Billionaire's Beloved Warm Wife

Chapter 107

it's dawn.

Lying on the ground was a mess of clothes, which seemed to have been thrown on the ground.

At this time, the person in bed suddenly turned over.

Qiao Wei opened his eyes, the sun through the curtain has sprinkled into the room, everywhere is warm.

He rubbed his eyes and reached for his mobile phone. Only when she found that there was no bedside table, she remembered that she had put her bag in the living room after she came back yesterday.

Jovi sat up and looked at the clothes on the floor beside the bed. Her face turned red, and she held her face in her hands. How fierce it was yesterday. The clothes were thrown like this.

After a look, his pajamas were thrown at the door.

"What should I do now?" Qiao Wei hesitated to go and pick it up. But now I'm naked. What if someone opens the door? In the heart incomparably tangled, this wardrobe is also close to the door, also is to walk to be able to find another clothes.

Qiao Wei took a deep breath hard, but he was stabbed both vertically and horizontally. Forget it! Qiao Wei opened the quilt and ran to pick up the pajamas with the fastest speed.

Just bent down to meet the pajamas, the door handle of the room moved.

Qiao Wei's heart immediately mentioned to the throat, she immediately picked up the pajamas in front of her. She took a look at the closet next to her, only that side could block it.

Qiao Wei just moved a step, behind him came Huo Dongyang's voice. "So flustered?"

Hearing Huo Dongyang's voice, Qiao Wei also breathed a sigh of relief. Her back was against the wardrobe, and her pajamas in her hands were in front of her.

She opened her mouth nervously

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, Huo Dongyang instantly closed the door of the room.

"Would you like breakfast, sir?" Lin Juan asked outside the door.

"Get ready!" Huo Dongyang replied.

When I saw joviana, his eyes were very nervous because of his nervousness.

Huo Dongyang was amused to see her like this.

Huo Dongyang stepped forward and reached out to take Qiao Wei into his arms. "Are you still so shy now?"

"This This is not It's not the same. " Qiao Wei's words faltered.

Huo Dongyang hugs Qiao Wei. "I remember you were very enthusiastic last night!"

Qiao Wei certainly remembers how they got back to the master bedroom all the way from the study. That bold look, it does not seem like her. In the past, she would not be like this. Is it because the object is Huo Dongyang, and she can't restrain the great power in her body?

Huo Dongyang said in Qiao Wei's ear: "I really like your enthusiasm."

Qiao Wei stiff in Huo Dongyang's arms, because she feels the change of Huo Dongyang's body.

It's really not tempting in the morning. Huo Dongyang is looking for hardship. He let go of Qiao Wei, "wash quickly, or you will be late for work."


Huo Dongyang stepped out with his long legs open and closed the door of the room. Ah, I can only go to the bathroom in my study and pour cold water.

When Qiao Wei appeared in the dining room after cleaning, her whole spirit was good. "Good morning, Ma Lin!"

"Good morning, madam." Lin Juan also nodded. "Sit down and have breakfast."

Joe nodded with a smile. "Mom Lin, I'm sorry to trouble you to make breakfast every day."

"Madame, I came home to take care of you and sir. I do these, of course. "

Thank you Joe said sweetly.

At this time, Huo Dongyang also changed his clothes.

"Dongyang, are you going out today?" Asked Qiao Wei.

Huo Dongyang nods. "Today, Qin Hao and I went to other cities to discuss a cooperation."

Qiao Wei put down his chopsticks as soon as he listened, "how many days to go?"

"Come back in the evening." Huo Dongyang replied. "But not too soon."

"Pay more attention to yourself."

"Don't worry."

After Qiao Wei went to work, Huo Dongyang also set out.

"Sister Juan, prepare dinner for Qiao Wei early in the evening." Huo Dongyang tells Lin Juan.

"Don't worry, sir."

Qiao Wei returns to the office and looks for Jian LAN.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Qiao Wei sits down beside Jian LAN.

Jane LAN took off her glasses. "Don't you have other plans today?"

"No! Manager Qin is not in. He went on a business trip with Dong Yang Replied Jovi. "You can give me something to do, otherwise I will be very idle today and wait for work."

Jane LAN smiles. "General manager Huo is also for your good. Don't be born in bliss


"Good." Jian LAN handed several design drawings to Qiao Wei. "You can color this manuscript for me, and then scan it. I'll show it to manager Qin later."

Qiao Wei immediately nodded, "OK, I'll do it right away."

At lunch time, the office ushered in an unexpected guest.Moling came in with her high-heeled shoes. She was on holiday today, so she came here to have a look, and also wanted to take a chance to see Huo Dongyang.

As soon as he came in, he realized that Huo Dongyang and Qin Hao were out on business. If they go together, it must be a big event.

Mo Ling glanced, just saw Qiao Wei.

I've been busy in recent days. I really forgot about this woman. It happened that Qin Hao and Huo Dongyang were not here today. It seems that God personally sent such a good opportunity to himself. So she should cherish it more.

Mo Ling went to Qiao Wei's side, "Miss Qiao."

Qiao Wei raised his head and looked at Mo Ling, but in front of him, the beauty seemed to have been seen somewhere. "You are..."

"I'm mauling." Mo Ling said, "do you have time? I want to talk to you. "

Qiao Wei put down the pencil in his hand and seemed surprised. "With me?"

"Yes Mo Ling's beautiful eyes reflect Qiao Wei's appearance.

Qiao Wei can see that the beauty's smile can not be seen, the eyes seem to have some hostility.

"Miss Mo, what would you like to talk to me about?"

“William!” Mo Ling looked at Qiao Wei and said. "Is that ok?"

Qiao Wei stood up, she was not as high as moling, so she could only slightly raise her head. At present, it seems that she had seen Qin Hao bring back last time. She still thought that she was Qin Hao's girlfriend. She didn't expect there was such a meaning in this.

Mo Ling raised her lips. "It seems that William has not told you that I exist."

"Are you?"

"I'm William's fiancee." Mo Ling said in front of Qiao Wei. Anyway, some of the men they knew were not there, and what she said was right.

Qiao Wei Leng for a while, also did not seem to return to mind. Does Huo Dongyang have a fiancee? It's impossible. He told himself before that he didn't have any other women. And the woman who came out of the blue claimed to be his fiancee?

Mo Ling's voice was not small, and several people around her also heard her words.

"So you can talk to me, Miss Joe?" Mo Ling's face was full of pride.

Jian Lan also rushed to see the situation. "You say you are, and we will believe you?"

Mo Ling ignored Jian LAN, she just looked at Qiao Wei and said, "Miss Qiao, what do you say? Or are you afraid to talk to me? Because you seduced my fiance behind my back

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