Ascenders Rift

Chapter 131: Moving Foward, Evan's Plans

Chapter 131: Moving Foward, Evan's Plans

After wrapping up the battle, Evan had quickly gone over to Joe and the others before sitting himself down. They each looked at him with a smile before they spoke separately.

"Ha, you sure taught those arrogant fools a lesson, I couldn't have done it any better myself," Joe said with a smile as he drank wine.

"Well done, indeed," Rick added as well.

Evan, hearing this shook his head before he replied, "It's not as if they were monsters or anything, so of course they wouldn't be a drag. Still, I think you guys are mistaken about something, while it's true that I handled them well, there's someone here who would have been even more effective."

"Huh? Who would that be?" Rick asked with puzzled eyes as everyone looked at Evan curiously.

Evan smirked as he shifted his eyes to Joe and spoke, "Why that's Joe, of course, there aren't many in this world who can survive that fart of his..."

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed as they heard him as Joe looked at Evan with pride rather than shame, he even spoke up, "Damn right you are, my ace is no joke, I just need to make the right preparation, and I'd warm one up to knock out even those bosses,"

While Evan and the others spoke to themselves in merry, the onlookers stared at them from a distance with curiousness. A few even recognized Joe and Emilia, as their father was quite the tycoon in the business field.

However, as for Evan, Breya, Layla, and Rick, who still wore his princely disguise, no one knew of them.

"I've heard of that business being quite a tyrant; I didn't his children would be in the company of such a ferocious beast. What do you think? Are the rest as strong as him?" One person asked.

"You're asking me? I wouldn't know shit; even if they are, then it would have nothing to do with us, heck, the more formidable they are, the better it would be for humanity. You think I want to fight against those monstrous things that attacked us not so long ago..." Someone else said with dread.

"True, only monsters can fight other monsters, it will save us normal people from all this hassle," Another person said.

Kieran and Finlay looked at Evan with a bit of dread before they turned around and left the restaurant. While Reil stared at them deeply in silence, his teammates also doing the same before the mature beauty spoke.

"Leader, should we go and speak to them?"

Reil surprised by her words turn to her, but as he did this, he noticed her eyes flashed with a mesmerizing look while staring at Evan, he couldn't help but curse in his mind, 'This bitch, humph! As if I'd let you,'

"No, we still have a business to attend to, we are going to have to meet with that other party after all, so let's hurry up and get here before we move along," Reil said as he began to walk towards a table.

The others also hesitated before they followed, while the mature beauty made an expression of regret while she stared at Evan.

Much like everyone else, Susie was also surprised by the previous event; she looked at Evan in shock as she pondered, 'So powerful, how did he get so strong? I've been training in those harsh places since that time, how can he be stronger than me?'

Susie question as she stared at Evan in silence, but no matter how hard she questioned herself, she still couldn't come up with answers. It didn't take long for her to notice a familiar face among Evan's group, the handsome blue-haired youth who was talking and laughing with everyone.

"It's him..." Susie murmured as her eyes flashed, her previous look of sadness now changing to one of affection. There weren't many who could stir Susie's heart, but the one who saved her in that time of need was most certainly a significant candidate.

Susie stared at Rick deeply, but she also knew that this wasn't time for fantasy, the man, or rather the thing that killed her mother is still out there, and she would not stop until he and everything related to him was demolished.

Her eyes once more flashed with hatred, recalling the man, causing her demeanor to turn ice cold. She rose to her feet and left her table, leaving the restaurant once and for all, as her thoughts resounded n her mind, "I must grow stronger, stronger than anyone else, only then will I be able to kill him!"

The audience noticed when she left, and as such a few others also sighed and left as they were only here to seek an opportunity to get close to her. Still, regardless of everyone around them, Evan and the others continued to mind their own business.

Rick looked at Evan and asked a question that was on his mind, "Evan, you said that we'd be leaving to try and find a temporary base to plan our next attack, and increase our strength, can you explain a bit more about this?"

Joe and the others also looked at Evan in silence as they too needed to hear his plans, Evan nodded and placed a small Muffling Drone around them before he addressed their concerns.

"There are three major powers in this world, the Mother Breed, Insect Hive, and those of Humankind. The strongest and most populous are those of the Mother Breed and Insect Hive, occupying more than 80 percent of this world with their nests, though they are both powerful with the Mother Hive being a bit stronger. As for those humans, they are even less fortunate, as they were forced to hide away into strange spaces. If it weren't for that, they would have long since perished to the likes of both kinds," Evan said while looking at everyone.

"Hmm, if it's like this, what do we need to do to find them? Are these spaces Lesser Spaces?" Breya asked curiously.

Evan shook his head and answered, "These spaces are the ingenuity of humans of this generation. They had been able to make something capable of generating a stable area that could exist side by side with the current world. It is only for this reason, why finding them will be a bit difficult as this space of this isn't limited and its entrance can move about at will. The only clue we have is that despite being able to move, this entrance has its drawbacks, being that it will leave a trace of itself, akin to an imprint of sorts and minor fluctuations."

Joe and the other were surprised by this; they didn't think humans could create such a complicated thing. 

Layla was a bit hesitant as she spoke, "Evan, say that we do find them, would they even be so welcoming to us? I mean, after all, we have seen time and time again the ways of our kind, especially with our history, no one will suddenly be keen into accepting strangers into their domain."

The others also thought her words were in reason, they each looked at Evan in silence, Evan looked at them and spoke with a smile, "Ha, you are right, but it's not as if we aren't giving them anything. They want information which we have an abundance of, and we want a temporary base to act as a shelter, with that both sides can benefit, and if possible, we could even inspire them to fight a battle against those of the Mother Breed and Insect Hive. Like this, they can reclaim their world, and we can complete our Rift Quest more efficiently, thus lessening the lives lost on our side. It's a win-win for everyone, no matter which way you look at it."

Rick, Joe and the others also nodded at those words, Evan seeing their expressions then spoke, "Good, let's finish up here, we'll pay Alan and Angeline a visit before we take our leave. The longer we stay here, the more chances we'll have at being box in by those of the Mother Breed."

Everyone's faces turned stern as they knew what would happen if that came true; they each began to eat faster. Evan nodded as his eyes shifted from the room, gazing towards the outside as he knew that the road ahead would be more difficult from here on out.


At the center of Earling Star, within the palace that loomed over the empire. Two individuals faced each other in silence from a distance, Elumar sat upon his throne while looking at the masked man the stood a few meters away from him, the very man believed to be the true mastermind behind RADA.

They two seemed to be up to their own plots, but neither of them was first to initiate a conversation. Soon, a person walked into the room and gave the masked man a document as they spoke, the masked man then remarked, "Oh, so their back, interesting..."

Elumar, hearing this looked at him and spoke, "And just who is it that is capable of garnering your attention?"

The masked man smirked and replied, "Someone I believe that you know quite well, Sir King. Your brother and a few interesting humans..."

As he said this, he looked at Elumar with a smile, Elumar didn't mind this as he replied with flashing eyes, "My brother, ha... are you thinking of making moves against him?"

The masked man then replied, "So what if I am?"

Elumar lowered his head, causing his hair to fall more, covering his entire face, he made a sly smile no one could notice as he spoke, "Do as you wish? But let me remind you, everything has their place, and everyone has their uses. Somethings are better off left to occur towards its natural flow..."

The masked man frowned as he heard Elumars words, he turned around as his figure began to fade from the room, leaving behind only a few words, "I'll take the Chosen's words, into consideration..."

After the man vanished only silence remained as Elumar stared at the location the man once stood with a smile, his eyes shining in a strange light as he thought to himself, 'Evan, this wouldn't be enough to stop you, not like last time, tell me, in the end, what will you do when we meet again?'

While thinking, Elumar's eyes glowed in blue lights, as the world before him changed, as if he could see through everything, including the end. 

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