Ascenders Rift

Chapter 102: The Day of Calamity

Chapter 102: The Day of Calamity

The sun rose brightly today, signifying the rise of the new morning, or to be more precise it was the 31st of January. This day was special, as it was rumored that at some point, there would be a drastic change that will transform the viewpoint of the world in entirety. A new age is set to arrive, and many who exists in these times aren't confident that they might be ready for it.

Right at this very moment, before the Dyothia Corporation, two cars had suddenly arrived. One was a white car, and the other was of a sleek black and angular design. The doors for both of them opened as four familiar individuals had appeared, they each carried a strange air as if they had just returned from a brutal battlefield, each of them gave off an air of overwhelming power.

Yet, most odd, was a slim looking man that wore glasses that stood amongst their ranks, his face was haggard as if he had fought in a life and death battle. However, despite his current weary look, deep within him, one could tell that he was no different from a tiger that had yet to break loose.

"Finally, back, the time difference always gets me, I wonder how those kids are doing. Today should be the day after all," Alan said with a deep look on his face.

"They should be more than fine, Instructor Al, why are you acting as if they're children that need to be looked after?" Angeline asked as she stood at his side.

Alan hearing this scratched the back of his head and answered, "Haha, I guess you're right, I'm used to watching over the prince these years, I suppose you could say that I've developed a kind of fatherly sense towards those near his age..."

When Alan said this, his eyes flashed as if recalling fond memories, Angeline looked at him curiously, she wanted to say something, but Nelly spoke first.

"Well, I'll be heading back, for now, I still need to clear up a few things before we re-station our base," Nelly said before turning around and entering the car again, he didn't even wait for Alan to reply and directly drove off into the distance.

Alan looked at this and shook his head as he muttered, "And there he goes again... fine, let's go,"

After saying this, Alan, Angeline, and the oddly silent Cline entered the main buildings.

Currently, within the topmost floor of the Dyothia Corporation, Joe, Breya, Emilia, and Rick were looking at two individuals that had suspiciously tried to sneak their way in silence. It didn't take long for Joe to puff out his chest and started interrogation.

"Evan, where have you and Layla been all night? Didn't you say we should all try to get back early? Do you have any idea of how you made us worry for your asses?" Joe complained at the top of his voice, based on the shadows underneath his eyes, one could tell that he did not even get a good night's rest.

Breya and Emilia looked at the two with suspicious gazes, but Rick, on the other hand, was smiling, he seemed to stare at Emilia from the side.

Layla's face turned crimson as she didn't dare to meet anyone's eyes; it felt as if she was a naughty child that did something bad.

Evan, on the other hand, raised his head with pride, he looked at Joe and spoke, "Joe, I didn't say to wait up for us all night now did I? Plus, Layla and I went to look around the town, we ended up 'strolling about' for quite some time before we rested at the nearest place for convenience."

Joe, the and others didn't buy the story, Rick seemed to have picked up more clearly on what happened, as did Breya, who made a slightly shocked look. Yet, before they could even say anything, a voice sounded from a nearby corner.

"What's all this now?" Alan asked while looking at the group with a smile on his face. He had heard their conversation just now, and his smile was directed towards Evan.

Angeline also showed a pondering look; she saw Layla acting oddly with her head held down, she thought to herself, 'It couldn't be that, right? Of course not, even I have yet to do that, she's more responsible than that... and... I couldn't lose to a child, right?'

Though Angeline thought this, her skin was still feeling itchy for some reason, and slightly envious.

Cline, despite his professional eccentricity, was also like Alan, a man of experience, he knew what happened from a single glance. He couldn't help but give Evan a slight thumbs up before anyone else noticed.

"Sister you're back!" Breya said in joy as she hurried over, showing a manner akin to a child, one couldn't blame her, they only had each other in this world.

"Yes, I am, you must have been bored," Angeline said as she grasped Breya's hand.

"N-No... I was actually quite entertained," Breya said while shifting her eyes to the side as if recalling something.

Angeline seeing this frowned, she then looked at Joe but saw that he carried a tired and somewhat rage-filled look as he was still looking at Evan.

'It seems I'll have to change my methods of teaching...' Angeline thought to herself.

Evan wasn't surprised as he had already sensed when they came. If anything, the only thing that made him a little startled was that he saw Cline; he could even feel that Cline had awakened.

He thought to himself, 'It seems that they've added him to their team, he must probably have some kind of talent I didn't know of, hmm... I wonder, just what it could be?'

Evan was about to inspect Cline, but he had remembered that Alan was speaking with them, he looked at Alan and intervened to change the current topic at hand, "Alan, it seems that you're training was well, congrats on your achievements."

Alan realized Evan's intent, he decided not to make things difficult for the budding couple, he spoke in reply, "It was great we've all accomplished a breakthrough, and even this fellow has unveiled quite the unexpected talent. I'm sure that once he gets control of it, things will prove to be quite interesting, won't it Cline?"

At this time, Cline showed an oddly confident smile on his face as he lifted his finger and fixed his glasses when he replied, "Right you are, Sir Alan."

Evan seeing this couldn't help but grow more curious, even Rick and the others were a bit pensive. Layla seeing that everyone had finally shifted their attention from her and Evan, sighed in relief, she gave his side a deep pinch and glanced at him with a smile.

Evan feeling this was about to reply with a pinch of his own, but sadly, right at this very moment, there was a change.

A loud disaster alarm had suddenly resounded, filling fright into the hearts of those who heard it when this happened before anyone could even react or check the TV. The radiant blue sky became filled with a golden luminance, a bright light that quickly continued to expand until it eventually enveloped the entire world.

Evan seeing this ray, had a dark look on his face; he grabbed onto Layla's hand tightly, not daring to let her go as he spoke, "And so, it begins... he is here..."

As they heard his words, the faces of Layla, Rick, Alan, Angeline, Breya, Emilia, Fatty Joe, and even Cline had transformed into one solemnness as they stared the radiance without blinking. Each of them knew that from now on, things would be different, as an entirely new age shall rise.

At this moment, many kilometers from their location, at the depths of the golden lights in space, was a scroll that had folded itself in entirety; it emanated all of the lights that now shrouded the planet carrying within it a dignified and godly will that no one could resist.

A few humans on the planet couldn't even help but kneel in the face of this pressure, the only ones capable of resisting it by a minor degree were those of the awakened. Yet, even so, they still couldn't move nor speak.

Suddenly, the world shook as if it was undergoing an earthquake. In a few seconds, a being materialized out of nothingness within the vast cluster of golden rays, riding on top of a divine horse. He wore sacred golden armor that covered his entire body, leaving only his dazzling eyes that shone in a myriad of colors as his brilliant white wings were exposed.

As this man looked down on the world before him with indifference, he gave off a mighty air as if a single thought from him could erase all things in existence. After a short moment, this man's voice sounded across the world into the minds of everyone as filling them with dread.

"Here me humans, for I... am the divine!"

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