Ascenders Rift

Chapter 109: Cline's Talent, Evan's Counterplan

Chapter 109: Cline's Talent, Evan's Counterplan

The scene grew quiet as everyone looked at Cline deeply, Conrad, upon hearing those words, also grew curious as to how Cline could solve the current issue at hand. He looked at him carefully before he asked, "You say you have a talent that solves our machine debate, then please do show me this talent of yours..."

When Conrad said this, he pushed the trinket that he was working on across the table towards its center. Looking at it closely, one would see that it was a drone of spherical design, with a large round socket that had an integrated camera lens for feedback.

Cline picked up the drone with a look of fascination on his face, while Alan who stood by at the corner showed a strange smile as he muttered, "Looks like I truly found a decent fellow, with him here, no matter which kind of mech it is, things will certainly change."

Evan seeing Cline's actions, decided to inspect him while he and chance.

[Cline Huberg]

[Race - Human | State - Stage 1 Ascender]

[Class - Psychic | Lesser Tier Class - 1st Blessing (+1 stats per level)]

[Total stat increase per level +4(NSB + Blessing)]

[Level - 1]

[Next Level - 1000EXP]

[Total EXP - 35]

[Health - 150]

[Spirit Power - 5]

[Strength - 10(9+1)]

[Vitality - 11(9+2)]

[Agility - 11(9+2)]

[Defense - 8 (3+2+2+1)]


[Machine Touch - A rare talent that can allow the user to transform any mechanical object, allowing for them to have increase combat functionalities. The stronger the Host's Spirit Power, the more powerful and efficient the mechanical device will become.]


[Passive - Codebreaker: Easily remember, figure out, or break complex codes.]

[Psychic Power - Able to remotely move an object, based on the amount of power used the size of the objects, and speed may vary.]

[Psychic????? : Sealed - Requires 250 SP to unseal.]


[Common Leather Armor- Rank 1: Lesser Grade]

[Vitality - 2]

[Defense - 3]

[Durability - 2]

[Common Leather Gloves- Rank 1: Lesser Grade]

[Defense - 2]

[Damage - 1]

[Durability - 2]

[Common Leather Leg Armor - Rank 1: Lesser Grade]

[Defense - 2]

[Durability - 2]

[Common Leather Boots - Rank 1: Lesser Grade]

[Defense - 1]

[Agility - 4]

[Durability - 2]

As Evan saw his talent, he couldn't help but show a look of amazement when he thought to himself, 'Astounding, I'd have never thought there was such a talent in machinery. He even has that passive skill, with such a skill, then wouldn't it be especially useful for that Forth World...?'

While Evan was in thought, everyone looked at Cline in shock as his hair began to rise above his head, a small amount of energy soon after forming over his body, which went into the drone.

Cline's glasses began to shine in bright rays as he spoke, "Machine Touch..."

Following his words, a strange scene occurred, the drone that was half fixed began to transform, its gears and screws shifting about as it became more angular in design with mechanical arms attached to it. Not long after, the lights faded, and Cline returned to normal; the machine in his hand became active as the area used for its eyes lit up.

"Recon Drone Online," It said in a mechanical voice before it then proceeded to fly about the room with neon lights glowing around it.

As Section Cheif Sigor and the others saw this, their eyes widened in shock, even a man as calm as Reaper had an alarmed look in his eyes. Joe and the others were similarly shocked as they couldn't help but discuss this amongst themselves.

"What the hell, is this some kind of terminator drone?" Joe said while recalling the classic machine apocalypse film.

"Hehe, brother, this isn't the time to make such comments," Emilia said as she nudged him with her elbow.

"Haha, ah yes, you're right" Joe said while scratching the back of his head.  

Rick and Layla also looked at the flying drone with curious as eyes, while Breya who was of the military had a shocked look on her face. She murmured, "So this is the surprise sister wanted to mention before amazing."

Conrad looked at Cline with shock, before his expression turned in awe, he spoke, "You, what kind of ability is this? How does this work?"

Cline hearing this replied with a smile, "It's simple, my ability can transform the mechanical into something akin to an artifact used by the Rift System. This way, it can similarly grow stronger and gain unique features as us humans. However, the limits of this are determined by my own capabilities and current Spirit Power."

Evan was even more surprised by those words, he quickly inspected it and saw unique details.

[Reckon Drone - Rank 1: Lesser Grade]

[Damage - 2]

[Scouting - 7]

[Durability - 2]

[Details A drone that has been elevated to the standards of Rift System artifact; it can grow dependent on casters abilities.]

"Incredible" Evan said out loud as he stared it.

Conrad was also surprised, but at this time, Section Chief Sigor spoke, "Fascinating... I'd have never believed I would witness such a thing, tell us, Cline. How far do you think you'll be able to take this ability of yours? Can you influence large scale Mecha Units?"

Everyone looked at Cline in silence, awaiting his next words, Cline looked at everyone and spoke, "For right now, I'd say I can only allow for one Mecha Unit to advance per week. I'd need to get enough time to familiarize myself with this ability and some time to grow stronger by at least three or four levels. If that can be done, then I might even become capable of converting one or two units per day."

When everyone heard this, they began to clap as they spoke in unison.

"Excellent, then this solves our most pressing issue of group combat, we can arm a large unit with special models and retrofit the excess with AI-based operators. If it's like this, then the casualties will be far less, and it will also give us more range of motion..." Section Chief Sigor said with bright eyes.

"Correct, chief I believe we should get started on them immediately," Conrad said with glowing eyes, he looked at Cline like a treasure and wanted to get started in mech modifications.

Section Chief Sigor looked at everyone and saw that they were of a similar opinion, he no longer hesitated but spoke, "Good, then from this point onwards I appoint Professor Cline to the Reaper Mech Unit as a specialist."

When everyone heard this, they clapped once more causing Cline to feel embarrassed as he bowed and spoke, "Thank you all for your trust,"

Section Chief Sigor nodded at this; he then looked at everyone and spoke once more, changing the topic, "Good, now that we've gotten that of hand, there's a more pressing issue that I think needs to be addressed."

Evan had a serious look as this was what he was interested in from the beginning, Section Chief Sigor then glanced at Black Spider who nodded and pressed a button.

Following this, the scenes of a strange Trio that wore black, white, and golden combat suits appeared. As they saw how these men easily decimated the army, everyone's faces turned into that of astonishment.

Black Spider finally spoke, "The scene before you is what happened earlier in Mark Town, these individuals were said to have suddenly appeared before vanishing and appearing in other towns, they even cleaned up ten different hordes by themselves. We don't know who they are or what kind of technology they are using, but one thing is certain, they are most definitely not from RADA..."

When Black Spider spoke to here, she pressed another button showing different screen side by side, that one showed the Heaven Eye's team led by Zero, who had utterly crushed one three hordes by themselves.

Evan seeing the two screens, narrowed his eyes as he thought, 'More changes... I don't think I've ever seen that group before; they are even quite strong. Since they are not from RADA, then where did they come from? Not to mention them, who the hell is that guy at the lead in the Heaven Eyes?'

When Evan thought this, his eyes wandered from the Trio in the first screen, towards Zero in the second screen. He simply couldn't accept that there were so many changes in this life.

At this time, Rick spoke to Evan, "Evan, do you have any idea who they are?"

When the person heard this, they each looked at Evan, as he always seemed to have a great deal of information. Evan seeing this sighed and replied, "I'm sorry, but this time I am confused, I don't know who those new guys are, and that team from RADA is also strange,"

Though Evan knew of the Heaven Eyes, he didn't know Zero, but he also didn't want others to know that he knew about everyone else of the team. He decided to keep that bit out of public knowledge.

Everyone remained silent as they were a bit surprised by his words, Alan looked at Evan before he spoke, "Then, Evan... what do you suggest we do against them?"

Section Chief Sigor and the others also looked over; they wanted to hear his thoughts regarding the situation.

Evan stared at the screen before he spoke, "While we are already enemies with RADA, they are not going to come out and act against us in the open, at least for now that is, they are seemingly acting with the interest of humankind on the whole. This should be in a bid to increase their public opinion and interest, as such it is best to leave them as they are and impede them in a different way. A good method of doing this is by doing a public recruiting event. Invite as many individuals on their previously extracted talent list that you can train for humanity's actual interests; you can also do covert missions into their various other influences to steal more information from their bases."

Section Chief Sigor eyes brightened at these words, he spoke, "A very sound suggestion Evan, this might work, and it could also push what might become an unnecessary disastrous scuffle into something more open and subtle. There wouldn't be any need for fighting bloody battles in secret unless it is necessary."

"Indeed..." Reaper said with a nod while cracking his knuckles.

Black Spider, however, had a puzzled look as she pointed at the Trio in combat suits and spoke, "But what of their group? We don't know if they are allies or foes, how do we deal with them?"

Everyone hearing this sighed, as they had momentarily forgotten about them. Evan looked at them deeply for a moment before he recalled his other pressing concern, his eyes widen as if he figured out a great way to help solve it. He smiled as he looked at everyone and spoke, "I think I might have a method..."

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