Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 104: Female Army Doctor

Chapter 104: Female Army Doctor

Chu Han that was sitting in the copilot seat could feel the strong recoil from the sudden outburst and his vision blurred. The speed would soon reach 200 km/h.

Chu Han looked at Bai Yuner, she had a peaceful expression like nothing was happening.

"Which pedal is the break?" Suddenly, the girl calmly asked.

"Sh*t!" Chu Han was scared, "Dont you know how to drive a car? Why did you want to drive?"

"Even though I haven't driven before, I have seen you a lot of times doing it so I thought I could do it too." Bai Yun'er was still calm, "Quickly, tell me which is the breaker? We will crash at this rate."

"There! Step on it!" Chu Hans voice was trembling before he cursed, "Oh no! You should slightly step on it!"


"Sh*t! Left! Right! Stop! Stop! Stop!"



On an avenue to the city, the tarmac was full of dark blood and in front a tree trunk was on the road. It had blocked the whole road.

There were many vehicles, dozens of them had rear-end collision marks or had been heavily damaged. Many vehicles had tried to squeeze but they were instead trapped, unable to move forward. Similar scenes could be seen on the entire road, making it hard to move forward. 

Several vehicles were driven to the avenue and were trapped on the road. Several sounds of closing doors were made and several brave people went off their vehicles to have a look. Soon, they looked at the situation with frowning brows.

"It is blocked." A man, called He Peiyuan, who looked like fifty years old said. He was wearing an old uniform, from his careful appearance and posture one could tell he was a soldier.

At that moment, He Peiyuan frowned. Looking at the blocked avenue, annoyance and worry could be seen from his face, "The damn apocalypse, we have reached this far but the road ahead is blocked."

"There is no other choice. We have to move these vehicles first." The man who spoke was Lu Hongsheng, he was nearly thirty years old. He was tall and looked very strong, he was an athlete. He said to He Pieyuan, "We have no other choice if we want to go to Shi City; or we can choose another entrance; but the other places will be the same. You can see that we will face the same situation on our way."

"Ah!" He Peiyuan sighed, "I am worried about my boy."

"Don't worry." Lu Hongsheng pat He Peiyuan's shoulder, "Your son serves in Shi City's military. You heard the broadcast several day ago, the military area must be the safest place." 

"St*pid. I told you that we should have chosen the other road. Going far is not a big deal." A young man with a cigarette, leaning on the huge Land Rover, made a sarcastic comment. He disdainfully looked at He Peiyuan and Lu Hongsheng.

"Kuang Zhiran, what do you mean?" Lu Hongsheng was very angry.

"Can't you understand simple words? People full of muscles are airheads." Kuang Zhiran cleaned his chest from the ash residue, casually threw the cigarette butt on the road and returned to the vehicle. He ignored the busy people around him, looking at the mechnical watch on his wrist.

"You! You!" Lu Hongsheng's eyes were bloodshot and veins were popping out from his strong arms. He was suppressing the urge to hit him.

Kuang Zhiran, sitting in the driver's seat, was not scared, instead he was disdainfully looking at him from the window.

"Forget it," He Peiyuan hurried and dragged Lu Hongsheng, "We need him in order to find someone in Shi City's base, we have to put up with him."

"I'm so angry!" Lu Hongsheng infuriated, "Why does he act so arrogantly? If it was not for his powerful father..."

He Peiyuan rarely sighed, looking at Kuang Zhiran he kept shaking his head.

Kuang Zhiran was a man he met near Shi City. There were two soldiers with him at first but the soldiers died after the zombie tide. He knew that his father was an officer in the military area of Shi City, so he took the responsibility to protect Kuang Zhiran all the way to Shi City. All he did was to add some merits in his son's file, He Feng.

There were fifty people in the team, it could be considered a medium-sized team. Although those people did not have a good life, they could eat and dress warmly under He Peiyuan's leadership. Half of the team members were young people, survivors that He Peiyuan met on the road. He didn't have any ulterior motives, he just wanted to aid those young people since his son was almost the same age.

The vehicles and the tree trunk were moved away and they reached there at noon. Dozens of people had been busy for hours. Even He Peiyuan with the training of a soldier was sweating.

As for Kuang Zhiran, he never got off the vehicle and comfortably sat in it. He felt no guilt since he thought he deserved it. His father's position was very high, he should enjoy a prince's treatment. Besides, he was a person listed in the military's protection list and the military would send people to search for him. They would guard him and die for him on the way. He was not afraid of the apocalypse, people would protect him.

"Ah! Ah! ---"Suddenly, there was a woman's shouting from the pickup truck in the back.

"What is wrong?" He Peiyuan hurried and asked.

"B*tch! F*ck you!" Kuang Zhiran threw the cigarette butt away and opened the window shouting. "Yelling for sex! Dont you know that yelling can attract zombies?"

"Lao He!" Suddenly a young woman in uniform walked out form the vehicle. She was in a hurry, her green military shirt exposed her beautiful body while she was running, "It is almost the time to deliver the baby."

"Now?" He Peiyuan was shocked. He thought it would be inappropriate if he personally went inside to check, so he ordered the woman soldier, "Yuxin, you are military doctor so you can take care of it! You just tell me if you need anything!"

"Okay." The young doctor bit her teeth and quickly answered, "I need to help her deliver the child in water to lower the risk of infection. Please give me clear water. The more, the better."

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