean good news, yes?”

“Good news indeed. It is taken care of.” Curtis spoke confidently.

“Taken care of?” Michael leaned forward in his chair putting his elbows on his desk, “Is she dead?”

“No. We did you one better. She is trapped in another dimension thanks to our empire’s very own Detective Fincher.”

Michael shot back, “Trapped? Not dead? This sounds like a problem waiting to recur. Is it truly taken care of then?”

Curtis snapped back, “You do realize who many believed this Sareena Night to be, yes?”

“Uh huh. Xenia BloodStar.”

“And do you believe it? Because I have strong evidence that it is the truth.” Curtis was ready to go toe-to-toe with Michael over the phone regarding the issue of the job being taken care of or not.

Michael cleared his throat, “Let me tell you this. I have ample evidence suggesting that she could be Xenia BloodStar. However, I always have the irrefutable evidence of Xenia’s body being held in stasis within the Heraklinos Empire.”

“Yes, well, this wouldn’t be the first time Xenia has played you all. Fincher reports that this woman told him she was Xenia BloodStar.” Curtis stuck to his theory.

Michael quickly responded in point, “And yet how do you explain the lack of powerful ki, the lack of bloodbending, the lack of facing authority such as myself head on during the bank robbery? She is a copycat filling a void.”

Curtis responded in kind, “Even so, it could be her. And if it were her, would it not be better to trap her? Death doesn’t seem to have quite the same hold on Xenia that it has on the rest of us. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Michael finally paused in thought, “Hmph. I suppose you have me there. Better to be trapped in a different dimension than left dead to revive. Even if she isn’t Xenia BloodStar.”

Michael leaned back in his chair with a heavy sigh, “So I guess you are right. It is taken care of then. Thank you.”

Curtis nodded to himself, “Any time.”

The two men hung up, and Curtis turned to find a convoy of 10 Scorched Shadow SUV’s driving up the cemetery’s dirt road to meet them.

Tactical soldiers wearing all black with body armor poured out of the SUVs, and Curtis barked orders, “I need a secure perimeter! No one in and no one out of this area! We are keeping an eye on this plot of land right here!” Curtis pointed to the area where Xenia should be trapped, “If anyone appears right here. Kill them!”

Curtis then heard the sound of a voice which curdled his blood and left him frozen cold.

“And what if I were to appear over here?”

Curtis, Mallory, and Fincher all turned with fearful wide eyes to see Xenia stepping out of the lead SUV in her all-black military outfit and a wide smile.

Everyone in the cemetery was instantly frozen by bloodbending. She began to walk towards Curtis slowly. She raised her hand and clenched her fist, and as she did the bodies of every single soldier were slowly crushed to death.

Their bodies crumpled under her slow and controlled bloodbending. The slow process filled the cemetery with the cracking of bones and the squelching of blood as the soldiers fell one by one into a pool of their own blood.

Curtis couldn’t move; however, he could speak, “But how? How?! It’s not possible!”

She smiled and shot a glance at Fincher, “A clever maneuver Fincher. However, you are now left completely exposed.”

She created a void portal where Fincher sat causing him to fall into it as she sent him back to Bella Domina for Nero to secure.

She then turned back to Curtis, “I knew your plan all along.” She glanced at Mallory, “Didn’t I?”

Mallory nodded, and Xenia turned back to Curtis, “She’s been mine ever since she left Bella Domina where I did unspeakable things to her. She has been my eyes and my ears within your organization.”

She looked at the area where Fincher had trapped her, and she laughed, “You did manage to trap my doppelganger within the void. 10% of my power. I’ll need it back.”

She walked up to Curtis and pressed her body against his running her hands up his sides and up to his neck before kissing him and then saying, “But I’ll get it back, don’t worry.”

Curtis stood before her immobile thinking how foolish they all were and laughed as he said, “To think we could all compete against the Xenia BloodStar. So what horrific fate do you have in store for me?”

“I’m a busy girl. I’m afraid I don’t have time to play this evening.” She held her arms over his shoulders and smiled at him as she brought her face close to his and kissed him.

“I’m not the same girl I used to be. I am risen. I am an empress. I am much less merciful than in the past.”

She then turned to Mallory and said, “Return to Bella Domina and inform Nero to ready for my arrival.”

A void portal opened, and Mallory nodded, “Yes, empress.” Mallory then stepped through it leaving the cemetery to return to Bella Domina.

Xenia smiled at Curtis, “Finally, we are alone together. How intimate.”

She then bloodbent his arm downward placing his hand just under her perfectly sculpted ass with his hand cupping her cheek and pushing it up as she then bloodbent him into grabbing her ass forcefully.

She yelped and smiled, “Okay, okay. I guess we can play for just a minute if you want me that bad.”

Xenia then bloodbent his arm placing his hand on her lower back and his other arm outwards where she placed her hand within his, “May I have this dance?”

She bloodbent him as she began to elegantly dance around the cemetery with him, “I have a wedding coming up, and I need the practice.”

The two stepped, twirled, and swirled through the cemetery around headstones and over graves as they danced in the silver moonlight until finally she bloodbent Curtis to dip her low and kiss her as their dance concluded.

The two held a long kiss under the moonlight until Xenia finally bloodbent him to raise her back up to her feet.

She kissed him on the lips and worked her way down to his neck where she began giving him a hickey, “Such a strong neck. I love it. I want it.”

She then stopped and looked up at him with a hungry gaze, “Can I have it?”

She then bloodbent him to nod ‘yes’, and she growled with excitement as she pulled a small fixed-blade knife from her boot.

“Such a gentleman.” She then swiftly slit his throat with one clean striking motion. Before blood could pour out as a waterfall, Xenia dove in licking and sucking the blood from the cut as she kissed his neck over and over until the blood flow began to outpace her consumption.

She allowed the blood to flow down her chin and onto her chest as she continued to both kiss his neck and drink his blood as it poured out of his slit throat.

As the flow of blood came to a slower pace, she kissed him slower and slower along his neck with her blood-stained lips.

She then stopped to look at his dead face, “Thank you for this dance. I think I’m ready for the wedding now.”

She released her bloodbending hold of him and allowed him to fall to the ground with a thud. Nearly instantaneously, she teleported back to Bella Domina within the main cathedral.

Nero had secured Fincher with taught ropes to a stone altar at the head of the cathedral, and he stood to the side waiting for her return.

As she walked down the aisle, Nero knelt and greeted her, “Detective Fincher has been prepared for you, empress.”

Xenia smiled down at Nero, “Rise.”

Nero stood and couldn’t help but to express his major concern, “You are certain you wish to use the pureblood technique on this subject? It can only be used once.”

Xenia grit her teeth with frustration and bloodbent Nero’s entire body putting an extreme pressure on him causing his body to nearly implode inwards as she angrily said, “I have decided to use my puresanguis. I have told you before that I have deemed his technique to be of utmost importance to me. Do not make me tell you again!”

She threw Nero against the cathedral wall creating a large crack in the wall. Nero fell to the ground but quickly stood to his feet, “Forgive me, empress. I shall never question it again. I only do so as it was a request of the late Empress Victoria to ensure you use it wisely.”

Xenia laughed, “How kind of mother. If she were here, she would agree with my wisdom. Trust me.”

Xenia slowly walked over to Nero with a sultry step to her strut, “I want you to watch, Nero. Will you watch me? It’s only ever performed once a generation.”

Nero stood tall and nodded his head, “It would be my honor.”

“Then watch closely. I don’t want you to miss a second of it.” She leaned in to kiss him but suddenly withdrew her kiss teasing Nero as she turned and walked away.

Nero had grown accustomed to indulging in his empress’s love, and he couldn’t help but yearn for her kiss. He watched her long legs and shapely ass in her tight leather pants as she walked away knowing full well that his empress could read his thoughts.

Xenia reveled in his lust for her as she walked over to the stone altar and prepared to commence puresanguis.

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