Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

At that time, Tang Qi just casually asked him to find out who the people who had just entered Qi county were, and then he didn't ask any more. Xiao Luo thought it was not a big deal, and there had been such a thing before. However, for the awakening people who had just entered Qi County, the three parties would try to win over each other in order to strengthen their own power. Some of them were real materials, some were rubbish, so Xiao Luo Luo didn't take it seriously.

It was said that the two new comers had sold giant frogs with long tongue to Tian's meat restaurant, so he went to ask slowly. Boss Tian didn't know their details, but only knew that they were awakeners and should be very powerful. He also told him their names by the way.

I didn't expect that I came out with Tang Qi early this morning. Before I could report this, I was shaken out. He almost fainted.

Tang Qi said angrily, "why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I I haven't had time yet... " Xiao Luo wants to cry without tears. He doesn't know what will happen if he offends those two people.

Tang Qi was angry and envious of Tang Shi's good luck. He didn't expect that these two people had not found out before his eyes. It was an insult to his intelligence quotient!

He turned to think, this is not bad, YanXu has the strength, a person killed two members of the organization, that his strength is very strong, he is the blind date of the Tang Dynasty, the two people are still together, that relationship is good, no matter how the Tang Dynasty or his Tang family, bond relationship, as long as YanXu care about the Tang Dynasty, Tang family need, he will certainly be help. Tang Qi is not in a hurry to figure this out. It's like trying hard to curry favor with those two superior guys. It's better to recruit more reliable people.

"Do you know where they live?" Tang Qi had a worry in his heart.

"Yes, I know. I heard that director Gu had been there last time." Xiao Luo is in a hurry.

"Lead the way. I'll go myself." Tang Qi firmly believes that even if there is a gap between him and the Tang Dynasty, the brotherhood and blood relationship between them are constant. No matter how much gratitude and resentment they have, in the final analysis, they are still brothers, so as long as he goes to say, YanXu will definitely stand on the side of the Tang family.

They are outsiders, and it's very difficult for them to occupy a piece of territory in Qi county. In particular, there is a local gang in Qi County, the Lin Gang. They used to be a underworld, but now the social order is in disorder. They are getting bigger and bigger. They can share the world with Hao Daode, the head of Qi county. Fortunately, there are also the Tang family.

Qi county's power is divided into three parts, and no one can do anything about it. The three parties are all fighting for the awakened. If the awakened people with good conditions are not attracted by themselves, they would rather assassinate them than give them to each other. They have done nothing less before. They are struggling to survive in the end of the world, and their lives are as cheap as beasts. Unless you have the strength, you can become a superior person, or you can only be slaughtered .

In Tang Dynasty, he drove all the way. Instead of wandering in the wild, he went back to the city and went straight to his residence.

The iron bristled grizzly bear has been with him for so long, and it's impossible not to be distressed that he was destroyed. Now that he was injured, he didn't have a combat minion card in his hand, so he had little chance of winning against frost wolf governor. Besides, he was also injured, and the undead's constitution could not be used, so he had to retreat first.

When Tang Dynasty drove into the yard, the SUV was not there. Maybe YanXu didn't come back.

Tang didn't get out of the car. He pressed his left chest and broke two ribs. He ate several yuan Neng crystals and waited for the injury to recover.

Count the existing cards in hand, such as the sickle of the dead weapon card, the evil blacksmith servant card, the storm warrior's right wrist guard card, the smoke barrier magic card, the snow Griffin mount card, the ancient ring ring ring battle armor card, the Yuanzu summon card, the sword of justice weapon card, and the spirit king's left hand secret power card. None of them can be used or can be used for fighting.

In Tang Dynasty, he had a headache. Now he was extremely short of his own combat minion card. Otherwise, it would be stupid to let him fight with enemy card creatures in person!

But how do you get a card?

When Tang Dynasty poked the system, he yelled a few times in his consciousness, and then the system made a half dead sound.

Tang Shi was not polite. "I need cards. How can I get the cards I want?"

System: [the system version is too low to support self selection permission. 】

Tang Shi: "the version is low, but do you want to upgrade it?"

System: [materials are not complete, unable to upgrade. 】

Tang Shi was frantic, "what materials do you need? You should make a sound. How can I know what materials do you want if you don't tell me?"

The system continues the mechanical sound of the tablet, and the task and reward released by the system will only be generated under the conscious influence of the host, or the task target will be perceived by the system. 】

Tang Shi: "that is to say, when I have a strong need for a card, the system will issue a related task and send it to me in the form of reward, right?"

System: [awakening period only. 】

Tang Shi thought for a moment and said, "what materials do you need for system upgrade?"

System: [task Publishing: system upgrade task. Essential materials: eye of luma, eliminator's dust, hell flint. Time limit: none; reward: random. 】

Tang Dynasty

He has never heard of any of these three things. Where can I find them?

Tang Shi: "any tips? For example, what shape and where can I find it? "System: [do you want to open the ancient nine wasteland map guide? 】

the ancient nine wastelands? What is this? At first, I thought that the system had no barrier to communicate with him. Now how can I feel that one person one system is not on the same channel at all?

Tang Dynasty: "open, open map guide."

System: [host command: open the ancient Jiuhuang map guide. 】

in the Tang Dynasty, a magnificent map suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. Its shape was like a simple map used in ancient wars. The lines and circles on it were of different colors. I felt dizzy when I saw it. The key is that there was nothing marked on the map. How can I see that?

The sound of the system will sound again? 】

Tang Shi immediately said, "display."

The map in front of him began to draw closer and closer. Just like Gaode map, rolling the mouse, the position would become more and more accurate. A broad map gradually drew closer and closer in front of him in the Tang Dynasty, until it became a clear dot with the name of Qi County on the top. Fortunately, he could understand it in Chinese.

System: [host's current location: ancient Jiuhuang → middle part of the French Millennium → Terran realm → Huazun realm → Qixian County. Even after the last world, he didn't know what these things were. He only knew that because the earth was connected with different spaces, the earth's original landform had undergone earth shaking changes. In the Tang Dynasty, even if he thought about how to change the landform The earth or the earth, Asia or Asia, now how even the name has changed, as if he is familiar with the world does not really exist, completely into another world.

In Tang Dynasty, he was at a loss. "System, system, can I ask, is this map still the earth?"

The earth is a sphere. Even if the plan is unfolded, it is divided according to the spherical plate. In Tang Dynasty, I remember clearly. Just now, he looked at the map in front of him without blinking. It gradually changed from a grand plan to the present point. I don't know how much the scale is. I just know that the complete earth is almost as big as nothing Besides, those areas with different colors are not the seven continents and four oceans that were well known in Tang Dynasty. It can be said that there is no shadow of the original continents and oceans.

The mechanical sound of the system sounds heartless at the moment: [the earth and alien space are still in the stage of intermittent fusion. After the fusion, we enter the nine wasteland world. 】

Tang Shi felt that his thinking could no longer keep up with the system. "Different space is in contact with the earth. Even if the two spaces are really integrated, aren't we still on the earth? What is the world of the nine wastelands? "

System: [question out of scope. 】

shit! What else is beyond the scope?!

Tang Shi pressed his eyebrows and put it another way: "then tell me if the map you gave me is wrong?"

System: [map correct. 】

that is to say, what Tang Dynasty just saw was not an illusion, but a real fact?!

The amount of information leaked by the system this time was a little large. Tang Dynasty couldn't digest it for a while. This strange map is still in front of us. Tang Dynasty could only find the answer from it. In his mind, he wanted to "zoom in", "zoom in", "go east" and "stop" to control the size change and orientation of the map. When he saw a slightly larger dot not far above the slope of Qi County, Tang Shi confirmed that the map was really right, but his understanding of the world was wrong.

That little spot is the place Xianglong city that Tang Dynasty planned to go to!

Although Qi county and Xianglong city are very close on the map, they are far away from each other. Since Qi county and Xianglong city are both opposite, there is no reason to suspect that the map was wrong in the Tang Dynasty.

When Tang Shi was ready to "collect" the map, he remembered that he asked for the guidance of the necessary materials to upgrade the system, but it gave him a New world map? As a result, I still have no idea where to look for those three things.

In the Tang Dynasty, the map was narrowed down a little to overlook the Huazun area, which is called "the realm of the human race". Compared with the whole map, this area can be ignored. Once the complete picture of the ancient Jiuhuang map is shown, the Huazun area can not be found.

However, it can be seen in the middle of FA Qianjiu era that the map is only the size of sesame, which is really the difference between sesame and giant elephant. In Tang Dynasty, he thought that he would not be able to go out of Huazun domain in his life, so he would not worry about other places. He locked the map in Huazun domain, zoomed in and out in Huazun domain, which was convenient for him to find his location.

After that, Tang Shi pressed his left chest again, and the pain relieved a lot. Tang Shi was hesitating whether to go out to find YanXu again. Just then, the sound of the car's engine came from far to near. This sound was familiar to Tang Shi. It was their SUV.

YanXu drove the car to the front of the yard, jumped out of the car and rushed into the yard. After two steps, he saw a car parked in the yard. Tang Shi was standing by the car to see him.

As if Yan Xu didn't know him, he took a close look at the Tang Dynasty from top to bottom. The spirit and temperament of the whole person changed greatly in the Tang Dynasty. Even a pair of eyes were as bright as if they had been washed by autumn water, and their skin color was even white and tender. In such a Tang Dynasty, Yan Xu thought of "immortal Qi" and felt that his whole body was emitting immortal Qi.

See Tang when all right, it seems to be successful promotion, Yan Xu this just a sigh of relief. But when he saw the broken armor on the left side of Tang Dynasty, he frowned again."Are you hurt? Who attacked you? " Yan Xu full face remorse, lock brow stare at Tang Shi to see.

When YanXu looked at Tang Dynasty, he also looked at him. YanXu's breath was different, and he became stronger.

"Are you in level 9?"

Yan Xu nodded, still worried about the injury of Tang Dynasty, "did yuan Neng Jing eat it? How did you get hurt? Are you out? "

Tang Shi laughs. As long as Yan Xu is OK, he will be relieved. However, he is in a mess. He is also badly hurt. His clothes are bloodstained. The armor of real iron is fiercer than that of Tang Dynasty. At least the armor of Tang Dynasty can be seen in pieces. Yan Xu's armor has disappeared from his chest. It is estimated that it will be broken into powder and float away with the wind.

"I want to go out and find you. I'm back in trouble. what about you? How did it come to be like this? "

Yan Xu sighed, but his eyes flashed with excited light, "I met a few wild beasts, whose level was not low. When I was running away, I was surrounded by a wild beast of level 9. After a fierce battle, I almost couldn't come back. Fortunately, I met a kind-hearted man to help me, or I would have to tell him there."

"You're really lucky. Now? Has the injury recovered? " In Tang Dynasty, he took YanXu and looked at it carefully. He saw that there was no big problem, and the wound had scabbed. When the effect of yuannengjing was fully exerted, even the scar would not be left.

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