A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 129 To The Beat Of Their Own Drums.

The festivities continued on for hours, allowing Archer and Ella time to socialize with Teuila's family and mingle with nobles from all over the Aquarian Kingdom.

As night fell, they were offered accommodations within the palace.

Ella and Teuila decided to share a room and convinced the ever-lazy Sera to join them, bidding farewell to Archer with kisses on his cheek.

Shortly after their departure, exhaustion overcame him, and Archer succumbed to a deep slumber.

Archer enjoyed a restful sleep, free from the haunting nightmares that had plagued him before.

With the arrival of the first rays of morning, piercing through the window, he started to awaken from his tranquil slumber.

He was greeted by a gentle breeze that wafted into the room, filling it with a refreshing aura.

With a sleepy yawn, Archer swung his legs off the bed and stretched his body, loving the satisfying cracks that emanated from his joints.

Archer rose from his bed, stretching his limbs as he walked toward the window. As he did he cast the spell of Cleanse upon himself, cleaning his body.

Opening the window, he welcomed the soft morning light that streamed into the room, revealing the bustling cityscape below.

As he looked out, Archer observed the bustling streets, filled with people heading to work and guards patrolling.

Some workers could be seen tidying up the streets, ensuring cleanliness throughout the city.

Beyond the vibrant streets, the sparkling blue waters of the Aquarian coastline caught his eye, reflecting the brilliance of the morning sun.

Archer immersed himself in the captivating view, deeply appreciating the harmonious blend of nature's beauty and human innovation that defined Aquaria City.

In this place, tradition and modernity intertwined seamlessly, and the vibrant spirit of the Aquarian people emanated from every corner.

After some time, Archer's sharp eyes detected a small red blur rapidly closing in on him through the air.

Squinting to get a clearer view, he quickly recognized her with a smile.

It was Sera, the cheeky small dragon, soaring towards him with astonishing speed. With uncontainable enthusiasm, she crashed into his chest, embracing him with all her might.

She clung to him tightly, her playful nibbles on his neck causing him to laugh. He began gently stroking her, returning the affection with a warm smile.

"You silly girl," he chuckled, "it was just one night. The girls wanted to spend time with you. But remember, I'll always be here for you."

Sera looked up at Archer, she was met with his warm smile, igniting a surge of emotions within her.

She loved to express affection for her beloved boy. With a swift movement, she crawled up his chest, finding a comfortable perch on his shoulder.

Drawing closer to his head, she gently nudged him, seeking his attention.

Archer felt the gentle caress of Sera's sandpaper-like tongue against his cheek as she started licking him, a surprisingly delightful sensation that sent a tingle of pleasure through him.

Filled with unwavering devotion, Sera showered Archer with affection, pressing herself as close to him as possible.

Each tender lick spoke volumes, affirming the deep and profound bond they shared. After a while, she settled down and sat contently on his shoulder while purring.

It was at that moment that Teuila and Ella walked into the room, catching sight of Archer standing on the balcony, lovingly stroking Sera.

Ella approached with a smile, remarking, "So that's where you went, girl. You just can't stay away from your boy can you, hehe."

Archer turned around, his gaze fell upon the two girls. A smile spread across his face as he warmly greeted them, "Good morning, you two. How was your sleep?"

Teuila was the first to respond, "It was good. So, what's the plan?"

The little half-elf nodded in agreement, her eyes fixed on Archer, waiting for his next words. Taking a brief moment to ponder, he considered Ella's fondness for bows.

With a plan in mind, he looked directly at Ella and spoke, "We will visit the finest weapon shop in the city and buy the best bow we can find."

Ella's expression turned to one of surprise, while Teuila's face lit up with a knowing smile. It was as if she had just recalled something important, prompting her to speak.

"I know the perfect shop. Let's bid farewell to Mama and Papa and make our way there," Teuila suggested.

Agreeing with her suggestion, the three companions nodded and followed Teuila, who led them toward her father's study.

Upon reaching the door, Teuila knocked lightly, causing the voices within to momentarily cease.

"Come in," A voice beckoned.

Teuila pushed open the door, revealing her father seated at a table, engaged in conversation with the two other rulers Amkhu and Rayhan.

The three youngsters stepped into the room, Lashure's eyes lit up with a warm smile, catching the attention of the two other men.

They turned to see the three standing there, smiles appearing on their faces.

Rayhan, the first to speak, greeted them with a friendly tone, "Good morning to you three. I hope you had a restful night."

Amkhu, joining in the exchange, added, "Morning. I assume you're setting off today?"

With a grateful nod, Archer acknowledged their warm greetings and returned their greetings with one of his own.

With a cheerful tone in his voice, Archer greeted the trio, "Good morning, all of you. I must say, I had a restful sleep. And yes, Amkhu, we are ready to depart now."

The three men nodded in agreement, and Lashure gestured for them to take a seat. They settled onto a comfortable sofa as he began speaking.

"I wish the three of you a wonderful journey, and I implore you to stay safe," he expressed sincerely.

"Since the downfall of the Kagia and Kheesara Kingdoms, bandits and outlaws have been attacking caravans and travelers on the roads throughout the Southlands. Additionally, it is worth telling you that neither king has been captured, but the kings of the two smaller kingdoms are currently imprisoned."

The trio nodded in agreement. Teuila's voice broke the silence, "Yes, Papa, we will be careful. Before we depart, we plan to visit The Blade's Edge. Ella needs a bow."

Lashure nodded approvingly, his gaze shifting to Archer. "I have no doubt that Mr. White Dragon here will keep a watchful eye over you girls. Remember, you are always welcome here."

With grateful smiles, they spoke to the three rulers for a while before leaving. Archer assured Amkhu and Rayhan that he would pay a visit to their homelands in the future.

They exchanged farewells and made their way out of the room, they unexpectedly encountered Mele and her sister, Malia.

Mele's face lit up with a warm smile as she opened her arms wide, embracing Teuila and speaking with affection and pride.

"My darling Teuila, embarking on a journey with her beloved to explore new lands and encounter new people. Among all your siblings, I never would have guessed that the once reserved and introspective young girl would be the first to embark on such a journey."

Her voice carried a hint of nostalgia, and her eyes shimmered with maternal love as she held Teuila tightly, cherishing the sight of the confident and spirited young woman her daughter had become.

She released Teuila from her embrace and turned to Ella, taking hold of her. "Little El, look after these two. They have a way of marching to the beat of their own drums."

Ella nodded in agreement and replied, "Of course, I will. Teuila is my new friend, so I won't let anything happen to her. But Arch can take care of himself."

She glanced mischievously at Archer and playfully stuck out her tongue before Mele released her grip. Ella then joined Teuila's side.

Teuila leaned in and whispered to Ella, "Watch what she does now. She does this to all my brothers."

Mele approached Archer and enveloped him in a warm hug, pressing his head into her massive cleavage.

Archer relished the soothing feeling and the delightful fragrance emanating from her, but their embrace soon came to an end.

Mele smiled at the young man and spoke as she let him go, "Take care of them, Archer, and be sure to come back and visit. It has been a pleasure getting to know you."

Smiling at the woman, Archer exited the palace, with Teuila and Ella following closely behind him.

Their first destination was The Blade's Edge, where they planned to purchase a bow for Ella.

After a short walk, they emerged from the palace and proceeded down the bustling main street.

They walked for some time until they finally stumbled upon the shop they had been searching for.

The establishment stood prominently, constructed from a combination of sturdy stone and warm wood.

It exuded an air of meticulous maintenance, evident from its pristine appearance. Its sign said, "The Blade's Edge Weapon Shop," which caught their attention.

With Teuila leading the way, she stepped forward and motioned for the others to follow suit.

As the three entered the store, their eyes were captivated by the vast array of weapons, armor, and merchandise on display.

Behind the counter, two people engaged in a heated conversation, seemingly unaware of their arrival.

One of them stood as a towering figure, a tall and robust man with a magnificent grey beard cascading down his chest.

His imposing presence exuded strength and wisdom. The other person was a petite woman with a head of short grey hair.

Despite her stature, her captivating brown eyes possessed an intensity that captivated Archer and the girls.

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