A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 128 Treasure Hunters. (Final)

The hunters pressed forward. Kalia and the twins were at the rear, guarding the wagons.

Thalia turned to her sister and whispered, "Sister, do you sense that?"

Xanthe closed her eyes, sensing a deep rumbling coming from below them. Her eyes shot open, filled with alarm, and she shouted, "Attack!"

Just as her words echoed through the air, enormous chasms opened up all around the hunters, unleashing thousands of Ratlings, accompanied by even more monstrous rat creatures.

These towering Ratlings seethed with uncontrollable rage as they crashed into the hastily formed shield walls.

Kalia swiftly moved forward and shouted to the leader, "Velor! Pull your men back and regroup! If we don't, the swarm will overrun us!"

Velor nodded and ordered. ''Pull back to the wagons, we need to regroup!''

Despite the hunters' efforts to regroup and create a defensive formation around the wagons, some of them fell victim to the monstrous rat-like ogres.

In a merciless display, those unfortunate hunters were massacred, their bodies torn apart before they could even scream.

Undeterred, the remaining hunters firmly planted their shields into the ground, prepared to face the creatures.

The raging Rat-Orges assaulted the shield wall, their ferocity driving them forward. The impact of their charge shattered shields.

Yet, their rampage met an abrupt halt as a sudden blur of ebony and golden locks materialized, Thalia and Xanthe sprang into action.

Thalia, as swift as a striking viper, swiftly decapitated one of the Rat-Ogres, while Xanthe plunged her spear deep into the other's skull.

Amidst the anguished cries of their fallen comrades, who were mercilessly seized and dragged away, the remaining hunters mourned their loss.

Nevertheless, they regrouped, reconstructing the shield wall.

The twins, driven by their unwavering fighting spirit, swiftly moved across the battlefield, taking lives as they went.

However, the relentless swarm of Ratlings continued to surge forward unabated. Thalia moved with lethal precision, slaying three of the advancing creatures as they closed in.

Xanthe's sweeping attack momentarily pushed back a portion of the encroaching horde, her sister Thalia by her side.

The battle raged on for another hour, resulting in the loss of over 200 hunters.

The injured were being tended to by the healers, while the remaining hunters solemnly organized and cremated the fallen.

Sitting around a campfire, Kalia, Thalia, and Xanthe took a moment to rest. The air was heavy with silence until Kalia broke it with a question, her voice filled with concern.

"Girls, do you think it's going to get worse?"

The twins exchanged a nod, and Thalia spoke up her tone grave.

"We have just over 1500 hunters left, and by the time we reach the city, we will likely lose more."

And she was right after traveling for another day and a half they saw Frostholm in the distance but something looked different.

What greeted their eyes was a chilling sight.

The once majestic city now lay in ruins, with wooden ramshackle structures erected haphazardly, seemingly built by the very swarm they were fighting against.

The river that flowed alongside the city mirrored the desolation. It was filled with the remains of shattered ships, a haunting graveyard of vessels that had met a tragic fate.

The water, once serene and inviting, now held an ominous presence, whispering tales of lost souls and forgotten battles.

The hunters observed the scene before them, a shiver ran down their spines.

Thousands of Ratlings swarmed through the wooden buildings, their frenzied movements accompanied by other indescribable horrors that lurked in the shadows.

Velor stopped the hunters. ''Stop! Take a rest and keep your guard up.''

Kalia and the twins approached him, Kalia spoke as she got close. ''Velor what's the plan...''

Before she could finish her sentence, a deafening roar echoed through the air, interrupting her words and causing a ripple of tension to sweep through the hunters.

Everyone jumped to their feet and looked toward the city and when they did they lost all hope.

The ground trembled beneath the hunters' feet as a menacing horde of 10-foot-tall Rat-Ogres charged toward them.

These grotesque beings possessed elongated limbs, twisted features, and a haunting aura that sent shivers down the spines of even the most hardened hunters.

Fear and determination mingled in the air as the hunters braced themselves for the impending clash.

Their weapons gleamed in the sunlight, ready to face this new and formidable threat.

''Rat-Ogres incoming!''

Kalia's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, her command ringing clear. "Hold your ground! Shields up! Prepare to engage!"

The hunters tightened their formation, shields interlocking to form an impenetrable barrier.

The deafening sound of the creatures' thunderous footsteps grew nearer, sending a surge of adrenaline through the warriors' veins.

As the charging horde closed in, the clash became inevitable. Battle cries mixed with the clash of steel and the grunts of exertion, creating a symphony of chaos on the battlefield.

In the midst of the fierce struggle, Thalia and Xanthe moved with swift precision, their weapons slashing through the air with deadly accuracy.

Together, they became a whirlwind of strength and skill, cutting down the monstrous humanoids that dared to challenge them.

The hunters stood strong, defying the overwhelming odds. Their courage and bravery blazed like a fierce flame, empowering their every attack and defense.

With each passing moment, they were being pushed back but they refused to give up, Velor was on the frontline he cut down three Ratlings but was quickly grabbed by Rat-ogre and torn to shreds.

As the battle raged on, a flicker of hope sparked within the hearts of the hunters, only to be swiftly extinguished by a bone-chilling howl emanating from the city.

All eyes turned toward the source of the haunting cry, and a collective gasp escaped their lips as a ghastly sight unfolded before them.

Toweringly tall figures, resembling grotesque hybrids of humans and beasts, jumped of Frostholm's wall and approached the hunters.

These monstrous beings stood at a height of 10 feet, adorned with imposing horns atop their heads.

Their sinewy muscles bulged with unnatural strength, their blood-red eyes gleamed with a malevolent hunger, and their mouths filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth.

A wave of terror washed over the hunters as the grotesque creatures locked their sinister gaze upon them.

To their shock and horror, the creature at the forefront spoke in a bone-chilling voice, its words laden with vile intent.

"Man-Lings...Fiends will Devour...Sacrifice...For the swarm!"

The beasts, now known as Fiends, charged forward, forcing more hunters to step up and reinforce the shield wall, even as they continued to fend off the relentless Ratlings.

The Fiends trampled over numerous Ratlings in their path, leaving Thalia and Xanthe in awe as they witnessed the creatures plow through the hunter lines with brutal efficiency.

With ease, the Fiends slaughtered the defenders, their long claws severing heads and limbs, while the Ratlings swarmed over the wall, adding to the chaos.

Kalia, panic evident in her voice, rushed up to the girls accompanied by 30 surviving hunters who had arrived with them.

She urgently spoke, "Girls, we need to retreat. Those Fiends are terrifying and have already slain every captain who came with us, except for a few."

The twins exchanged nods as they swiftly sheathed their weapons and turned to flee from the gruesome slaughter.

The Fiends ruthlessly massacred any hunters who couldn't escape their relentless pursuit.

In the meantime, the creatures chased after Kalia's group, their chilling howls and menacing jaws filling the air.

Thalia, Xanthe, and Kalia ran together, their hearts pounding with the urgent need to put distance between themselves and the relentless horde.

Amidst the chaos, a single Fiend singled out their group, its predatory instincts kicking in as it swiftly closed the gap, moving with uncanny speed on all fours.

The 30 hunters, panicked and huddled together like frightened chickens, desperately hoping to fend off the Fiend.

The twins, however, knew it was a useless attempt and forcefully dragged Kalia along with them.

Kalia struggled against their grasp, desperately attempting to break free and remain with the hunters.

However, her resistance faltered as she witnessed the Fiend pounce on the group, mercilessly slashing its claws and sinking its teeth into hunters.

Realizing the dire situation, Kalia relented and allowed the twins to lead her away.

They ran for hours, their lungs burning and legs aching, until finally, they caught sight of the abandoned farmhouse they had first came across.

As the group gathered around Kalia, their chests heaving with exhaustion.

The man among them managed to catch his breath and spoke. "We owe you a debt of gratitude for your help. Those Fiend creatures overwhelmed our guild."

Kalia nodded, understanding the situation and feeling a sense of unease.

She spoke with concern and realization. "You're not alone in underestimating what we're facing. The reports didn't prepare us for the fierce and swift attack. It could be a sign of an imminent wave."

They continued running as the twins rejoined them and the group sprinted toward the wall, their hearts pounding as more fiends emerged.

Their pace quickened, but just when it seemed all hope was lost, a barrage of powerful mana blasts soared over their heads, crashing into the fiends with explosive force.

Some of the creatures were torn apart, their grotesque forms scattered.

A man from the group couldn't contain his elation and shouted, "It's the Spellfire Mortars! The defenders on the wall have spotted us!"

However, his celebration was abruptly cut short as a Ratling's spear pierced his body, snuffing out his life in an instant.

He fell to the ground, a life extinguished without even realizing his fate.

The twins were the first to reach the towering wall, followed by Kalia and the two remaining hunters.

The gate lay open with the Dreadnoughts standing there, the soldiers let them pass as the Ratlings slammed into their shields.

With their large hammers, they butchered the creatures as they retreated into the wall. But Kalia had an issue, Thalia and Xanthe vanished before they got interrogated.

  [A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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